Economics Syllabus: 2011-2012

Instructor: Ryan Stone

Teacher’s daily schedule:

Odd Days / Even Days
Period 1 – Global Studies I
Period 3 – Planning
Period 5 – Economics
Period 7 – Global Studies I / Period 2 – Planning
Period 4 – Global Studies I
Period 6 – Global Studies I
Period 8 – Global Studies I

Course Description

Economics is based on the 2005 South Carolina Social Studies Academic Standards and is a course that strives to give students financial literacy. Key concepts, such as price and demand, personal finance, and the role of government will be emphasized. Students will participate in numerous practical projects throughout the term, including the stock market game and the personal finance project.


Economics, Holt

Pacing Guide

·  Unit 1 – Introduction to Economics

o  Chapter 1 – What is Economics?, 1.5 weeks

o  Chapter 2 – Economic Systems, 1.5 weeks

·  Unit 2 – Elements of Microeconomics

o  Chapter 3 – Demand, 2 weeks

o  Chapter 4 – Supply, 2 weeks

·  Unit 3 – Beyond the Basics

o  Chapter 9 – Sources of Capital, 2 weeks

o  Chapter 10 – Economic Performance, 2 weeks

o  Chapter 12 – Role of Government, 2 weeks

o  Chapter 16 – Comparing Economic Systems, 2 weeks

·  Unit 4 – Personal Finance Project – 3 weeks


Newspaper Articles – 15% (this assignment is pending a Greenville News grant)

Participation – 15%

Chapter Tests – 20%

Minor Projects – 20%

Personal Finance Project – 30%


Homework functions as a preview or reinforcement activity and is a valuable tool for increasing students’ level of participation in the classroom. Homework will consist of keeping up with reading in the text and any projects that require work outside of the classroom. Reading quizzes will be given to check progress throughout the year.

Missed Work/Makeup Work

After being absent, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what assignments were missed and to make them up within five school days. If a student is absent the day an assignment is due, it is then due the day the student returns. If a student is present the day of a test review, the student should be prepared to take the test on the day he/she returns. (Mitigating circumstances will be considered).

Late Work

Late work will be penalized one letter grade per day it is late. After three days, work will not be accepted. Late work due to an excused absence from school will not be penalized.

Parental and Student Agreement

I understand and agree to the conditions set forth in this syllabus.
