1 Minutes for a meeting of Rockbeare Parish Council 17/1/07


Minutes for a Meeting of Rockbeare Parish Council held in Marsh Green Village Hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday 17th January 2007.

Present: Cllrs Colin Please (Chairman), Moira Trigger, Ian Please, John Roberson, Cllr Derek Button (County and District Councillor) and five members of the public.

Apologies: Cllrs Colin Ivison, Colin Wells (Vice Chairman), Monica Raynor, PC Dave Smith, and Cllr Ruth Burrow (District Councillor).

1APOLOGIES: To receive apologies for absence.

2MINUTES: Minutes of the last (informal) meeting of Rockbeare Parish Council held on Wednesday 13th December 2006 were signed as a correct record of that meeting.

3DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST & RISK ASSESSMENT: To receive declarations of interest and to note any additional risks. None declared. Mrs Trigger declared an interest in application 06/3412/FUL and item 4.3 as she sits on the board of governors for the school.


Mr Wroe spoke representing Airport Concern Exeter – after a recent meeting of over 100 concerned residents at Ottery St Mary, he urged the Parish Council to make representation to the District and County Council asking the restriction of the new owners to apply reasonable noise abatement policies. The Chairman thanked Mr Wroe for his comments and said his views would be taken on board, but felt that individuals could more effectively campaign against the night noise.

Mr Trigger asked that the parish council offer active support to the newly erected gates at the School (item 4.3) as a safety feature. A lady representing the staff and children at the school explained that both the staff and children feel far safer with the new gates as they not only offer protection to them, but also the security of property. New Legislation is also in the offing, which will require this specification of fencing. Another gentleman gave his support for the improved fence.


4.1Decisions (for information)

06/3058/FUL Rockbeare Motor Services, London Road – permission granted for replacement and relocation of existing temporary office building.

4.2Applications (for comment)

06/3412/FUL Rockbeare Primary School – IT suite and Library (Mrs Trigger left the room)

Recommendation: APPROVAL

06/3550/FUL Lower Marsh Farm – conversion of agricultural building to ancillary domestic use in association with main dwelling including the installation of a private sewage treatment plant.

Recommendation: APPROVAL

06/3547/LBC Lower Marsh Farm – alterations to former agricultural building.

Recommendation: APPROVAL

4.3 Enforcement

Copy letter to Rockbeare Church of England Primary School asking for a retrospective permission to be sought for replacement gates as they are over one metre in height and adjacent to the highway. (Mrs Trigger left the room) Parish Council actively support the erection of safety fencing at the school.

4.4Caravan Club reissue of Licence – Rewe Brake, Rewe lane – any comments or objections to renewal of licence requested by 22nd January 2007. No Objections.

4.4 Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) have been placed on several groups of trees on land which is destined to be within the boundaries of the new settlement at Cranbrook. TPO 17/2006 covers trees at Young Hayes Farm. TPO 20/2006 relates to trees at Cranny Brook and Rockbeare Stream. TPO 18/2006 covers trees at Stillwoods, Tillwoods Farm.

The parish council wished to request an order on a commemorative tree at Young Hayes Farm entrance – application forms to be completed. Mrs Trigger to confirm location and species.

4.5Parish Plan - Parish plan funding- up to £2500 will be available from Defra towards parish plans – Community Planning Kit and funding application forms for completion.

4.6Emergency Plan – it was felt unnecessary to make any more detailed plan than the existing one.


5.1Car parking charges in lay by – Cllr Ian Please

Other issues are: VAT is chargeable on permits for off road parking (not so for on road parking). Insurance – parish council already has public liability insurance; permits contain disclaimers against theft and damage, except where council is negligent. Also permits have legal content which disallows untaxed and/or uninsured cars parking in reserved places etc. All standard issue and EDDC will prepare permits for us at a very small charge.


Mrs Trigger has sourced a notice board to replace the one at the school, parish council agreed a budget in the region of £450 for final confirmation at the next meeting.


7.1 Community Policing – no report this time

7.2Health and Safety – nothing to report

7.3Parish Field – Cllr Please proposed someone be employed to hang a gate and also place a disclaimer notice on the gate.

7.4Playground – nothing to report

7.5.1County Cllr D Button – Although no longer a non executive director of Exeter airport (as DCC have now sold to City Airports Limited) Cllr Button was supportive of lobbying for limitation to night flights, or at least the use of newer quieter planes for night flights. However the parish council should look at the possibilities of imposing restrictions when any new planning applications are submitted.

Cllr Please asked that the District Council sweep the dead leaves off the road, and also DCC clear ditches. Particularly Rockbeare to Prickly Pear and Marsh Green to Allercombe. There is also a problem with a lorry parking outside the old Esso Station, which has damaged the verge and water stopcock. There is an open telecom inspection pit on the grass verge as you approach the sign to Rockbeare and Marsh Green in the direction of Honiton.

7.6District Cllr Mrs R Burrow – no report this time

7.7Rockbeare School Governor – Cllr Mrs M Trigger – new fence application is ready to submit and the gate will be painted. Donations are requested towards books and equipment to stock the new library. It was suggested local businesses be approached for sponsorship.

7.8Exeter International Airport Consultative Group– Cllr Mr M Trigger

7.9Clyst Vale Group of Parish Councils – nothing to report

7.10Rockbeare Village Hall – nothing to report

7.11Joint parishes Meeting – nothing to report


8.1Receipts none

8.2 Cheques for approval: Audit Commission (2005/6)£141.00

Rockbeare School

(hire of hall 4 sessions – 21.2.07, 20.6.07, 19.9.07 & 21.11.07)£32.00

Balance of account at 1/1/07 Natwest £6453.59 Current Account

£11,966.44 Reserve account

8.3Precept for 2007/8 for agreement. It was agreed that a donation should be made towards the relaunch of the parish magazine and the school library. Agreed it was necessary to ask for £8500 precept for 2007/8.



Members Remember!

You must declare any personal or prejudicial interests at the start of the meeting (item number 3). Make sure you say the reason for your interest as this has to be included in the minutes. If your interest is prejudicial you must leave the room.

Dates of forthcoming meetings:

7.30pm Wednesday 21st February 2007Rockbeare School

7.30pm Wednesday 21st March 2007Rockbeare Village Hall

7.30pm Wednesday 18th April 2007 (AGM)Marsh Green Village Hall

7.30pm Wednesday 23rd May 2007 (APM)Rockbeare Village Hall

7.30pm Wednesday 20th June 2007Rockbeare School

7.30pm Wednesday 18th July 2007Marsh Green Village Hall

7.30pm Wednesday 22nd August 2007Rockbeare Village Hall

7.30pm Wednesday 19th September 2007Rockbeare School

7.30pm Wednesday 17th October 2007Rockbeare Village Hall

7.30pm Wednesday 21st November 2007Rockbeare School

7.30pm Wednesday 12th December 2007Marsh Green Village Hall

*Parish Councillors only – these are information evenings and not public meetings

ROCKBEARE PARISH COUNCIL ESTIMATES 2002/2003 / actual / forecast / budget
Budget 2007 - 2008 / 2005-6 / 2006-7 / 2007-8
EXPENDITURE / note (1)
Administration / Stationery - to cover paper, envelopes, paper clips etc
Stationery / 17.21 / 0.00 / 50.00 / note (1) / note (2)
Printing / 68.15 / 0.00 / 100.00 / note (2) / Printing - photocopying at East Devon DC, Ink etc
Postage / note (3) / note (3)
Telephone / note (4) / Postage - stamps
Salary / 2,385.13 / 2,500.00 / 2600.00 / note (5) / note (4)
Expenses / inc post and telephone / 311.50 / 350.00 / 400.00 / note (6) / Telephone - to include rental, calls and email
Meetings/Training / 45.00 / 50.00 / 55.00 / note (7) / note (5)
Hall Hires / 116.00 / 130.00 / 140.00 / note (8) / Salary to allow for %increase + increment + credit for Local Policy Course
Insurance / 245.83 / 270.00 / 300.00 / note (9) / note (6)
Audit Fees / 240.00 / 120.00 / 130.00 / note (10) / Expenses - Rent £42.36 per quarter, mileage @50.5p per mile
Publications / 30.00 / 30.00 / note (7)
Annual Assembly / 0.00 / 25.00 / 25.00 / note (12) / Meetings - Cllrs meetings and training
Miscellaneous / 178.00 / 200.00 / 250.00 / note (13) / note (8) / Hall Hires - monthly council meetings, annual meeting, etc.
Election Expenses / 300.00 / note (14) / note (9) / Insurance -
S137 / 100.00 / 400.00 / note (15) / note (10)
Subscriptions / 155.00 / 150.00 / 160.00 / note (16) / Audit fees - these are 12 months in arrears for District Audit and Internal Audit
Emergency c'tee / 25.00 / 25.00 / note (17) / note (11) / Publications
Councillors allowance / 1860.00 / note (18) / note (12) / Annual Assembly - refreshments
Litterpick / 0.00 / 0.00 / 75.00 / note(19) / note (13) / Miscellaneous: Wayleave payment / includes the website
3,761.82 / 3,950.00 / 6,900.00 / note (14) / Election Expenses - to cover local council elections
note (15) / S137: (£5.30 per elector) Grants to village
Parish Field / organisations
Equipment / 0.00 / note (20) / note (16) / Subscriptions DAPC
Grass Cutting / 100.00 / 110.00 / note (21) / note (17) - Emergency committee expenses
Tree Maintenance and Hedges / 150.00 / 120.00 / note (22) / note (18) - Councillors Allowances £250 each, chairman £360 (not drawn)
note (19) - Litterpick
Subs / 15.00 / 15.00 / 15.00 / note (23) / note (20) - equipment relating to Parish Field (covered by Parish Field Funds)
Insp / 70.00 / 75.00 / 80.00 / note (24) / note (21) - grass cutting of the Parish field and grass along 1/4 mile Road
85.00 / 340.00 / 325.00 / note (22) - Tree maintenance and hedges - parish owned land
a / note (23) - subs to playingfields assoc
Total probable expenditure / 3,846.82 / 4,290.00 / 7,225.00 / note (24) - Playground inspection (paid out of separate funds)
7500 / based on 370 households in Rockbeare (2007)
Equivalent council tax band
Suggested Precept / -7,500.00 / A / 13.33 / E / 22.22
to Reserves / -275.00 / B / 15.55 / F / 24.42
C / 17.77 / G / 26.64
D / 20 / H / 28.86
sum budgeted for councillors allowance could be used towards a parish plan if it is not to be drawn