Millennium Release2007Upgrade

  • The upgrade will occur in August 2008on a Saturday evening and into Sunday.
  • During this time all the Millennium modules, the Web OPAC, and Automated Telephone Renewal will be inaccessible by staff and public.

New Features

  • In Millennium Circulation, the Collection Agency product will be enhanced to include a breakdown of patron financial activity in the Updated Patrons report. New breakdown consists of: previously bill materials returned, fines paid, fines waived, fines added.
  • In Millennium Circulation, the Collection Agency product will be enhanced to include the ability to manually prevent a patron from being selected by the New Submissions report.
  • In Millennium Circulation, a new report allows libraries to compare the number of requests at a location to the number of copies that location owns. It can then decide if more copies need to be purchased for that location. [Setup Required]
  • In Millennium Circulation, the ability to permit the renewal of items that have bib-level holds via staff override will be available. [Setup Required]
  • Innovative SIP2 message responses for 3rd party self-check machines (3M) will be enhanced to reflect the media type associated with the item being circulated. [Setup Required]
  • In Millennium Cataloging, the system will have an optional ability to track the last few users who have edited bibliographic records. [Setup Required]
  • It will now be possible for patrons with a current email address in their patron record to recover a lost PIN number through a standard “Forgot your password?” function.[Setup Required]
  • In the OPAC, a new My Account feature, My List, is available to be used as a complement to Reading History. As Reading History can track what you’ve checked out, My List can be use to keep track of what you are considering checking out.[Setup Required]
  • In the OPAC, customizable messages can be created in My Account for various patron functions such as why a renewal was not successful, or when trying to change a PIN.[Setup Required]
  • In the OPAC My Account, a customizable warning will be provided above the list of checked out material and well as by the individual affected records when a renewal fails.[Setup Required]
  • Most Web Management reports are available through a new easy to use web interface that features direct-to-spreadsheet exporting.

  • III is implementing new print templates that increase flexibility for font and for what fields appear on the following print jobs. Libraries will have the ability to have a different template set per Millennium login. [Setup Required]
  1. Circulation Hold Slip
  2. Circulation Transit Slip
  3. Cataloging Spine Label
  4. Serial Routing Slip
  5. Acquisition Purchase Order.

Current Circulation Hold slip

TITLE: “L” is for lawless / Sue G Grafton.


BARCODE: 30751100389388

PATRON NAME: Verminski, Test

ADDRESS: 4400 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh PA 15228


TELEPHONE: 412-622-8820

PICKUP AT: Crafton Library

New option for Circulation Hold slip

Verminski, Test

Fri Jul 18 2008

“L” is for lawless / Sue G Grafton.

LP GRA bblp


4400 Forbes Ave

Pittsburgh PA 15213


Crafton Library

Current Circulation Transit slip

TIME:Wed Jul 02 2008 02:40PM


TITLE: The world according to Garp


BARCODE: 34567008399477


PICKUP AT: Bethel Park Library

Received. Item has hold to be picked up

at Bethel Park Library.

When it arrives at Bethel Park Library,

please check-in item to activated hold.

New option for Circulation Transit slip

Bethel Park Library

Thu Jul 03 2008 01:30PM

Received. Item has hold to be picked up

at the Bethel Park Library.

When it arrives at Bethel Park Library,

please check-in item to activate hold.

TITLE: The world according to Garp / Irving


BARCODE: 34567008399477



  • In Millennium Acquisitions, it will be possible to delete cancelled orders that have no payments.
  • In Millennium Acquisitions, the maximum number or PAID fields on an order record will be extended to 125.
  • In Millennium Acquisitions, it will be possible to edit invoices that are finished but not yet posted.


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