Beulah Utilities District
Telephone: 334-737-5374
5320 Lee Road 270
Valley, Alabama 36854
Travel and Reimbursement Policy
- Purpose
This regulation is issued for the purpose of establishing a uniform travel and reimbursement policy for District employees.
- Definition
It shall be District policy that only the following payment will be made directly to District employees:
- Travel advances — paid in accordance with Board Resolutions.
- Reimbursable expenses - paid with properly completed and authorized reports or vouchers.
- Travel Advance
With a resolution from the Board of Directors, advance payment will be made to a District employee for out of town travel. The employee must file a properly completed and authorized expense report (explained in detail below) within 7 days after the employees return to the District. If the employee was advanced more than their actual expenses, the employee must repay the District the difference. If the employee’s actual expenses were greater than their advance, the employee will be reimbursed the difference. If the employee fails to file the expense report within 7 days, he will repay the entire advance and the Board may recommend that no advance be given to the employee in the future.
- Reimbursable Expenses
District employees can be reimbursed for certain expenses that they incur in the normal course of District business. An authorized and properly prepared expense report or voucher must be completed for an employee to receive a reimbursement.
- Properly Prepared Expense Report
A properly prepared expense report must have the following:
- A receipt or other documentation of payment for each expense claimed (except as noted below).
- Signature of the employee claiming the reimbursement.
- Signature of the Department Head authorizing the reimbursement for employees reporting to that Department Head.
- Each expense properly itemized in the appropriate blanks as described below:
- Reimbursable Expenses
- Travel Expenses
It shall be District Policy that any travel beyond 50 miles by a District Department Head or employee must be approved in advance of the travel by the Board. Without prior approval, no expenses incurred by the employee will be reimbursed.
Reasonable lodging will be reimbursed if the distance required to travel is over 100 miles. Lodging may be reimbursed when distance required to travel is under 100 miles if the conference, seminar, etc., is for two consecutive days or longer and night meetings are required, Board’s approval is required, Employees are expected to use careful judgment in planning their lodging accommodations so as to spend only a reasonable amount per night. No lodging will be reimbursed without a receipt.
Reasonable expenses for meals will be reimbursed when an employee is traveling out of Lee County during the meal time hours. “Snacks” will not be reimbursable unless the “snack” is purchased in lieu of a meal. Employees will be expected to spend only a reasonable amount per meal, and no meals will be reimbursed without a receipt. “In-County” professional meetings in which the cost of the meeting includes a meal will also be reimbursable with a receipt.
Meals of non-employees are not reimbursable.
Transportation while on District business will be reimbursed as follows:
(1)Personal Auto - Employee will be reimbursed at maximum amount allowed by the IRS.
(2)District Owned Vehicle - Employee will be reimbursed for actual gas purchased.
(3)Car Rental, Air Fare, or Other Public Transportation - Employee will be reimbursed actual cost (must have receipts).
(4)Taxi - Employee will be reimbursed actual cost. If a receipt cannot be obtained, the employee should report the exact amount spent and a detailed list should be attached to the expense report giving the date, location, and the amount of each fare paid.
(d)Toils, Parking
Toils and parking will be reimbursed when traveling on District business. A receipt should be used when available. If a receipt cannot be obtained, the employee should report the exact amount spent and detailed list should be attached to the expense report listing the date, location, and amount of each fee paid.
An employee will be reimbursed for a personal telephone call while away from home overnight on District business. The employee is expected to limit the call to a reasonable length of time. Charges for this call should be charged to the hotel room bill. If this is not possible and the telephone charge must be charged to the employee’s home phone, the charges will be reimbursed from a copy of the employee’s personal phone bill.
Tips paid by an employee will be reimbursed. Tips paid with a meal shall not exceed 20% of the total bill of the meal and should be added to the meal receipt. All other tips should be listed separately under “Miscellaneous Expenses”.
(g)Seminars, Meeting and Conferences
Reasonable expenses for seminars, meetings, conferences, training and education will be reimbursed with a receipt.
- Non-reimbursable Expenses
The following expenses will be considered personal travel expenses and will not be reimbursable:
- Entertainment - Movies, shows, plays, games, etc.
- Newspapers, magazines, etc.
- Snacks (except as stated above)
- Alcoholic beverages
- Personal phone calls (except as stated above)
- Any expense incurred by spouse, family member, etc., accompanying employee on business trip.