(Club 1053, District 14)
JULY 1, 2005 TO JUNE 30, 2006
This plan outlines the goals and objectives of GSU Campus Talkers from July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006. Officers elected for the January-June 2006 term are encouraged to review this plan in January and revise the plan and/or strategies to meet our goals.
The mission of GSU Campus Talkers is to create a professional, friendly, and supportive environment in which GSU students can develop their communication and leadership skills, through implementing programs and practices recommended by Toastmasters International.
The objective of our Club is to become a President’s Distinguished Club for 2005-2006 by achieving 9 of the 10 goals specified by Toastmasters International. Here is our plan for accomplishing this goal.
DISTINGUISHED CLUB REQUIREMENTS / OWNER / WHO / RESULTS1 / 2 CTMs (10 Speeches from first manual) / VPE LaCier / Raphael,
2 / At least 2 Additional CTMs (10 speeches from first manual) / VPE LaCier / LaCier , Adriana
3 / 1 ATM (2 ATM manuals/5 speeches each) / VPE LaCier / Dr. White
4 / At least 1 additional ATM (2 ATM manuals/5 speeches each) / VPE LaCier / Fatima
5 / 1 CL (officer, attends training, 2 SCS, AL or DTM speeches) / VPE LaCier / Raphael
6 / At least 1 additional CL, AL, DTM / VPE LaCier / Yasmine
7 / 4 new members / VPM Open
8 / At least 4 additional new members / VPM Open
9 / Submit all reports to TM on time: semi-annual Club officers list & semi-annual dues and membership list / Dr. White / Dues: 4/1 & 10/1
Officers list: 11/1 & 5/1
10 /
- At least 4 officers attend District 14 Leadership Institute semi-annually Summer (4 officers) & Winter (4 officers)
Required: 4 new members or at least 20 members as of June 30, 2005 / VPM +
The following action plan shows the specific actions that officers and members will take for the Club to meet its stated goals and objectives.
EDUCATION PLAN / WHEN / OWNER / RESULTSImprove the effectiveness of our educational program by following TM guidelines to ensure members meet their personal goals. / VPE
- Schedule manual speeches for every educational session, coordinating speeches with meeting/time requirements. Each week, fill the roles/speakers for next meeting; complete agenda; include speech #, time & title; e-mail agenda to members; bring copies of agenda to meeting
- Reserve roles of timer & grammarian for new members. Train new members to play all roles, including speaker evaluation.
- Meet with new members during 1st week of membership to schedule IceBreaker; meet with new members during 1st month to establish goals.
- Invite a guest speaker as part of Professional Speaker Series at least twice a semester.
- Vary meeting activities to promote interest in, participation in, and attendance at meetings.
- Ensure a minimum of 4 members attain their CTM from July 1 to June 30.
- Meeting Review: Summarize every meeting in an upbeat e-mail to all members; recognize accomplishments; promote attendance / participation.
Increase membership by promoting GSU Campus Talkers and implementing a PR Plan that includes: / VPM
- Target all undergraduates including those taking BCOM 3950, MBA students and PHD students.
- Participate in the Student Organization Marketplace. Campus Connections, Welcome Week Street Fair, etc
- Include professional flyer in MBA Women’s Mentoring Program packets & Women’s Leadership Forum packets.
- Recruit at least 8 new members by Dec 31, and a total of 15 new members by June 30, 2006
- Remind faculty of TM & encourage them to refer students for club membership.
Actively promote Campus Talkers to Increase club visibility and reputation on campus and recruit new members. / VP/PR
- Publish monthly e-newsletter to keep club members informed and help recruit new members
- Post flyers on campus bulletin boards, libraries and leadership office to maximize club exposure
VPE LaCier
- Toastmaster speaks to at least 2 classes during 2nd week of FA & SP semesters to promote TM membership
- Create a club display case on the GSU Campus Walk Hall of Fame for October 2005.
Keep website current to attract prospective members; advertise meeting date/time/place; promote special events / Update by 1st of every month / Sonia McCollum (via) Dr. White
Improve the effectiveness of our meetings and the value of TM membership for every member by adhering to the following guidelines:
Hold one business meeting each month / 1st meeting every month / Pres Rhondre
Hold one Speech-A-Thon each semester / November & May / VPE LaCier
Hold one joint meeting with a professional Club a year / August / Pres Rhondre
Hold one social event each semester to celebrate outgoing officers/incoming officers/graduates / December & May / Committee / Propose date inDecember
Toastmasters use “How I Want to be Introduced” book to introduce members / Ongoing / VPE to monitor
Role players use “Toastmasters Wear Many Hats” to understand/meet role requirements / Ongoing / VPE to monitor
Officers/members practice appropriate TM etiquette to ensure guests are greeted warmly, sign the guest Book, and are introduced to President & members. / Every meeting / VPM Open & everyone.
Set up “welcome table”
- Member sign-in sheet/pen & name badges
- Guest book/pen, New Member Applications, FAQ sheet, brochures, newsletter, Toastmasters magazine
- Sign-up sheet for next meeting; ballots
- Agenda
No meetings scheduled for the following dates:
- Semester break 2005: August 10 & 17
- Thanksgiving 2005:
- December Holiday break 2005:
- Spring break 2006:
Improve the effectiveness of club communication to help all members improve their communication skills by adhering to the following guidelines:- Hold at least one officer’s meeting a semester.
- Record the minutes of every business meeting; type up; email to Dr. White for review; email to members 1 week before next scheduled business meeting. File copy in Secretary’s book.
- Business meetings: Coordinate meeting times with VPE: draft business meeting agenda; collaborate with Dr. White; edit; bring copies to meeting
& VPE LaCier
- Educational Sessions: Each week, fill roles/speakers for next meeting; e-mail new agenda to members; edit; bring copies of final agenda to meeting
- Meeting Review: Summarize every meeting in an upbeat e-mail to all members; recognize accomplishments; promote events
Club officers are responsible for monitoring the progress of this plan and for making changes or taking action to ensure objectives are met.
Each officer is responsible for
- Carrying out his/her duties as specified in his/her officers’ manual efficiently, effectively and expeditiously.
- Notifying the President and or other officers, in a timely manner when he/she is unable to fulfill the role as specified.
Each member is responsible for:
- Attending meetings regularly and assuming a role at most meetings.
- Creating and following a plan to meet his/her personal goals and assisting the club in meeting its goals. All members should submit a plan showing their personal goals to the VPE in September and January of each year of membership.
- Notifying the VPE or his/her mentor, in a timely manner, if s/he is unable to accomplish these objectives.
Meeting times
Club meetings will be held on Wednesdays -- 12:30 to 1:15 PM -- in 609 Classroom South, Georgia State University, 100 Decatur Street SE, Atlanta, GA 30303-3202.
Club Officers – July 1 to December 31, 2005
President / Rhondre Hall /VP Education / LaCier Keith-Jones /
VP Membership / Open
VP Public Relations / Open
Secretary / Yasmine Bey /
Treasurer / Dr. Carol White /
Sergeant at Arms / Raphael Johnson /
Webmaster / Sonia Winters /
Faculty Advisor / Dr. Carol White /
Prepared by: Rhondre Hall, President
Reviewed by:Dr. Carol White
Approved at Business Meeting: July 2005
Club Officers – January 1 to June 30, 2006
PresidentVP Education
VP Membership
VP Public Relations
Sergeant at Arms
Webmaster / Sonia Winters /
Faculty Advisor / Dr. Carol White /
Updated: June 28, 2005 by RAH.