Australian College of Veterinary Scientists
Membership Examination
June/July 2008
Veterinary Pharmacology
Paper 1
Perusal time: fifteen (15) minutes
Time allowed: two (2)hours after perusal
Answer four (4) from the five (5)questions only
You must answer Question One (1)
All questions are of equal value
Subsections of questions are of equal value unless stated otherwise
Paper 1: Veterinary pharmacology
Answer four (4) from the five (5) questions only. You must answer Question One (1).
1.This question must be answered. Write short notes onthree (3) of the following:
–the types of drugs used to treat ventricular and supraventricular tachy-arrythmia, and the drugs’ modes of action and common clinical uses
–the drugs used to treat gastric ulcers in dogs, and the drugs’ modes of action, adverse effects and common clinical uses
–the terms ‘steady state’,‘maintenance dose’ and ‘loading dose’, explaining what governs steady state and what factors would influence your decision to employ a loading dose
–advantages and disadvantages of modified live viral vaccines
–mechanisms of bacterial pathogen survival in the face of antimicrobial therapy
–selective toxicity -a difference in toxicity of chemotherapeutic drugs from one form of living matter compared with another.
Answer three (3) of the following four (4) questions:
2.Discuss the effects of ageing on drug disposition in older animals. Explain the clinical relevance of these effects on therapeutic decisions.
3.Polypharmacy is often used in veterinary practice, increasing the potential risk of adverse drug interactions. Discuss the mechanisms by which these interactions may occur. In which drug classes are clinically significant interactions most likely? Give examples of drugs in three (3) of these classes.
4.Anthelmintic resistance is widespread in sheep populations in both New Zealand and Australia to all commercially available anthelmintic actives. Consider the introduction of a new, orally delivered, anthelmintic drug that has activity against gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep, a mode of action dissimilar to currently available actives and has no appreciable persistent activity. Describe use patterns and management strategies that would be likely to retard development of resistance to this drug. Explain how you would monitor for resistance development.
5.Discuss prevention of further absorption and enhancement of elimination in the treatment of toxicosis of companion animals.
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Veterinary Pharmacology Paper 1Page 1 of 2
Australian College of Veterinary Scientists
Membership Examination
June/July 2008
Veterinary Pharmacology
Paper 2
Perusal time: fifteen (15) minutes
Time allowed: two (2)hours after perusal
Answer four (4) from the five (5)questions only
You must answer Questionone (1)
All questions are of equal value
Subsections of questions are of equal value unless stated otherwise
Paper 2: Veterinary pharmacology
Answer four (4) from the five (5) questions only. You must answer Question One (1)
1.This question must be answered. Write short notes onthree (3) of the following:
–the factors that influence the absorption of a drug following topical application
–the anamnestic (secondary immune) response and its relevance tovaccination
–the design of anticancer chemotherapy schedules to maximise efficacy and minimise toxicity
–the criteria defining the adequate dose of a drug and the stages in drug development that lead to final dose determination
–power in statistical analysis
–significance of, and factors affecting, residues at an intramuscular injection site.
Answer three (3) of the following four (4) questions:
2.You have been asked to contribute on behalf of the Pharmacology Chapter to the Science Week program on the topic of prudent use of antibiotics. Outline a presentation you would give on this topic to one(1) of the following:
–the Cattle Chapter
–the Equine Diseases Chapter
–the Veterinary Dermatology Chapter.
3.Write an outline for designing a clinical trial that demonstrates the efficacy of a new drug to be used in a food-producing species under local conditions. Dose determination, toxicology and residue studies have all been completed. This efficacy trial is to enable (local) registration (Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicine Authority or the New Zealand equivalent).
Continued over page
4.A colleague asks you for advice regarding anaesthesia of a 12-year-old miniature schnauzer requiring surgery for a tibial fracture. The patient has experienced signs of congestive heart failure,which are being controlled by an ACE inhibitor for the past 18months. Following a pre-anaesthetic blood screen, your colleague is concerned that the patient has decreased liver function. Discuss the factors you should consider in designing an anaesthetic protocol, available agents and the commonly used agents that should be avoided.
5.You have been asked to investigate a report ofeitherpanleucopaenia in vaccinated kittens recently purchased from a breeder,orsuspected leptospiral abortion in vaccinated beef heifers. Describe how you would investigate this and the factors that can contribute to a vaccine failure.
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