K. Mączewski,

A. Staniewska,

P. Soczewski,

J. Wysoki

Surveyor of Mazovia Voivodeship Office in Warsaw


Mazovia Geographic Information System (MGIS) was established by the strength of decision of the Board of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship as the component of implementation of state policy concerning information society.

In 2005 the Self-Government of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship made efforts towards extension of the project to counties and municipalities of the Region and harmonizing the spatial information system with essential modules of e-Government. From September 2006 till September 2008 with cooperation of the seven Self-Governments of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, the Pilot Project “Mazovia Geographic Information System of Communes and Counties cooperating within the Region” was executed with co-financing from the European Union.

In the period between 2010 and 2012 the implementation will cover 280 municipalities and 40 counties from the Mazowieckie Voivodeship.

The system was designed in a corporate, three-level node architecture corresponding with the three-level administration division of Poland. It is used as a tool which supports managing of self-governments, functioning of public administration offices, but it is also a source of information and electronic communication in the Region for all interested organizations, entrepreneurs and natural persons.

Scope of spatial information includes wide range of data, starting from geo-reference data (cadastral data, topographic data), through information on environment, culture, demography, spatial planning, coming to the issues of safety.

Scope of e-Government’s functionalities includes electronic document circulating system, electronic mail box, electronic signature and the spatial location of generated administrative documents.

The system is to a high degree based on open-source solutions, especially in the scope of web services distribution. The data gathered in the MSIP are published by means of WMS and WFS services using Geoserver software and Geonetwork application as the catalogue server (CSW). All the data are kept in the relation database environment called PostgreSQL with extension PostGIS.

More information can be found on