NPHS / Honors BiologyUnit 1 Study Guide (chapters 3-5 + enzymes from Ch 8)

The following is a list of major vocabulary terms from Unit 1.


Chapters 2-3: / Chapter 5: / Chapter 5 (continued):
element / monomer / proteins
compound / polymer / polypeptides
protons / dehydration synthesis (condensation) / amino acids
electrons / hydrolysis / peptide bonds
neutrons / carbohydrates / 4 levels of protein structure
atomic # / monosaccharides / alpha helix
mass # / disaccharides / beta pleated sheet
isotopes / polysaccharides / denaturation
valence electrons / glycosidic linkages / nucleic acids
covalent bond / starch / DNA
ionic bond / glycogen / RNA
polar covalent bond / cellulose / nucleotides
nonpolar covalent bond / chitin / phosphodiester bond
hydrogen bond / lipids / purines
cohesion / fats / pyrimidines
adhesion / glycerol
surface tension / fatty acids / Chapter 8 (Enzymes):
evaporative cooling / ester linkages / catalyst
acid / saturated fat / substrate
base / unsaturated fat / enzyme
pH / phospholipids / active site
steroids / induced fit
cholesterol / cofactors / coenzymes
Chapter 4: / competitive inhibition
organic chemistry / noncompetitive inhibition
hydroxyl group
carbonyl group
carboxyl group
amino group
sulfhydryl group
phosphate group

Misc. Vocab to know:

  • conformation
  • optimal

1) CONCEPT MAPS: Go to the website & print the Concept Map handout in order to fill it in.
2) DEFINITIONS: Choose 10 terms and thoroughly define them. I recommend that you focus on terms that you are struggling with. If you feel comfortable with all the terms, pick your favorites.

Study / Review Questions: I will not be collecting these. These are sample “essay” questions which will appear in some form on the exam…BE PREPARED TO ANSWER ALL OF THEM!

1. Create a chart in which you summarize the information we have learned for each of the four classes of organic molecules (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids). Make sure to include:

-the names of the monomers (subunits)

-the name of the type of bond or linkage group connecting the monomers

-the elements present

-the primary functions

-at least two examples of each, not all food examples (and their functions)

2. a) Sketch and label the general structure of an amino acid.

b) Summarize/explain the 4 levels of protein structure: primary, secondary,

tertiary, and quaternary.

3. a) List 3 ways in which DNA differs from RNA.

b)Sketch and label the general structure of a nucleotide.

c)How do purines differ from pyrimidines?

d)List the full names for the 2 bases that are purines and the 3 bases that are pyrimidines.

4. a) Sketch and label the general structure of a fatty acid.

b) Distinguish between saturated and unsaturated fats.

5. Explain the difference between the following polysaccharides: starch, cellulose, & glycogen.

6. Describe at least two differences between hydrolysis and dehydration synthesis (condensation).

7. a) Explain the significance of an enzyme’s active site.

b) Summarize at least two environmental factors affecting enzyme function.

c) Distinguish between competitive and noncompetitive inhibition.

8. Discuss why water is an ideal medium for living organisms. Explain the properties of water and WHY these properties exist.

9. Explain feedback inhibition and give one biological example

IB THINGS TO KNOW (You do not need to know them):

Three examples of:

-monosaccharides: glucose, galactose, fructose

-disaccharides: maltose, lactose, sucrose

-polysaccharides: starch, glycogen, cellulose

Identify amino acids, glucose, ribose, & fatty acids from diagrams showing their structure

Be able to state one function for glucose, lactose, & glycogen in animals and fructose, sucrose, and cellulose in plants