Minutes of the meeting of Starcross Parish Council held in
Starcross Pavilion, Starcross, on Monday 10 April 2017 at 7.45pm


Cllr Hopper (Chairman), Burrows, Cadbury, Chadwick, Chase, Debenham, Gardener, Greenhough, Lovell and


Also present:

Suzanna Hughes (Clerk), District/County Cllr Connett and two members of the public


·  Cllr Stanley

·  PC Rob Harvey & PCSO Adrian Overieu

100417.02 OPEN FORUM

Members of the public were invited to voice matters of concern or opinion on subjects pertaining to Starcross.

Kevin Lake introduced himself to members and informed them that he would be standing as the Conservative candidate for the Exminster and Haldon ward in the upcoming County elections.

A parishioner informed members that she had recently moved into New Road and had made representations to both the County Council and the Parish Council about buses, parking and the condition of the highway. Having requested that consideration is given to increasing the double yellow lines in New Road, she advised that she was aware that there is a parking issue in Starcross and requested that consideration is also given to residents and where they can park. The Chairman advised that the matter would be discussed by members at item 10.



Members present received the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 13 March 2017.

Cllr Gardner advised members that he had given his apologies for the last meeting but these hadn’t been recorded. An amendment was made after which it was agreed unanimously by those members present and voting that these minutes be signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record of that meeting.


Members were reminded of their responsibility to continually update their Notice of Registerable Interests and invited to state whether they have any interest in the items to be discussed during this meeting in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct. Unforeseen requests for a Dispensation to be considered at this point only if there was no way a member would have been aware of such before the meeting.

There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensation.



A copy of the report detailing outstanding resolutions requiring action was circulated to and noted by members. The Chairman asked that each Committee Chairman deals with items relevant to their Committee within their Chair’s Report.


100417.06 CRIME REPORT

Reported crimes from 14/02/17 – 09/04/17

Starcross (3 crimes)

·  Assault – Minor assault, child on child. Parent of victim unwilling to substantiate action, just wanted to notify police. No further action.

·  Theft of boat – Dinghy and trailer stolen from dinghy park. No leads. Undetected.

·  Dog not under proper control – Dog on dog bite, minor injury. Advice given to owner of offending dog and vet bill covered. Enquiries complete.

Cockwood (1 crime)

·  Theft – Caravan stolen from forecourt of business. Enquiries ongoing.

Cofton (0 crimes)



Cllr Connett reported that he had been involved with the concerns raised about the road traffic issues on New Road and had been asked by the Chairman to explain the procedure for the creation of traffic orders which he would do at item 10. All other matters were up to date or had been dealt with by correspondence with either the clerk or members.



Committee Chair Report (Cllr Hopper)

8.1 Financial Report – members received and noted the financial report for 13 March – 10 April and were asked to approve the payments listed (copy attached)

AGREED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present that the payments listed are made. The report was signed by three signatories.

8.2 Action List Report

There were no outstanding matters requiring action.

8.3 General Report/Questions & Answers

The Chairman circulated a balance of the Council’s accounts approximating the Council’s reserves at year end. He estimated that there would be a balance of £38,803. He advised that he had prepared this figure so that members could give full consideration to item 11.1.



Committee Chair Report (Cllr Cadbury)

9.1 New planning application:

No new planning applications were considered.

9.2 Decisions:

9.2.1 17/00241/FUL - Veterinary Laboratories Agency, Staplake Mount, Starcross

Erection of a temporary post mortem suite

Members noted that TDC has granted conditional planning permission.

9.2.2 17/00240/FUL - Veterinary Laboratories Agency, Staplake Mount, Starcross

Demolition of existing lean-to structures and erection of new cold store, effluent treatment plant and delivery /collection bay, erection of new link corridor to south façade, raising and reconfiguration of existing post mortem roof, replacement of cladding

Members noted that TDC has granted conditional planning permission.

9.3 Action List Report

There were no outstanding matters requiring action.

9.4 General Report/Questions & Answers

Cllr Burrows informed members that he had heard that the Williams Field Development is definitely going ahead.


100417.10 COMMUNITY

Committee Chair Report (Cllr Debenham)

The Chairman invited Cllr Connett to explain the procedure for making traffic orders.

Cllr Connett explained that DCC now deal with new traffic orders on an annual basis. Parishes

are invited to submit their aspirations which are then fed into the County’s traffic officers who

investigate whether they are legally and technically achievable. The proposals are then

advertised and if they are not contested the orders will be made. If contested, the proposals will

be referred to HATOC to make the decision. Any proposals which are submitted over the next

few weeks will take about 12 months to go through the process. Generally, any new proposals

need to be supported by the Parish Council.

10.1 Proposal: To request that DCC Highways extend the double yellow lines at the junction of New Road and Courtenay Terrace southwards along the western side of Courtenay Terrace to a total distance of 10 metres, to reinforce compliance with Highway Code Rule 243:

‘Do not stop or park opposite or within 10 metres of a junction, except in an authorised parking space’.

AGREED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present and voting to amend this proposal and amalgamate it with the proposal at 10.4. The new proposal to be agreed at item 10.5.

10.2 Proposal: To request that DCC Highways install double yellow lines at the corner of Bonhay Road and Well Street, to extend 10 metres eastwards along the southern side of Bonhay Road, to improve visibility at the corner and thereby the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and cars.

Proposer: Cllr Debenham; Seconder: Cllr Rastall

AGREED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present and voting to request that DCC Highways install double yellows as proposed.

10.3 Proposal: To request that DCC Highways install a bus bay on the northern side of New Road just west of the junction with Well Street, in order to improve safety by allowing bus passengers to alight from the bus directly onto the pavement.

AGREED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present and voting that this proposal is deferred until the next meeting.

10.4 Proposal: To request that DCC Highways extend the double yellow lines at the junction of Well Street and New Road westward along the northern side of New Road to a total distance of 10 metres (to reinforce compliance with Highway Code Rule 243), or to meet up with the proposed bus bay.

AGREED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present and voting to amend this proposal and amalgamate it with the proposal at 10.1. The new proposal to be agreed at item 10.5.

10.5 Proposal: To request that DCC Highways extend the double yellow lines at the junction of New Road with Well Street and Courtenay Terrace to reinforce compliance with Highway Code Rule 243 and improve visibility and safety as follows:

To extend the double yellow lines southwards along the western side of Courtney Terrace from the junction with New Road to a total of 10 metres

To extend the double yellow lines westward along the southern side of New Road from the junction with Courtenay Terrace to a total of 10 metres

To extend the double yellow lines westward along the northern side of New Road from the junction with Well Street to a total of 10 metres.

Proposer: Cllr Debenham; Seconder: Cllr Greenhough

AGREED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present and voting to request DCC to extend the double yellow lines as proposed.

10.6 Action List Report

There were no outstanding matters requiring action.

10.7 General Report/Question & Answers

Cllr Debenham reported as follows:

·  General’s Lane Boat Park – the racking has now been installed. Four flat parking spaces have been let, and four racking spaces. The fifth flat space will not be let until the four boats are in situ, as it may be that five would not allow adequate wriggle room between the boats. Total income so far - £480.00. The remaining rack spaces will be advertised in the Newsletter next month. There are three remaining abandoned dinghies and one paddle board. A quote will be obtained for disposal of these before

the next PC meeting.

·  General's Lane car park - this has been cleared of weeds and litter with the help of Starcross In Bloom volunteers Gillian and Joe. Many thanks to them.

·  Station planters - Starcross in Bloom has been in contact with Great Western with a view to getting these planted up for the summer.

·  Starcross and Cockwood Tidal Defence Scheme - The Environment Agency public information event will be taking place in the Pavilion tomorrow, 11th April, all day.

·  Annual Parish Meeting - this will take place on Saturday 13th May and will be an all day event. Each committee is asked to prepare a table top display to show what the responsibilities of the committee are, what has been achieved over the last year, and what is planned for the next year, as well as providing a opportunity for residents to express their own views and aspirations for the village. We might look to provide tea and a bun to allow opportunity to sit and chat together. The event will be advertised in the Newsletter at the end of this month. It was suggested that the Committee Chairs get together ahead of the event to consider how the event will be structured.

·  Land on General’s Lane – Powderham’s Estate Director, Iain Beaumont, has agreed to review the situation with regard to the future of this site which is currently not being maintained and is being used as a dumping ground.

The Chairman thanked Cllr Debenham for the work that has been done at the Boat Park which had significantly improved this space and was much appreciated.


100417.11 RECREATION

Committee Chair Report – Cllr Rastall

11.1 Proposal: To accept the quote from Roadform to tarmac the sports field car park.

Proposer: Cllr Hopper, Seconder: Cllr Rastall

AGREED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present and voting to accept the quote from Roadform for £16,792.28 to tarmac the sports field car park. This would be funded from reserves.

11.2 Proposal: To meet with a small group of SPC members to look at the ‘Playpark’ and decide what repairs are urgent as per the RoSPA report. The RoSPA report also mentioned that the Sports field needs a bin by the shelter.

This was agreed.

11.3 Proposal: To set the boiler thermostat in the hall at 18 degrees and maybe cover it with clear sign not to alter it.

This was agreed.

11.4 Proposal: To write to Devon Air Ambulance Trust to inform them that Starcross Parish Council now wishes to proceed with the provision of night flying on the Starcross Sports Field subject to acceptable costings and the satisfactory conclusion of a consultation with local residents and the granting of planning permission for the installation of the lighting mast on the field in the specified location.

Proposer: Cllr Chadwick, Seconder: Cllr Rastall

Cllr Chadwick confirmed that the letter was not binding. Further, the equipment would be funded by Exeter Lions Club and the cost of installation funded by DAAT.

AGREED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present and voting to write to DAAT as proposed. Cllr Chadwick to draft a letter which would be forwarded by the clerk. It was also agreed that Toby Russell from DAAT is invited to the Annual Parish Meeting and that an article is placed in the Parish Newsletter consulting with residents who may be affected by the proposal.

11.5 Action List Report

Cllr Rastall reported that the cement bases were in place on the field ready for the new picnic benches.

11.6 General Report/Questions & Answers



100417.12 YOUTH CLUB

Committee Chair Report

12.1 Proposal: To start the process of recruiting Youth Leader and Assistant Youth Worker placing advertisements with a view to carrying out interviews in May/June. The pay and conditions offered would be the same as those for the existing workers.

Proposer: Cllr Chadwick; Seconder: Cllr Cadbury

After discussion about the recruitment process for these posts, an amendment was proposed and agreed to include the following words ‘and to fund effective advertising’.

AGREED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present and voting to start the process of recruiting as proposed and amended. Cllr Chadwick to insert an advert in the Parish Newsletter and on Devon County Council’s jobs pages.

12.2 Action List Report

There were no outstanding matters requiring action.

12.3 General Report/Questions & Answers

Cllr Chadwick informed members that no children had attended the senior club over the last couple of weeks and that the Youth Leader had sent some leaflets to the senior schools to encourage attendance.









The next meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Monday 8 May 2017 commencing at 7.45pm in The Starcross Pavilion, Generals Lane, Starcross.



Chairman of the Parish Council DATE: 8 May 2017

Note: In cases where a document or paper is referred to on the Agenda or the Minutes, this document will be available EITHER on the Parish Council website www.starcrosspc.org.uk or on request from:- The Clerk to the Council, 16 Westwood Cleave, Ogwell, Newton Abbot TQ12 6YE. 01626 330311