- Introduction
Autopax Passenger Services (SOC) Ltd intends appointing a panel of suppliers to attend breakdown repairs of the fleet in all Autopax routes in cases of emergencies.
- Background Information
Autopax runs a fleet of 427 Mercedes Benz 0500 buses, 2009 and 2010 models and 93 MAN HB4 Lion Explorers 2009 Models. These vehicles are assigned to long haul operation. It is therefore imperative that the this fleet is reliable so that passengers can be transported without any trip disruptions, however in cases of emergency Autopax would like to have a road side assistance to breakdowns as a back-up plan.
- Objective of the Proposed Project
To ensure that all trips are completed with minimal delays and passengers are transported safely to their end destinations.
- Scope of Works and Areas of Focus
The successful bidder would be required to perform the following duties:
•Provide all breakdown necessary equipment.
•Supply all mechanical, electrical and vehicle body parts/ spares that might be required for a breakdown repair.
•Perform fault finding on the roadside and repair the fault within an hour at most.
•The technician must provide a details job-card/ report of work carried out and issue a signed copy to the driver and the driver must also co-sign.
•Tow the vehicle with Autopax subcontracted towing services in case of a total breakdown or major repairs that cannot be performed on the side of the road.
•Adhere to all towing precautions e.g. removal of prop-shaft, adjustment of brake boosters to prevent wheel binging etc.
•Report arrival and departure times at the point of breakdown scene.
•All return work on the same defect and or any damage as a result of a repair done by the breakdown technician will be at the bidder’s account.
1.Detail Specification
The successful bidder shall:
•At least have a 1hr response time from a breakdown notification call.
•Provide a high quality breakdown service and product supply as per Mercedes Benz 0D500 and MAN HB4 specifications.
•Product warranty or workmanship to be given at least one year from delivery date or 100000 kilometers or as per component life cycle warranty terms and conditions.
•Repair all mechanical, electrical and body defects in accordance to the OEM specification. (report temporal repairs for record purposes and permanent repair at end destination)
•Test the vehicle after repairs and escort for at least 1km.
•Use of correct lubricants per OEM specification / approvals in case of loss of lubricants.
•All replaced parts must be in accordance with the OEM specification
•Torque all bolts and nuts in-accordance with the correct OEM specification
•Registration requirements:
- RMI (Retail Motor Industry Organization)
- ERA (Engine Remanufacturing Association)/ SANS10274 accreditation (Remanufacturing of diesel engineering)
- Time Frames / Programs
The contract duration/ period may vary according to business needs maximum three years (36 Months)
- Evaluation Criteria
The evaluation should be done in three stages as follows:
Stage 1: Compliance Requirements
a)Valid Tax Clearance Certificate (must be valid on closing date of submission of the proposal);
b)Valid BBBEE Certificate from a SANAS accredited rating agency or IRBA;
c)Letter from auditors confirming shareholding of the Bidder;
d)Completed and signed Tender Forms of AUTOPAX with all the annexures thereto;
e)Certificate for Attendance of Compulsory Briefing Session;
f)Proof of Registration professional body;
g)Company registration documentsCOR, CM 29 (Contents of Register of Directors as issued by Companies Registration Office)
h)Letter of good standing (COID)
i)Security Screening
j)Copies of Directors IDs
k)Consortium or Joint Venture Agreement (whichever if applicable)
l)Company letter head
m)Proof of UIF Registration
n)Proof of registration with the Treasury Central Supply Data Base
Stage 2: Technical / Functionality Requirements
Bidders who do not achieve the 70% threshold on technical evaluation will beautomatically disqualified.
Stage 3: Pricing and BBBEE
Only Bidders who have achieved the 70% threshold for Technical evaluation will be evaluated for the Price component which is 90% of the Evaluation Criteria.
The BBBEE component of evaluation is weighted at 10% of the evaluation criteria. Bidders will be awarded the following points based on the level of their BBBEE as per their BBBEE Certificate issued by an agency approved by SANAS:
BBBEE Status Level of Contributor / Number of Points1 / 10
2 / 9
3 / 8
4 / 5
5 / 4
6 / 3
7 / 2
8 / 1
Non-complaint contributor / 0
- CAPACITY (50 points)
OEM Parts supply / Standard Accreditation certificate
Distribution Certificate / 30 / 0 – Noncompliance
10 –Generic Parts
20 –OEM Parts
30 –OEM and Generic Parts
Resource allocation
Breakdown Technician
/ One trade tested breakdown technician per breakdown with a fully equipped breakdown van
( CV with relevant breakdown experience of a min of 2 years) / 20 / 0 – Less than 2 years’ experience no call-centre.
10 – Less than 2 years’ experience plus Call-Centre
20 – 2 years’ experience plus Call-Centre
- EXPERIENCE (40 points)
Company Experience
In Road Side Assistance/ Breakdowns / Similar projects with verifiable signed references on a company letter head must be submitted.
(Provide References) / 20 / 1 = 1-2 years
2 = Above 2 years - 3 years
3 = Above 3 years - 4 years
4 = Above 4 years -5 years
5= Above 5 years
Ability to handle projects of highest value / Highest Value of similar projects handled and completed in rand value. Must be verifiable. (This is not value per contract but it can also be a total value of contractsadded together). / 20 / 1= 1 – 2 Million
2= Above 2– 3 Million
3= Above 3 - 4 Million
4= Above 4 – 5 Million
5= Above 5 Million
FINANCIAL CAPACITY / Financial capacity at initial contract implementation.
- Latest Bank Statement or
- Any form of financial Bank guarantee
2= Above 3 Million – 5 Million
3= Above 5 Million – 7 Million
4= Above 7Million – 9 Million
5= Above 10 Million
Total score / 100
Summary of weights
Experience / 40
Financial Capacity / 10
Total / 100
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