Hallaton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of Hallaton Parish Council held at 7.30 on Monday 27thFebruary 2017 at the Stenning Hall, Hallaton.


Members: Cllr P Crewe (Chair), Cllr D James, Cllr S Richards, Cllr K Bogg, Cllr K Flavell

In the absence of the Clerk minutes were taken by Cllr Flavell

Four members of the public were present including District Cllr Mike Rickman.

Apologies for Absence

Cllr C Kilby, Secretary B Tassell.

Declarations of Interest.

There were no declarations of interest.


The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 30th January 2017 were agreed as a true and accurate record.

Actions Outstanding.

Goadby Road – The bridge has been completed and works to the road have today commenced. This is to include drainage and general resurfacing.

Speed sign – The non working speed sign on Medbourne Road has been assigned a case number and action is to be taken.

Wall/pavement on Medbourne Road – Parties have been contacted and hopefully action will soon be taken.

Subsidence on East Norton Road – Highways have been contacted and action is to be taken.

Clerks Report.

Unable to discuss due to absence of the Clerk.


Mr Masts letter – unable to discuss at present.

Mr Morrisons letter – unable to discuss at present.

HIST Vacancy – 4 replies have been received and application packs have been sent out. Mr John Morrison, Mr Alistir Brook, Mr Tom Bruciani, and Mr Tony Freestone. Interviews will commence once Cllr Kilby returns.

Dog Fouling - District Cllr Rickman stated that he is Chair of Community Grants and £15000 has been allocated to help tackle dog fouling issues. He said it is hoped that next year this will be part funded by the Council and part funded through the precept. One suggestion is jackets for people who are willing to “police” the village for irresponsible dog owners. Cllr Bogg to ask for volunteers in the Hare Pie Newsletter.

Tree Policy – The tree policy for Hallaton has been written but not been discussed yet. This will be published in due course.

Website – Cllr Crewe is to take control of the website and update minutes etc.

Payment of Accounts

GG designs have still to be paid. Cllr Crewe is to ask Secretary Tassell to raise a cheque.


There are no planning applications to discuss. The TPO for the Spinney on Medbourne Road is outstanding but unable to discuss at the moment.

Budget and Precept

Unable to comment.


Cllr Bogg to confirm with Mrs Roberts regarding training.

Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr Crewe mentioned that he feels we should be pushing forward with the Neighbourhood Plan if it is to go ahead. District Cllr Rickman suggested that we hold a meeting of interested parties to get things started.


Cllr Crewe suggested the possibility of a bore hole being put in as a means of getting water into the pond. He is going to look into the feasibility. Cllr Richards is going to investigate signage for the pond. He also mentioned the problem of an excess of drakes during mating season. Some drakes need to be moved on to other ponds to preserve the female ducks during this time.


It was suggested by Cllr Crewe in a previous meeting that we have large planters at the four main entrances to the village. These would be planted regularly to keep them looking nice and enhance the village. Cllr Crewe is to take on this project.

Hare Pie Newsletter.

Unfortunately the potential new editor was unable to take on the role. Lyndsey has agreed to carry on for one more month and Cllr Bogg is to readvertise the position in the next months magazine.

Notice Board

The Council is awaiting written confirmation from Mrs Lester that the notice board on her property on the High Street can be replaced,


The council are looking at mowing being taken on by the villages. Other villages are “clustering”, basically clubbing together to get a contractor to take on the mowing. District Cllr Rickman said that the Council is giving a small amount of money to villages that can cluster.

Street signs.

The condition of the street signs on Horninghold Road and Allexton Road are particularly bad and need replacing. Cllr Crewe to look into this.

Meeting opened to the floor.

Mr Bogg asked to speak with regard to the HIST applications. HIST have been contacted by several people who have requested application packs but haven’t received them. He asked if the deadline could be extended for one month to give these people a chance to receive the packs and send them in and also if the packs could be made more readily available. The council agreed. Cllr Crewe to write to the 4 current applicants to advise them of the extended date.

Date of Next Meeting

The next council meeting will be on Monday 27th March 2017 at 7.30pm.

The meeting closed at 20.10hrs.

