PM4194-012H. McCoy

Pastoral ministries Internship

Senior Internship Syllabus

Zion Bible College

PM4193-01, 1 Credit

Spring Semester 2011

Internship Times: To Be Arranged with Pastor

Rev. Heath McCoy, Instructor

Academy Hall #131

Office Phone: 978-478-3455

Office Hours: Thursday, 1:30 – 2:30


The learning structure/philosophy of the Pastoral Ministries Internship will be a fourfold process:

(1) I am doing it; (2) you see me doing it; (3) we do it together; (4) you do it. The pastor-supervisor is already functioning in the first step. The second stage is the intern watching the pastor-supervisor, asking questions about the process, and coming to an understanding of the “why’s” in the local situation. The third step is for the pastor-supervisor and the intern to function in the ministry together. The fourth stage is the intern engaging in the ministry without the pastor-supervisor.


The intern is accountable to his/her senior pastor. The intern will work directly with the Senior Pastor of the church, who by virtue of their office or responsibility, experience, and ability is entrusted with the oversight of the Zion Bible College intern as he/she participates in pastoral ministries within the local church.


The Pastoral Ministries Intern will:

1.  Be given the opportunity to understand the daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and seasonal schedule of the pastorate.

2.  Be given the opportunity to experience the broad spectrum of pastoral ministry; public and private.

3.  Be given the opportunity to understand the dynamic and various levels of relationship building in the pastorate.

4.  Be given the opportunity to understand the different decision-making processes involved in the pastorate.

5.  Be given the opportunity to understand the heart of a pastor and to begin the process of allowing God to develop their heart for the pastoral ministry.

6.  Be given the opportunity to experience working on a practical ministry project. This project can be, but is not limited to, the starting of a new ministry or the re-vitalization of a ministry the pastor-supervisor deems necessary for the participating church.

Credit Hours

The intern will receive one credit for the semester he/she fulfills requirements outlined in the pastoral ministries internship syllabus.


  1. Complete and submit all forms and evaluations to the Christian Service office by due dates.
  2. Demonstrate a servant attitude and an eagerness to learn.
  3. Fulfill all requirements as noted in the syllabus.
  4. Participate in pastoral ministry/duties within the church twice (2) a week for a minimum of fourteen (14) weeks each semester.
  5. Notify the pastor at assigned church of all absences in advance.

Requirements of Pastoral ministries intern

·  Covenant: Complete and submit the Internship Covenant to the Christian Service Office by Monday, January 31st, 2011. Failure to turn in covenant will affect the student’s “forms” grade.

·  Attendance: Attending two (2) services per week at your internship church is imperative and required.

·  Meet with Supervisor: The intern must meet a minimum of seven (7) hours each semester with the pastor. This affords the opportunity to discuss topics related to pastoral responsibilities and roles in the church and to consider the Intern’s process and progress in their call and ministry to pastor. A portion of each meeting between pastor and the intern should be devoted to discussion/ evaluation of: (a) The pastors’ schedule since last meeting. This is for the purpose of giving the intern an understanding of the consistency and flux of pastoral ministry; (b) The heart of the pastor. (c) The process/scheduling of meeting the objectives of the internship.

·  Meet with the Christian Service Director: If questions or issues arise throughout your internship you are encouraged to meet with the Christian Service Director.

·  Pastoral Ministry Participation: Throughout the semester, the intern is to participate in ministries/events such as, but not limited to:

1.  Hospital/nursing home visitation.

2.  Home visitation, both for first-time guests and church members.

3.  Mid-week or Sunday evening series preaching/teaching (2-3 weeks).

4.  Put together the order of a service and conducting it (without preaching).

5.  Participate in, or conduct a funeral service.

6.  Conduct a baptismal service.

7.  Teach a membership class(s).

8.  Attend staff and board meetings.

Interns are expected to document their ministry experiences as entries in their journal. (see below)

·  Preaching: The intern will preach a minimum of one (1) time on either a Sunday morning or a Sunday night in the semester. The pastor-supervisor is to walk the intern through the process of sermon preparation. The pastor-supervisor is to have the opportunity to review and comment on the intern’s sermon before it is delivered. The intern is expected to make the necessary changes and to accept and follow the advice of the pastor-supervisor. The meetings between the pastor-supervisor and the intern can be and should be used for preparation of the preaching/teaching event. All notes, outlines, research, and suggestions from your pastor are to be included in your internship binder.

·  Ministry Project: The intern is to work on one (1) ministry project in the local church. This can be the starting of a new ministry, the re-vitalization of an existing ministry, or assisting the pastor-supervisor in a project he/she is currently working on. Both the supervising pastor and the intern must be aware of the time limits for the intern, realizing this is a one-credit field experience. Notes and any documents relative to the project are to be submitted in the internship binder.

·  Journal: The journal given to the student at the beginning of the fall semester should be completed during the spring semester. A detailed journal which records your observations each week will demonstrate your ability to critically think and articulate your findings. The journal must reflect appreciation and constructive criticism (if applicable) of your field experience. This is your opportunity to think through the hard issues and reflect proactively the way in which you would respond, given the opportunity. Your journal will highlight the journey of a potential pastor and should serve as a guide in the future. Be factual and creative; dialogue with the issues at hand to express them clearly; think out loud in your journal.

Due: April 18th, 2011. The journal is to be included in your project binder.

·  Vocational Papers: Interns shall include the listed papers in the internship binder and review them with their pastor/supervisor. The documents must include an attached, typed summary of your dialogue with your supervisor.

  1. Philosophy of Ministry
  2. Personal Goals and Objectives
  3. Resume

·  Internship Evaluation Paper: Write a one to two-page (2-3) evaluation of your entire internship experience while at Zion. Be frank about your experience with the program, its connection to academics, and its benefits to you. The paper is due Monday, April 18th, 2010 to the Christian Service Office, and must be in proper Turabian format. *Do not include paper in your binder, please turn in separately.

The paper is due Friday, December 3rd, 2010 to the Christian Service Office, and must be in proper Turabian format.

·  Internship Binder: * The Binder should include additional assignments/documents of ministry participation (such as sermon notes) and any assignments not completed in the fall. Binders not including assignments from the fall will not receive full credit. This binder is designed to familiarize you with the overall function of pastoral duties in the scope of church ministry. Compile and present the overall structure of the church which includes the constitution and/or by-laws and any available legal documents of the church. Include the church mission statement, policies and procedures, budgetary documents and information, positions and job descriptions to show how they all connect. If the church/department does not have any of the above, create your own that you would see fit, or include samples from other ministries.

The project must be a combination of written and collected resources totaling no less than twenty (20) pages, not including your journal. Presentation must be neat and will account for twenty (20%) percent of the grade: Doodling and/or sketches on the cover or inside are not acceptable.

The following must be included in your binder which is due Monday, April 18th, 2011 to the Christian Service Office:


1.  Solid colored 8 ½ by 11”, 3-ring binder.

2.  A cover or title page with the following title: “Pastoral Ministries Senior Internship Project”. The cover should follow Turabian format for cover sheets.

3.  A table of contents.

4.  Uniform tab dividers that are clearly labeled (should match table of contents).

5.  If material/information is not original, you must cite the source.

6.  Be sure to date, and chronologically order your project.

Content: Assignments to be completed and included in your project.

  1. Collection/compilation of church documents.
  2. Pastoral ministries: Observations and notes from your experiences.
  3. Preaching/teaching: All notes, etc. of your sermons/lessons.
  4. Ministry project.
  5. Vocational papers.
  6. Journal.

Self Evaluation: Each intern will complete a semester-end evaluation of their learning experience which includes an in-depth review of their learning and the benefits. This will be distributed to your box near the end of the semester. Failure to turn in the self evaluation will affect the student’s “forms” grade. Date Due: April 18th, 2011.


Pastor’s Evaluation…………………….50%

Written Work…..…..…….…...………..50%

Reflection Paper………20%

Project Binder………….25%

C.S. Forms………………5%

Attendance (see Student Handbook)



  1. Complete the Internship Covenant.
  2. Supervise the intern in his/her responsibilities.
  3. Meet with the intern at least twice (2) a month as noted in requirements to discuss topics, and all related issues.
  4. Write an assessment of the interns’ growth as well as weaknesses and strengths. This evaluation will be sent to the pastor from the Christian Service office and is to be reviewed with the intern upon completion.
  5. Return completed evaluation form to the Christian Service office by due date specified on form for processing of interns’ grade.


Assignments: All assignments are due by 5:00 P.M. to the Christian Service Office (Academy 133) on the date due. All others will be considered late. Assignments should be written in Turabian format.

All late assignments are to be turned into the instructor’s office, not placed in campus mail. There are no exceptions to this policy unless mandated by the office of the Academic Dean.

Extension Policy: Extensions will only be granted for the following four reasons: 1) hospitalization for illness. A doctor’s note confirming such is required; 2) extended serious illness that prevents a student from attending class. This requires a doctor’s note and signature of verification from the student’s Resident Director; 3) funerals or family emergencies granted as an approved absence by the Academic Dean and Dean of Students; 4) school-approved activities.

If the student meets one of these exceptions, a “Request for Extension Form” must be filled out one week in advance of the due date. The form can be obtained from the Office of Admissions or the Office of the Academic Dean. The “Request for Extension” form should then be presented by the student to the Office of the Academic Dean for the Dean’s signature. The Dean’s office will forward the form to the Office of Admissions and Records and the student will receive a copy. The Student is to turn in all approved extension work to the professor by the due date indicated on the extension form. Failure to turn in a paper or project by the due date will result in a grade of “0” for the paper or project.

Late Paper Policy: Assignments received after 5:00 P.M. the day the paper is due will receive an automatic point deduction of five (5) points. For each twenty-four hour period (including Saturdays, Sundays and school breaks) that the paper is not turned in, there will be a forfeiture of five (5) points from the total points. If the paper is not submitted within five twenty-four hour periods after the due date and time, an automatic score of zero (0) will be entered for the grade with no chance of making up the paper. If a hard copy cannot be presented in person by the specified time and hour, an email copy may be submitted by the deadline for verification of completion with a hard copy following.

Plagiarism: A student who submits written material as his/her own work which has been copied in whole or in part from another person’s work without acknowledgement is guilty of plagiarism. Material, whether published or unpublished, copied from another writer, must be identified by the use of quotation marks and documentation with specific citation of the source. Paraphrased material must likewise be attributed to the origin author.

Copying another student’s paper, with or without permission, or using his/her ideas with only minimal reworking, is plagiarism, as is the copying from printed books and magazines without giving credit to the original source. Any student who submits a plagiarized paper or who permits another person to copy his/her work is subject to any of the following actions: a grade of “zero” or “F” for the work, failure in or expulsion from the class, being reported for further disciplinary action.

Cheating: A student who engages in dishonest behavior such as: using unauthorized notes or material when taking an examination, copying answers to examination questions, or engaging in securing unauthorized copies of examination questions (including aiding another person in doing so), is subject to the action or penalty indicated above. Copying another person’s class work and/or homework and submitting it as one’s own, or having another person perform an assignment and submitting it as having originated from themselves personally is guilty of plagiarism—which is cheating. Such students will therefore be subject to the above discipline. Faculty members are to submit all such cases on the appropriate “Plagiarism Form” to the Office of the Dean of Academics.
