Board of EducationNovember 16, 2009





River Bend Community Unit District #2 November 16, 2009

The Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of River Bend Unit District #2, Whiteside County, Illinois, was held on November 16, 2009, at the River Bend Middle School LRC.

President Portz called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:32 P.M. Upon Roll Call by the Secretary the following members were present: Chris Barnett, Edward Cole, Eric Fish, Jane Orman-Luker, Dan Portz, and Mark Wade. Absent: Larry St. Ores. Others present: Dr. Jane M. Bauer, Superintendent and Virginia Petersen, Recording Secretary.

President Portz led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Additions to the agenda: Dr. Bauer added Medicaid Administrative Services by Fairbanks, LLC.

Mrs. Schipper introduced Overall Steamer of the Month, Travis VanZuiden. The teacher who nominated Travis described him as demonstrating a positive attitude and is the first to help in class. He is courteous, responsible and works hard at everything that he does. Travis serves as an example to other students in both curricular and extra-curricular activities.

President Portz announced Drew Nederhoff was selected as Vocational Student of the Month in September and attends the Auto Service class.

Portz welcomed all visitors: Tara VanZuiden, Samantha Moller, Don Benning, Justin Krusey, Richard (Floyd) Boston, Susie Boston, Travis VanZuiden, Todd VanZuiden, Kari Wiersema, Scott Johnson, Cheryl Piercy, Nick Crosthwaite, and Margaret Crosthwaite. Principals: Mindy Dunlap, Kathleen Schipper, and James Spielman. RBEA Representatives: Tim Morris and ShelbyTiesman. Media Representatives: Samantha Pidde, Clinton Herald and Steven Martens, QuadCity Times.

It was moved by Member Fish, seconded by Member Orman-Luker, to approve the October 19, 2009, Regular Board Meeting minutesas presented;the November Bills recommended for payment;and approve the OctoberTreasurer’s Report, subject to audit. Roll Call:

Member Barnett, yeaMember Orman-Luker, yea

Member Cole, yeaMember Portz, yea

Member Fish, yeaMember Wade, yea

Motion Carried.

President Portzasked if anyone would like to speak as part of public forum. Richard (Floyd) Boston asked to make a statement. President Portz informed him student discipline or complaint against a staff member issues could not be discussed in open session.

It was moved by Member Wade, seconded by Member Cole, to go into closed session for the purpose(s) of discussing matters concerning a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body; and student discipline at 6:43 P.M. Roll Call:

Member Barnett, yeaMember Orman-Luker, yea

Member Cole, yeaMember Portz, yea

Member Fish, yeaMember Wade, yea

Motion Carried.

It was moved by Member Cole, seconded by Member Fish, to come out of closed session for the purpose(s) of discussing matters concerning a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body; and student discipline at 7:08 P.M. Roll Call:

Member Barnett, yeaMember Orman-Luker, yea

Member Cole, yeaMember Portz, yea

Member Fish, yeaMember Wade, yea

Motion Carried.

Mr. Scott Johnson reported on the roof projects. Once the job is done occupancy permits must be applied for and Statements of Completion also have to be issued on the specified amendments.

It was moved by Member Wade, seconded by Member Cole, to approve the application for issuance of an Occupancy Permit for the Fulton Elementary School Unit Ventilator Replacement Work project number 09-024, the Fulton Elementary School Reroofing Work project number 08-165, and the Fulton High School Reroofing Work project number 08-165. Roll Call:

Member Barnett, yeaMember Orman-Luker, yea

Member Cole, yeaMember Portz, yea

Member Fish, yeaMember Wade, yea

Motion Carried.

It was moved by Member Cole, seconded by Member Wade, to approve the Statements of Completion for the following Health Life Safety Amendments:

Fulton Elementary School Amendment number 4 for Unit Ventilators, actual cost $15,642.70.

Fulton Elementary School Amendment number 5 for the roof project, actual cost $308,460.00.

Fulton Elementary School Amendment number 6; for Unit Ventilators, actual cost $15,250.00.

RiverBendMiddle SchoolAmendment number 10, for Shower repair, actual cost $7,930.00.

RiverBendMiddle School Amendment number 12, for Walkway roof, actual cost $23,225.

RiverBendMiddle School Amendment number 13; Water Main Break, actual cost $2,680.00.

Fulton High School Amendment number 6, Boiler stayrods, actual cost $11,200.

Fulton High School Amendment number 7, Boiler stayrods, actual cost $4,398.75.

Roll Call:

Member Barnett, yeaMember Orman-Luker, yea

Member Cole, yeaMember Portz, yea

Member Fish, yeaMember Wade, yea

Motion Carried.

Mr. Scott Johnson informed the Board the bid specifications for the RiverBendMiddle School roof will go out December 10, 2009, and will be due sometime in January. The Board inquired as to whether or not the roof drains would be included in the specifications. Mr. Johnson said they are putting them in as a unit bid which means after the roof is torn off and the drains are inspected, if necessary, they will be replaced. An alternate bid will be included for gutter heaters. The specifications will include 2 layers of 2” insulation.

It was moved by Member Wade, seconded by Member Orman-Luker, to approve the RiverBendMiddle School summer roof project as presented and direct the superintendent to advertise for bids. Roll Call:

Member Barnett, yeaMember Orman-Luker, yea

Member Cole, yeaMember Portz, yea

Member Fish, yeaMember Wade, yea

Motion Carried.

(Scott Johnson left at 7:30 P.M.)

Don Benning, accompanied by Justin Kursey, from the office of Benning Group, LLC, presented the FY 09 audit. Mr. Benning explained the comment in the Report on Internal Control that states there is a lack of sufficient expertise in selecting and applying accounting principles in preparing the district’s financial statements including the notes to such financial statements. This means the district does not have an accountant on staff. The district was required to have a Circular A-133 audit this year because of Federal ARRA funds and because of this the lack of sufficient expertise has been increased in status to a “finding.” Mr. Benning reviewed many items of the budget and concluded with the following comments: 1) Dormant activity funds need to be closed, 2) Two High School Activity Funds, Lock Fees and Transcripts, should be District funds, not Activity accounts, 3) Purchase orders should have hand written signatures to ensure the purchase is truly authorized whenever possible, and 4) Care should be taken to ensure that expenditures match the final grant budget amounts for the federal grant program. In the annual financial statementRiverBend’s profile score is 3.80 which is Financial Recognition.

It was moved by Member Fish, seconded by Member Barnett, to acknowledge receipt and approval of the FY 2009 draft audit. Roll Call:

Member Barnett, yeaMember Orman-Luker, yea

Member Cole, yeaMember Portz, yea

Member Fish, yeaMember Wade, yea

Motion Carried.

(Don Benning and Justin Krusey left at 8:05 P.M.)

November 15th was Illinois School Board Members’ Day. To honor the Board Members, President Portz distributed certificates to each of the Board Members thanking them for making personal sacrifices and for the countless hours dedicated to the commitment to public education.

Mrs. Dunlap reported Parent-Teacher conferences went well. Training for Rosetta Stone, the after school Spanish Program, will be held on November 23, 2009, with the program to start after Thanksgiving.

Member Orman-Luker reported on behalf of the Foundation. At the November 10, 2009, monthly meeting it was learned that President, Stan Borgman, would be stepping down. He has served as president of the Foundation since 1986. Additionally, the Foundation accepted, with regret, the resignation of Board Member Karen Abbott. In other business the Foundation approved $500 for 2010 Earth Day Environmental activities and a $1,450 mini grant request from Fulton Elementary School First Grade Teachers for 288 guided reading supplemental books.

Member Barnett reported on behalf of the RACECommittee. The RACE Committee met on November 4, 2009. Drew Hoffman, Bi-County Special Education Director, reported on Special Education and AYP, the 1% exception, and Workload Plans. Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies (PBIS) was discussed and the buildings do not wish to pursue unless everyone is on board. Four team members at the Elementary School are willing to work on common language that can be used across the district. The district submitted a grant to Greater River Bend for Kindles to pilot in 8th grade. Teams are working on vertical alignment in Math and Language Arts. Budget reductions and pre-school funding were also discussed.

Dr. Bauer updated the Board on the asbestos abatement project. Ronnie VanKampen, the districts designated Asbestos Manager, and Dr. Bauer are scheduled to meet with Jason Boltz, GeneralCounsel, Illinois Department of Public Health on Wednesday, November 18, 2009, in Springfield. The meeting will also include Mark Miller, the architect of the design project, and the Engineer from the firm with the low bid for the project. The district does not have insurance coverage for asbestos therefore; Dr. Bauer recommended adopting a repayment bond through FirstMidStatewithin sixty (60) days of the project being paid. The project will be Health Life Safety and will cost over $50,000.

Dr. Bauer informed the Board that bids for the asbestos abatement project at FultonHigh School were originally scheduled to be opened on Thursday, November 12, 2009, but were postponed so questions could be answered. Bids were opened, Monday, November 16, 2009. Bids were opened at 10:10 A.M. and in attendance were Mark Miller, Project Designer from Bracke-Hayes-Miller-Mahon Architect, Virginia Petersen, River Bend CUSD #2 Recording Secretary, and Dr. Jane Bauer, River Bend CUSD #2 Superintendent. Bids were received from Abatement Specialists, Cedar Rapids, IA in the amount of $46,536 base bid and $2,800 alternate bid; Champion Environmental, Gilberts, IL in the amount of $59,000 base bid and $3,200 alternate bid; and M & O Environmental Co., Peoria IL in the amount of $63,400 base bid and $9,300 alternate bid.

It was moved by Member Barnett, seconded by Member Orman-Luker, to approve the apparent low bid for $46,536 base bid and $2,800 alternate bid submitted by Abatement Specialists, Cedar Rapids, IA and direct the Superintendent to notify the parties involved. Roll Call:

Member Barnett, yeaMember Orman-Luker, yea

Member Cole, yeaMember Portz, yea

Member Fish, yeaMember Wade, yea

Motion Carried.

Dr. Bauer informed the Board that the IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference is November 20, 21, and 22 in Chicago. Member Portz, Barnett, and Dr. Bauer plan to attend. Mrs. Kathleen Schipper will be honored and initiated into the Education League of Illinois (ELI) at Dr. Bauer’s recommendation, on Friday at 10:45 A.M. at the Swissotel. ELI was founded in 1880 and members support the public school system of our State and Labor for the elevation of the profession and improvement of school instruction.

Dr. Bauer informed the Board insurance payments for the repairs and replacements caused by the fire at the FultonElementary School are coming to an end. Dr. Bauer, Brenda Sheckler, and Mrs. Dunlap are in the process of comparing bills to the amount paid. Once this is done, the process will be complete. To date the district has received $195,000 and expended $212,000 on fire damage related items.

Dr. Bauer informed the Board that state finances are bad and they will not have the funds to disburse to the school districts. It is possible schools will only receive 50% of the funds they are entitled to receive. Dr. Bauer reviewed the district budget which will have to be watched closely throughout the year. Dr. Bauer also recommended no transportation vehicle purchases be made this year due to the uncertainty of finances. Bauer reported total revenue is at 36.11% while total expenditures are at 32.62%. With the projections related to the lack of funds in Illinois hold true, the receipt of revenue will not keep pace with expenditures. The district must be very careful in spending on only what is needed.

Dr. Bauer reviewed the District’s state testing results posted on the IIRC website. All grades and subject scores have gone up over the years but the bar continues to rise and the district will stay vigilant in finding ways to improve test scores. The District had 80% of their students meet or exceed State standards compared to the State’s average of 76% of students meet or exceed State Standards.

Dr. Bauer informed the Board that Reading Recovery celebrates twenty-five years in North America. HarlemSchool is recognized as an outstanding training site. Reading Recovery teachers Mrs. Stacy Germann and Mrs. Jennifer Ludin train at HarlemSchool.

Dr. Bauer informed the Board a meeting will be planned with Morrison Superintendent, Dr. Suellen Girrard to discuss athletic cooperative possibilities between the districts after the football season. The lowest participation at FultonHigh School is track, girls’ basketball, and softball. It is good to be proactive about holding discussion related to possible future cooperative possibilities.

Dr. Bauer informed the Board the property taxes on the rental property will increase in 2010. The house located at 1229 14th Avenuehas been rented by an ADM employee. The Board reviewed one bid for reroofing the house, covering the soffit, and fixing the siding. They agreed to wait until spring to do the roof and the soffit, but the siding will have to be repaired before winter. Dr. Bauer will contact district maintenancepersonnel to repair the siding.

Personnel was reserved for closed session.

Dr. Bauer reviewed the tentative levy which reflects a 12.01% increase over last year’s extension.

It was moved by Member Orman-Luker, seconded by Member Fish to approve the tentative levy as presented and establish a levy hearing for 6:30 P.M. on Monday, December 14, 2009, at the River Bend CUSD #2 District Office. Roll Call:

Member Barnett, yeaMember Orman-Luker, yea

Member Cole, yeaMember Portz, yea

Member Fish, yeaMember Wade, yea

Motion Carried.

Dr. Bauer informed the Board the Policy Committee will meet before the second reading of select policy updates.

It was moved by Member Cole, seconded by Member Fish, to acknowledge and approve the first reading of select policy updates 2:20, 2:40, 2:110, 3:40, 4:30, 4:40, 4:100, 4:110, 4:140, 5:30, 5:90, 5:100, 5:120, 5:250, 5:280, 5:290, 5:330, 6:110, 6:300, 6:310, 6:320, 6:340, 7;100, 7:190, 7:240, 7:300 and 8:100. Voice vote, all yea, motion carried.

Dr. Bauer informed the Board that bids for Workman’s Compensation were received last year so this year the District will stay with the current carrier which is Illinois Public Risk Fund. Illinois Public Risk also funds a grant for $2,000 which is up from $1,400 last year.

It was moved by Member Cole, seconded by Member Wade, to approve Workman’s Compensation Insurance from Lockhart and Law with Illinois Public Risk Fund at a cost of $48,275 for one year. Roll Call:

Member Barnett, yeaMember Orman-Luker, yea

Member Cole, yeaMember Portz, yea

Member Fish, yeaMember Wade, yea

Motion Carried.

Dr. Bauer informed the Board that the Illinois Special Education regulation requires districts to adopt a plan which establishes limits on the workload of special education educators so that all of the services on the student’s individualized education plan can be provided. The term “Workload” now replaces the term “Case Manager.” The Workload Plan is not part of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

It was moved by Member Orman-Luker, seconded by Member Wade, to approve the Workload Plan as presented. Voice Vote, all yea, motion carried.

Dr. Bauer informed the Board that ISBE has notified the District that there is a disproportionate number of white students identified for special education. According to calculations, the District has under indentified white students with IEP’s by .21% which means the district would have to have 2 more white students with IEPs to fit the formula. Obviously, the interventions are working and the goal is to identify fewer students for special education.

It was moved by Member Wade, seconded by Member Cole, to approve Special Education Disproportionally District Self-Assessment as presented and direct the superintendent to submit to ISBE. Roll Call:

Member Barnett, yeaMember Orman-Luker, yea

Member Cole, yeaMember Portz, yea

Member Fish, yeaMember Wade, yea

Motion Carried.

Dr. Bauer informed the Board Fairbanks, LLC, was the recipient of the state-wide vendor contract with Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS). Beginning with the October-December 2009 quarter, Fairbanks will be administering the Medicaid Administrative Claim program instead of the PeoriaSchool District.

It was moved by Member Orman-Luker, seconded by Member Barnett, to approve the Interagency Agreement between Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) and River Bend CUSD #2 accepting Fairbanks, LLC, as the administer of the Medicaid Administrative Claim Program. Roll Call: