Regular Meeting July 5, 2011

Planning Commission Members present:

Phil Lampert Tim HollandWalker Witt

Sue BrownSheila GreenDean Johnson

Planning Dept. Staff present: David Green, Lili Momeyer

Guests Present: Janelle Finck, Ron Risk, Pat Krantz, Jack Knust, David Drach

Call to Order: Chairman Phil Lampert called the meeting to order at 5:00in the Commissioners’ Room of the Custer County Courthouse Annex.

Approval of Agenda:

Lampert changed the order of the agenda. Johnson moved to approve the agenda as changed. Green seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on June 7, 2011.

Wittmoved to approve the minutes. Brownseconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

B. Permit, Petition, and Plat Review:

Agenda Item #1- WDRPI – SD065 Subdivision – Plat of SD065 – Lot 1 of WDRPI-SD065 Subdivision and Dedicated Public Right-of-Way Located in the SE4 of Section 24, T6S, R6E, BHM, Custer County, South Dakota. Wyoming Dakota Railroad Properties, Inc. applicant.

Discussion: There were questions raised about where Farm Unit 101 originated.

Wittmoved to approve the preliminary and final plat per the Planning Director’s recommendation. S. Green seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Agenda Item # 2 - WDRPI – SD079 Subdivision – Plat of SD079 – Lot 1 of WDRPI-SD079 Subdivision Located in the SE4 of Section 23, T3S, R10E, BHM, Custer County, South Dakota. Wyoming Dakota Railroad Properties, Inc. applicant.

Discussion: There was concern that a corner was cut off the lot. The railroad has corrected this and platted to the corner. On the application the acreage is wrong.

Brown moved to approve the preliminary and final plat subject to the Planning Director’s recommendation. Holland seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Agenda Item # 3 -South Park Ranch Subdivision Phase One– Plat of Lots 1 through 26 (inclusive) of South Park Ranch Subdivision Phase One Located in the SW4 and the SE4 of Section 8, the NE4 and the NW4 of Section 17, and the SW4 of Section 9, T6S, R4E, BHM, Custer County, South Dakota. Southpark Ranch, LLC, applicant.

Discussion: There were a number of corrections on this plat. The road dedication needs to be in the title or a separate document. The roads need to be built or bonded. The roads that end in dead ends need to be cul-de-sacs. Krantz stated that the pieces under one acre are going to go in Phase II in the future. He also stated that Southern Hills Water said that they would do a contract with them for water as soon as the plat is finalized. Emergency Management, on their comments at the LAM meeting stated that they want water on site for fire fighting. Krantz said that he wants to be treated fairly and not be an example. Witt said we have no directive on this. There was discussion about the road issues and when they will start the roads. S. Green asked when we will fix Ordinance 2. It was also discussed about improving the section line and a petition to improve it.

S Green moved to approve the preliminary plat subject to the Planning Director’s recommendations. Brown seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Agenda Item #4 -North Park Ranch Subdivision – Plat of Lots 1 and 2 of North Park Ranch Subdivision Located in NW4 of Section 9 West of South Dakota Highway 89, T6S, R4E, BHM, Custer County, South Dakota. Southpark Ranch, LLC, applicant.

Discussion: D. Green stated that both lots have access but the highway superintendant would have to approve these. Krantz said that the southwest quarter of the section will be replatted in a later phase.

Witt moved to approve the preliminary and final plat with the Planning Director’s recommendations. Brown seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Agenda Item #5 - Variance Request - Lot 2 of Beaver Creek Subdivision located in Section 1, T5S, R4E of the BHM, Custer County, South Dakota. Bobby and Dixie Whitaker, applicants.

Discussion:There was discussion about why the setback was 2.5 feet. The Planning Commission suggested the applicants ask for a 10 foot setback and make their building narrower. The applicants did not show up for the meeting so the Commission was unable to ask them for input.

Witt moved that the variance is tabled until the next meeting. Holland seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Agenda Item # - Cell Tower Modification – SW4 less the highway right-of-way (lot H-2) 5S, R7E, Section 16, BHM, Custer County, South Dakota. Verizon Wireless, applicant.

Discussion: This is a 480 foot tower by Fairburn. Verizon wants to put an antenna on the AT & T tower. S. Green moved to approve the cell tower modification. Johnson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

C. Sign Ordinance

Discussion: S. Green suggested the Planning Commission, David Green and Lili Momeyer have a retreat one day to revise Ordinance 2. It was suggested that Momeyer coordinate a date for us to do this. D. Green stated that it will have to be in the fall.

D. Adjourn

The meeting was declared adjourned by Lampert at 6:23 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

David Green

[Draft] Minutes, Page 1