- Fr. Dierker Award – Tony Sebben
Bob Schaefer
Tim Flemming taking over leading the round table next year
- Opening Prayer – Father Modde
- Secretary’s Report - Brian Etzkorn
- Treasurer’s Report – Chuck Roessler
73,654 in the coffers
- Athletic Assoc. Report - Jim Reznicek
Thanked Bob Schaefer for his speech
Soccer team won 4-0
Discussion about one of the head coaches of soccer because of the league they were placed in
- Talked about how important it is for teams to identify this ASAP
Suspension was appealed and was upheld and will not appeal to a 25 member board of controls
Thanks to John Bader for fixing the fence
Thanks to Tim Cuneo for taking over the basketball lay director
Still looking to move things out of back pen
Looking for Emma to provide AED training and CPR
Jeff Ardnt going to help out with seeding the fields
Adding things to the outdoor bathrooms and looking for a new bid and will bring back to Holy Name
- President’s Report – Bob Spencer
Revenue is up 16.8% from last year in concession stand
- Transferred $2000 to holy name
- Will transfer another $1000 later in the month
- Added healthy items
- Adding breakfast
If anyone is interested in reffing soccer or basketball they are looking for refs
Looking for concession stand worker teams
- See Chuck Roessler
Approx. 50 athletic uniforms that haven’t been returned. Please look and figure out if you have one.
- If you are a coach shoot a email out to your team to remind them
- Problem lies with graduating 8th graders mostly
- Sick/ Deceased Report – T. Sebben
- Organization Reports:
White House Retreat Report – J. Belcher
- Feb 18th – 21st
- What is White house
- A preach retreat
- A laid back time
- Lots of time for reflection
- Mass and confession
- Time to be prayerful
- Allotted 30 space, about halfway there
- Look to the guys who have attended the meetings for more info
Boy Scouts Report – J. DiMercurio
Parish Council Report – B. Etzkorn
Knights of Columbus Report – B. Etzkorn
Youth Ministry – B. Etzkorn
Home and School – B. Etzkorn
Madonna Guild – B. Etzkorn
- Old Business
Basketball Tournament – Don Bowe
- 25 anniversary tourney
- Teams coming in slow
- Need workers from 430-5 to setup the gym BADLY (2-3 per night)
- Banners run from the tourney on November 29th through the basetball season 3’x4’
- No adbook need to raise money
- Dan Cerruti and Andy Sandroni stepped up to be major sponsors for tourney
- 50/50 auction
- Bob Schaefer in charge of getting prizes for the raffle
- 3 golfers plus lunch at Sunset Country Club
Selling $5 raffle tickets for this
Going to bring to the next Holy Name
- Mike Matheny auto baseball
- Bobble heads
- Looking for anything else
- Please remember to pray for Ed and his family
Friday Night Lights – J. Reznicek
- Was WELL attended
- Thanks to all who donated
- Only downer of the night was a major injury for a child
- Thanks to Jeff Goodman for the video
- Gave out a soccer ball and vball to one kid per game who showed the best sportsmanship
- Was great to see all the parish orgs come together to support the event
- Bob thanked Jim and Tom for charring this event and all their work
- New Business
Luke 18 Donation – B Spencer
- Asking for us to sponsor a $400 lunch
- Motion made and seconded and passed to pay for the lunch
Miracle at New Melle – Leo
- Queen of Hearts raffle that could generate a lot of money for the parish
- Based on a set of playing cards
- Sell tickets
- Each week a ticket is pulled and when the queen of hearts is pulled the tickets are thrown out and it restarts over
- Targeted to be sell tickets at BINGO but a member of the BINGO committee cannot be involved
- Asking for a member of the organization to come and sell them
- Question asked if the Diocese was ok with it?
- Father Brad feels it is ok
- Targeted for a LED sign up front for the first 30-40,000
- After we get to that point 10% would go back to the Org
- Would it affect our current raffle?
- Overall feeling that it wouldn’t affect it
Board Nominations – B. Spencer
- Nominations Secretary
- Brian Etzkorn is stepping down
- John Bock nominated
Turned down
- Nominations Treasurer
- Chuck Roessler nominated
Accepted for 1 more year
- Motion made to close nominations, seconded and approved
- Nominations VP
- Jim nominated
Accepted for 1 more year
- Motion made to close nominations, seconded and approved
- Nominations for President
- Bob Spencer nominated
Accepted if elected
- New Members
Bryan Lynn
Matt Wozniak
Jim Staub
- Bulldog Raffle Drawing – B. Onder
- 60/40
- Next meeting – December 7, 2015
Mass at 7PM
Meeting at 8PM
- Closing Prayer- Father Modde