Department of Defence

Section 2: Defence Outcomes and Planned Performance

2.1 Outcomes and Performance Information

Government outcomes are the intended results, impacts or consequences of actions by the Government on the Australian community. Commonwealth programs are the primary vehicle by which government entities achieve the intended results of their outcome statements. Entities are required to identify the programs which contribute to government outcomes over the Budget and forward years.

Each outcome is described below together with its related programs. The following provides detailed information on expenses for each outcome and program, further broken down by funding source.


From 1 July 2015, performance reporting requirements in the Portfolio Budget Statements sit alongside those required under the enhanced commonwealth performance framework. It is anticipated that the performance criteria described in Portfolio Budget Statements will be read with broader information provided in an entity’s corporate plans and annual performance statements – included in Annual Reports from October 2016 – to provide an entity’s complete performance story.


Department of Defence

Figure 1: Structure of Defence’s Outcomes


Department of Defence

Outcome 1: The protection and advancement of Australia’s national interests through the provision of military capabilities and the promotion of security and stability
Outcome 1 Strategy

Outcome 1 addresses the following strategic objectives:

·  analysing international security circumstances to develop and provide advice to decision-makers on the strategic policy options available to Government in pursuit of Australia’s Strategic Defence Interests as outlined in the 2016 Defence White Paper;

·  maintaining and building a defence capability that underpins Australia’s security and prosperity and provides options for a credible response wherever Australia's Strategic Defence Interests are engaged; and

·  strengthening Australia’s defence relationships with our ally the United States and our international partners.

Defence strategy guides the Department in developing and maintaining the capacity to deter and defeat attacks on Australia, and defend our interests. The Strategic Policy Committee considers developing security challenges and possible Defence responses, proposals concerning Defence’s interests and objectives of our relationships with other countries, and current and future commitments to ADF and coalition operations.

Australia’s security is ultimately enhanced by the quality of our international relationships with partners in the region and globally. This is achieved by a continuing focus on defence international engagement, to build bilateral and multilateral relationships with regional defence and security forces.

A critical challenge under Outcome 1 lies in balancing support for current operations, and positioning Defence for the future, with the strategy and capability to manage an increasingly complex strategic environment.

The primary focus of Outcome 1 is on maintaining the capacity to support current commitments and provide strategic response options to the Government to meet the range of potential future security contingencies. It also includes working collaboratively with our neighbours and the broader international defence community, and contributing to coalition operations in support of Australia's national interests. As well as the provision of military capabilities, this outcome encompasses all of the policy, command and support functions undertaken by the organisation.

Defence's administered appropriations relating to superannuation, housing support services for current and retired Defence personnel and Other Administered are covered by Outcome 1. Apart from supporting current operations, which are described in detail under Outcomes 2 and 3, the priorities that will be progressed under Outcome 1 in 2016-17 are:

·  implementing the 2016 Defence White Paper, Integrated Investment Program, and Defence Industry Policy Statement;

·  implementing the recommendations of the First Principles Review of Defence; and

·  continuing the commitment to the recruitment and retention of ADF personnel.


Department of Defence

Linked programs
Attorney General’s
Contribution to Outcome 1 made by linked program
Under the Service Level Charter, Australian Government Service Vetting Agency (AGSVA) work collaboratively with Government agencies to implement, deliver and monitor security policy and procedures across the Commonwealth (excluding authorised vetting agencies) as well as provide the delivery of security vetting functions on behalf of the Commonwealth in line with Government requirements.
Australian Federal Police
Contribution to Outcome 1 made by linked program
Under Memorandum of Understanding, deliver agreed Protective Security base support services to Defence.
Federal Policing and National Security addresses criminal and security threats through activities including: national and transnational investigations, counter-terrorism, aviation operations, protective services, and joint taskforces with international, Commonwealth, state, territory and private-sector partners.
Another Memorandum of Understanding has the purpose of assisting the participants to achieve their objectives in protecting the interests of the Commonwealth of Australia in accordance with their statutory roles and obligations. The aim of the MOU is to establish a framework for cooperation between the participants to strengthen and consolidate sharing of information. This promotes security and stability within Australia as required by outcome 1.
Further, under the Service Level Charter, Australian Government Service Vetting Agency (AGSVA) work collaboratively with Government agencies to implement, deliver and monitor security policy and procedures across the Commonwealth (excluding authorised vetting agencies) as well as provide the delivery of security vetting functions on behalf of the Commonwealth in line with Government requirements.
Australian National Audit Office
Contribution to Outcome 1 made by linked program
Audit Fraud & Control Division conduct internal audits as well as coordinate Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) performance audit activities in Defence.
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
Contribution to Outcome 1 made by linked program
ASIO exercises its foreign collection powers under warrant at the request of the Minister for Defence or the Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Bureau of Meteorology
Contribution to Outcome 1 made by linked program
Under Memorandum of Understanding, provide weather station support to training area and range management for the support of Defence training exercises
Contribution to Outcome 1 made by linked program
Working with Department of Finance to ensure Commonwealth assets are adequately insured and where necessary claims are made in accordance with Commonwealth guidelines and policy.
Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation
Contribution to Outcome 1 by linked program
The Departments of Finance and Defence provide funding through third party access arrangements to Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation for the propose of providing payments of retirement and insurance benefits for scheme members and beneficiaries, including past, present and future employees of the Australian Government and other eligible employers and members of the Australian Defence Force.
Department of Finance
Contribution to Outcome 1 made by linked program
Procurement/Travel – working with the Department of Finance to centralise whole of Government standing offer arrangements to ensure the Commonwealth gets best value for money and open and effective competition is maintained.
Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade
Contribution to Outcome 1 made by linked program
Defence will increase its investment in international engagement over the next 20 years to build cooperation with key partners and improve the coordination of responses to shared challenges such as terrorism and humanitarian disasters and help reduce the risk of military confrontation. International engagement will become an integrated core function across the entire Defence portfolio, aligned with the Strategic Defence Objectives. To do this the Government will increase the number of Defence personnel overseas to conduct more liaison, capacity building, training and mentoring with partner defence and security forces. The Defence-Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Service Level Agreement supports the posting of Defence personnel to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade managed overseas posts.
Defence Housing Australia
Contribution to Outcome 1 made by linked programs
Under a Services Agreement and in accordance with the Defence Housing Australia Act 1987, DHA provides suitable housing and housing related services in order to meet the operational needs of the Defence Force and the requirements of the Department.


Department of Defence

Department of Human Services
Contribution to Outcome 1 made by linked program
The Department of Human services administers claims to individuals and businesses affected by the closure of Hunter River and Port Stephens fisheries.
Department of Industry, Innovation and Science (through AusIndustry)
Contribution to Outcome 1 made by linked program
Defence funds the DIIC and, from the second half of 2016, the CDIC which will be delivered by AusIndustry under a Memorandum of Understanding. The CDIC is a key initiative of the Defence Industry Policy Statement 2016 and commences operations this financial year. The purpose of the CDIC is to provide strategic leadership for the defence sector, and to help build the capability and capacity of Australian industry to support the ADF. The CDIC is designed to best meet the needs of both industry and Defence and will build on the success of the DIIC, which will be subsumed into the new centre.
Department of the Prime Minister & Cabinet
Contribution to Outcome 1 made by linked program
MECC implements Departmental Parliamentary Workflow Solution managed by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C). MECC works within PM&C guidelines and policies to publicise Defence activities and strengthen Defence capabilities in media related activities.
Further, under the Service Level Charter, Australian Government Service Vetting Agency (AGSVA) work collaboratively with Government agencies to implement, deliver and monitor security policy and procedures across the Commonwealth (excluding authorised vetting agencies) as well as provide the delivery of security vetting functions on behalf of the Commonwealth in line with Government requirements.
Department of Veterans’ Affairs
Contribution to Outcome 1 made by linked program
Defence continues to work collaboratively with the Department of Veterans’ Affairs to improve the mechanisms for providing support to current and former members of the Australian Defence Force and their families.
Under a Memorandum of Understanding, DVA provides services for the administration of the Defence Homeowners Assistance Scheme (DHOAS) and the Defence Homeowners Scheme (DHOS), including the accurate and timely processing of subsidy payments, member applications and issuing of Subsidy Certificates.
Outcome 1 Resources

Table 1: Total Budgeted Resources Available for Outcome 1[1]

Table 12: Total Budgeted Resources Available for Outcome 1[1] (Continued)


Department of Defence

Contributions to Outcome 1
Program 1.1: Strategy (this program ceased with effect 8 February 2016)
Program 1.1 Objective
The Strategy Group's primary objective in delivering Program 1.1 is to provide policy advice to enable the Government to make sound judgements on, and respond to changes in Australia’s strategic environment.
The Strategy Group provides policy advice on the central issues of Australia's defence policy, including ADF operations, international defence relations, arms control, and defence export controls. Strategy Group is also responsible for developing long-term strategic guidance on defence and security issues; advancing Australia’s international security relationships through a network of Defence Attachés and Advisers, and managing the Defence Cooperation Program, which aims to build the security capacity of partner nations, consistent with Australia’s strategic interests.
During 2015-16, the Group will continue to provide the Government with comprehensive and timely policy advice on ADF operations, current and emerging security issues, and implement the 2016 Defence White Paper.
The Group currently comprises the International and Strategic Policy Divisions, and the White Paper Team.
Delivery / Provide policy guidance for ADF operations consistent with Government direction.
Lead the development of and implement the 2016 Defence White Paper.
Ensure Defence's international relationships promote security, particularly regionally, consistent with Government policy goals.
Ensure delivery of the Defence Cooperation Program within available resources.
Provide policy advice on strategic issues including arms control, counter-proliferation, counter- terrorism, international engagement, cyber, space and integrated air and missile defence policy, major capability acquisitions, foreign investment, and industry and innovation policy.
Improve the management of export control of defence and strategic goods.
Administer use of the Australia-United States Defence Trade Cooperation Treaty by Australian Government agencies and defence industry.
Regulate non-Defence user access to the Woomera Prohibited Area.
Performance information
Year / Performance criteria[1] / Targets
2015-16 / Policy guidance is forward-looking, timely, innovative and practical.
Expected to be met. / No targets were prepared for performance criteria in 2015-16. Improved performance criteria and targets have been developed for 2016-17, in accordance with Commonwealth Performance Framework requirements.
Staff skills are developed and continually enhanced. Expected to be met.
Purposes[2] / Purpose 1 – Provide advice to Government.


1.  New or modified performance criteria that reflect new or materially changed programs are shown in italics.

2.  Refers to updated purposes that will be reflected in the 2016-17 Corporate Plan.

Table 2: Cost Summary for Program 1.1 Strategy[1]


Department of Defence

Program 1.1: Strategic Policy and Intelligence (this program commenced 8 February 2016)
Program 1.1 Objective
Provide policy advice and intelligence support to enable Government to make informed judgments on and respond to Australia’s strategic environment. Provide strategic guidance on defence and security issues, including ADF operations and international defence relationships, and manages the network of Defence Attachés and advisers. Lead the implementation of the Government’s Defence industry policy, the creation of a strategy-led program of industry engagement and innovation, ADF operations, arms and export controls and the department ministerial, parliamentary, communication and media functions.
Delivery / The program will be achieved by:
·  Implementing the 2016 Defence White Paper.
·  Ensuring effective intelligence support to Government decisions and ADF operations.
·  Providing policy guidance for ADF operations consistent with Government direction.
·  Ensuring Defence's international relationships promote security, particularly regionally, and are consistent with Government policy goals.
·  Ensuring delivery of the Defence Cooperation Program within available resources.
·  Providing policy advice on strategic issues including arms control, counter-proliferation, counter- terrorism, international engagement, cyber, space and ballistic missile defence policy, major capability acquisitions, foreign investment, and industry and innovation policy.
·  Regulating non-Defence user access to the Woomera Prohibited Area.
·  Collaborating with the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science to establish the Centre for Defence Industry Capability.
·  Establishing a Defence Innovation Hub and associated structures to manage a consolidated innovation program and associated portfolio of investments in Defence.
·  Delivering effective controls on the export of defence and dual-use goods and technologies.
·  Providing effective support and advice to the Australian approved community for the Australia-United States Defence Trade Cooperation Treaty.
Performance information
Year / Performance criteria[1] / Targets
2015-16 / N/A[2]
2016-17 / Government has confidence in the relevance and quality of Defence advice.
Defence Intelligence outputs align with Government intelligence priorities. / Minister expresses high to very high confidence in Defence advice.
Whole-of-Government and Australian Defence Force intelligence requirements are met.
2017-18 and beyond / As per 2016-17. / As per 2016-17.
Purposes[3] / Purpose 1 – Provide advice to Government.
Purpose 2 – Deliver and sustain Defence capability and conduct operations.
Material changes to Program 1.1 resulting from the following measures:
·  2016 Defence White Paper - additional funding.
·  Cyber Security - implementation of Australia’s Cyber Security Strategy.
