Web Room Bookings: FAQ’s
How do I alter the times of my booking?
It is not possible to change the times of your booking using the Web Room booking system. If a provisional booking needs altering in any way please email .
How do I cancel my booking?
You will be able to cancel your booking by clicking on the “My Bookings” link in the top right-hand corner of the screen. There should be an option to cancel your bookings via this link.
Why is the room I require not showing on the system?
It could be that the room you require is fully booked and therefore unavailable. Specialist spaces will not appear on the online booking system. If you wish to book any of the following please contact .
Spaces not available online:
- CH G012 Boardroom.
- CH G014 Jenny Lind Chapel.
- McClelland Centre.
- CD G006 Seminar.
- PN G009 Seminar.
- TT 006 Seminar.
- Labs.
- Skills rooms.
- Practical areas such as the Sound Studio, Gym, Dance and Drama studio.
- Art rooms.
- Open spaces such as Main reception.
- Seminar rooms at Worcester Arena.
Why is the system showing no availability?
If the system is not showing any availability it is likely that all rooms are booked for that specific date and time. Altering the time of your booking can sometimes help provide more availability. Teaching sessions run from 09:15 so there is more likely to be room availability at 15 minutes past the hour rather than on the hour. If you have chosen a particular building in your search this can reduce availability. Clicking on University of Worcester rather than a particular building can help increase availability. Reducing the capacity size could also help provide more room options. If you have any queries regarding availability please email .
What do the abbreviations on the availability page mean?
The first letters that you see listed on the room availability page refer to the building. Please see below:
- BB: Bredon.
- BY: Binyon.
- CC: Conference Centre.
- CH: Charles Hastings.
- EE: Edward Elgar.
- HB: Hines Building.
- JL: Jenny Lind
- MH: Mulberry House.
- PN: Peirson.
- RB: Riverside.
- SS: Shelia Scott.
- WB: Woodbury.
There should be a description which follows the room number. Please see below:
- Seminar: Normal teaching room. There are a small number of teaching rooms which do not contain AV equipment. If you require AV please ensure you click Data projector on the first booking page under options.
- PC: This room contains several PC’s.
- MAC: This room contains MACs only rather than PC’s.
- Lecture: These rooms contain tiered seating.