UDL Lesson Plan Directions

A.)  Please go to the following web page: http://lessonbuilder.cast.org/. In the upper right hand corner of this web page, you will be able to create an account for this website. You will create your own user name and then the website will email you a password to the email address that you provide.
B.)  After you have created an account and logged onto the lesson builder’s home page with your password, please click link number “3” on the home page to build your own UDL lesson plan for this activity.
C.)  Please create your UDL lesson plan by adding information to each of the nine lesson plan headings that are listed. These headings include: 1. Lesson Overview; 2. Unit Description; 3. Lesson Description for the Day; 4. State Standards; 5. Goals; 6. Methods; 7. Wrap-up; 8. Assessment; 9. Materials.
(To add information to each heading, click the Edit icon next to each heading and then type information into each heading’s text box. Make sure to save what you add to each heading by clicking the SAVE option at the bottom of each heading’s text box.)
D.)  When you are finished, please print your lesson plan by clicking the PRINT icon in the top right hand corner of the page. Please give a printed version of your lesson plan to Scott by the beginning of our week ten class on Tuesday, October 30. Please do not email your lesson plan to Scott.

UDL Lesson Plan—Point Breakdown (out of 50 points)

1.  -Lesson Overview: (5 points)
To earn five points, please provide a title, author (your name), subject, grade level(s) and duration for your lesson plan in the Lesson Overview section on the lesson builder web page (please do not make the duration of your lesson plan longer than 60 minutes).
2.  -Unit Description: (2 points)
To earn two points, please describe the general topic of the unit your lesson could belong to in one to three sentences.
3.  -Lesson Description: (2 points)
To earn two points, please provide a brief overview of your lesson in one to three sentences.
4.  -State Standards: (2 points)
To earn two points, please list two standards related to your lesson’s subject area from the following link: http://opi.mt.gov/PDF/CurriculumGuides/Curriculum-Development-Guide/Rev-Standards-Glance.pdf
5.  -Goals: (3 points)
To earn three points, please write one unit goal as related to your lesson plan and two specific lesson goals.
6.  -Methods: (16 points)
Anticipatory Set:
To earn four points for your methods, please describe in two to five bulleted statements the information you will share and/or the activities you will lead and/or the questions you will ask in order to build anticipation in your students for the lesson.
After you describe the anticipatory set, please tell me in one brief paragraph the UDL strategies you will use in the anticipatory set. Therefore, please indicate how you will represent information in multiple ways and how students will engage information in multiple ways and how students can express knowledge in multiple ways.
-Methods continued:
Introduce and Model New Knowledge:
To earn four more points for your methods, please describe in two to five bulleted statements the information you will share and/or the activities you will do and/or the questions you will ask in order to introduce and model new knowledge for your students.
After you describe how you will introduce and model new knowledge, please tell me in one brief paragraph the UDL strategies you will use as you introduce and model new knowledge. Therefore, please indicate how you will represent information in multiple ways and how students will engage information in multiple ways and how students can express knowledge in multiple ways.
Provide Guided Practice:
To earn four more points for your methods, please describe in two to five bulleted statements how you will provide guided practice for your students with the new knowledge they have learned.
After you describe how you will provide guided practice, please tell me the UDL strategies in one brief paragraph you will use in guided practice. Therefore, please indicate how you will represent information in multiple ways and how students will engage information in multiple ways and how students can express knowledge in multiple ways.
Provide Independent Practice:
To earn four more points for your methods, please describe in two to five bulleted statements how you will provide students independent practice with the new knowledge they have learned (this could include homework and class projects).
After you describe how you will provide independent practice, please tell me the UDL strategies in one brief paragraph you will use in independent practice. Therefore, please indicate how you will represent information in multiple ways and how students will engage information in multiple ways and how students can express knowledge in multiple ways.
7.  -Wrap-up: (2 points)
To earn two points, please describe in two to five bulleted statements how you will wrap-up the lesson and/or summarize the new knowledge students have learned.
8.  -Assessment: (4 points)
To earn four points, please describe one formative assessment you will use in one to three sentences. Also, please describe one summative assessment you will use in one to three sentences.
9.  -Materials: (3 points)
To earn three points, please indicate at least three materials you will use in this lesson.
***Please note a “Class Configuration” text box is not on the Lesson Builder website; therefore, please just write in the description of your class configuration at the end of your lesson plan as prompted below.***
10.  -Class Configuration: (4 points)
To earn four points, please describe the class configuration for your lesson plan in one brief paragraph. To do so, please indicate the geographic location of your school; the number of students in your classroom and the types of disabilities associated with two students in your classroom.
11.  -Turning in your lesson plan: (7 points)
To earn seven points, please turn in a printed version of your lesson plan by the beginning of class on Tuesday, October 30 in week ten. One point will be deducted from your final score for each day your lesson plan is turned in after this time. Please discuss any other arrangements with Scott prior to the due date.

Thank you for practicing universal representation, engagement and expression in your lessons!