Near East South Asia Council of Overseas Schools


Notice to Heads of NESA Member Schools

In May, 1996, the NESA Board, through the generosity of GBG TieCare International, established the annual "Stanley Haas/Luke Hansen Student Award". Amended by the NESA Board in March, 1997, to ensure increased student participation and recognition, the following have been set as guidelines for the "Haas/Hansen Student Award":

1. The award is open to all middle school students (i.e., grades 6-8, inclusive) enrolled in NESA member schools.

2. Cash awards of $500 each will be made to the three finalists, chosen by a NESA Board appointed Selection Committee, to be used for their further education.

3. The Selection Committee will invite one of the three finalists (and an accompanying adult) to attend and address NESA’s annual Spring Educators Conference with costs covered by NESA.

4. Any remaining funds from the annual award will be set aside to establish a fund endowment to ensure the perpetuation of this award.

5. The timeline for the award will be:

A. The NESA Center forwards an announcement of the award and copies of all necessary forms to NESA member schools.

B. The NESA Board appoints a Selection Committee.

C. December 1: all completed applications and reference forms are due in to the NESA Center.

D. January 31: all applicants are notified of the Selection Committee’s decision.

Near East South Asia Council of Overseas Schools


Sponsored by GBG TieCare International

Application Information

In May, 1996, the NESA Board, through the generosity of TIE-CARE, established the annual "Stanley Haas/Luke Hansen Student Award". In the spirit of Stanley Haas, late executive director of NESA, and of Luke Hansen, a remarkable student who died in an accident, this award is given to students who model the character traits that we value most in our students: persistence, a willingness to take risks, acceptance of other cultures and points of view and a genuine interest in and demonstrated, sustained commitment to the welfare of others.

Application for the award is open to all middle school age students (i.e: grades 6-8, inclusive) currently enrolled in a NESA member school. Cash awards of $500 each will be made to the three finalists chosen by a selection committee appointed by the NESA Board of Directors. The first place winner will be invited by the committee to attend and address the annual NESA Spring Educators Conference, accompanied by an adult of her/his choice, with all expenses covered by NESA.

We encourage you to apply. The application process itself will help you to discover a lot about yourself! Please read over the directions that follow to make sure you understand the procedures for applying and are familiar with the deadlines. Since the award is made early in the school year, you should start working on your application now!

Near East South Asia Council of Overseas Schools


Sponsored by GBG TieCare International

Application Directions

1. Complete and submit the “Application Data Sheet” to Maria Boutzarelou at NESA (see full address below).

2. Prepare and submit a portfolio illustrating your involvement in the life of your school and community, highlighting your efforts to making the world a better place. This portfolio can take several forms: an essay (5 pages maximum); and/or a work of art. The portfolio must consist solely of work done by you; however, to help you make the best presentation possible, feel free to ask either one of your parents or one of your teachers/counselors for advice on how to assemble this portfolio. Be honest, be yourself! This should be sent to the NESA Center. All materials must be in English.

3. Ask three adults to write confidential letters of recommendation for you. One must be from a current or former teacher/counselor; one must be from a coach or activity advisor; and the third may come from any adult of your choice. These letters of recommendation should be sent directly to the NESA Center, and must be written in English.

4. Your completed application form, your portfolio and all three letters of recommendation must reach the NESA Center no later than December 1. This deadline is final, so make sure you give yourself and those writing letters of reference for you plenty of time. Also, consider using a courier service or registered mail to insure on-time delivery.

5. If you have applied before, feel free to apply again. However, you should submit a new application, a revised portfolio and three new or updated letters of recommendation.

This is a great opportunity for you to highlight your contributions to others. We encourage you to apply. . .or reapply. . .for this award.

PLEASE NOTE: Student Portfolios and supporting documents become the property of NESA, and will not be returned. Please send copies of pictures and awards, not the originals.

Near East South Asia Council of Overseas Schools (NESA)

Gravias 6, Aghia Paraskevi 153 42, Athens, Greece

Tel: (30-210) 600-9821, Fax: (30-210) 600-9928,

Near East South Asia Council of Overseas Schools


Sponsored by GBG TieCare International

Application Data Sheet


Date of Birth:


Phone and/or Fax:

Name of your school:

Date you enrolled in this school:

Present grade:


Parental Permission: Please have your parent or guardian sign, indicating that s/he knows that you’re applying for this award.

I understand that my child is applying for the NESA "Haas-Hansen Student Award". S/he has my permission to do so.

Parent Signature:

School Authorization: I understand that this student in grade ___ at my school, is applying for the NESA "Haas-Hansen Student Award".

School Administrator Signature:

Confidential References: Please list the names of the individuals whom you have asked to write references for you. It is essential that their letters get to the NESA Center no later than December 1 for your application to be complete.







Near East South Asia Council of Overseas Schools (NESA)

Gravias 6, Aghia Paraskevi 153 42, Athens, Greece

Tel: (30-210) 600-9821, Fax: (30-210) 600-9928,

Near East South Asia Council of Overseas Schools


Sponsored by GBG TieCare International

Confidential Reference Sheet

In the spirit of Stanley Haas, late executive director of NESA, and of Luke Hansen, a remarkable student who died in an accident, the annual "Stanley Haas/Luke Hansen Student Award" is meant to recognize students who are a credit to themselves and to their schools. The award is given annually to students of middle school age (i.e: grades 6-8, inclusive) currently enrolled in schools that are members of the Near East South Asia Council of Overseas Schools ("NESA").

The "Haas/Hansen" award is not meant to recognize a specific academic, athletic or artistic talent or achievement, though nominees may well excel in one or more of these areas. It is to highlight those young people who model the character traits that we value most in our students: persistence, a willingness to take risks, acceptance of other cultures and points of view and a genuine interest in and demonstrated, sustained commitment to the welfare of others.

The student who has asked you to write a reference on her/his behalf believes that you can give a fair and honest assessment of her/him in light of these criteria. Please do so to the best of your ability, limiting yourself to one page. It is essential that this reference be kept strictly confidential and that you send it directly (preferably by courier or registered mail) to the NESA Center.

Please do not share the text of your letter with the applicant. We will honor this confidence and will regard your letter as privileged information. Your letter must reach the NESA Center no later than December 1. Unless your letters get here by that date, the application will be incomplete and the student will not be considered further for the award.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


David Chojnacki

Executive Director

Near East South Asia Council of Overseas Schools (NESA)

Gravias 6, Aghia Paraskevi 153 42, Athens, Greece

Tel: (30-210) 600-9821, Fax: (30-210) 600-9928,