Center for Bright Beams
Class of 2016 Science and Technology Center
First Annual Site Visit Agenda
Center: Center for Bright Beams
Lead Institution: Cornell University
Principal Investigator: J. Ritchie Patterson
Site Visit Dates/Venue: October16-17, 2017 atCornellUniversity
Site Visit Team Members:
Professor Sally Seidel, U. New Mexico
Professor William Graves, Arizona State U.
Professor Carmen Menoni, Colorado State U.
Professor Glenn Edwards, Duke U.
Professor Tabbetha Dobbins, Rowan U.
Professor Bradley Shadwick, U, of Nebraska-Lincoln
NSF Staff:
Dr. DraganaBrzakovic (OIA), National Science Foundation
Dr. Jim Whitmore (PHY), National Science Foundation
Dr. John Cherniavsky (EHR), National Science Foundation
Dr. SlavaLukin (PHY), National Science Foundation
Dr. Leonard Spinu (DMR), National Science Foundation
Dr. Guebre X. Tessema (DMR), National Science Foundation
Dr. Roland P. Roberts (BIO), National Science Foundation
October 15, 2017Statler Hotel, Pennsylvania Room
7:00 PMNSF executive session (panelists and NSF staff only)
October 16, 2017Physical Sciences Building, room 401
7:30 AMPanelists and NSF staff meet Prof. Julia Thom-Levyin hotel lobby and walk to meeting location.
7:45 AMLight breakfast / Connecting computers to Wi-Fi
8:15 AMWelcome and brief introductions(panelists and NSF staff by themselves, STC Director introduces the center leadership team)
8:30 AMOverview of the Center(20’+ 10’)R. Patterson
9:00 AMCenter organization and management(20’+ 10’)R. Patterson
9:30 AMCBB Culture and StrategicPlanningI(25’+10’)P. Musumeci
10:05CBB Culture and Strategic Planning II (10’+ 5’)S. Sibener
10:20 AMBreak for center participants/ NSF executive session (20 min)
10:50 AMBeam Production (30’ + 15’)H. Padmore
I. Bazarov
11:35 AMBeam Acceleration (30’ + 15’)S. Sibener
M. Liepe
12:20 PMLunch – Panelists and NSF staff with center students and postdocs
1:20 PMBreak (5’)
1:25 PMBeam Transport and Storage(30’ + 15’)Y.-K. Kim
D. Rubin
2:10 PMEducation and Diversity(30’ + 15’)M. Hines
W. DeBenedetti
J. Maniscalco
2:55 PMBreak for center participants/ NSF executive session (30’)
3:25 PMAccelerator Workforce Development(15’ + 8’)Y.-K. Kim
3:40 PMKnowledge Transfer (15’ + 7’)D. Muller
4:10 PMWrap-upR. Patterson
4:25 PMBreak
4:30 PMNSF executive session/Break for center participants
5:45 PMCritical feedback with a list of questions that require clarification to the center leadership team
6:00 PMEnd of Day 1
6:30 PMDinner of panelists and NSF staffat Banfi’sFour Seasons Roomin the Statler Hotel
October 17, 2017Physical Sciences Building, room 401
7:30 AMPanelists and NSF staff meet in hotel lobby and travel to meeting location
7:45 AMLight breakfast
8:00 AMMeeting with university administrators (without any STC participants) / Institutional support
Dr. Eric IsaacsExecutive VP for Research, Innovation and National Laboratories, University of Chicago
Dr. Gretchen RitterDean, College of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University
Dr. XXXXXX, Brigham Young University
Dr. Forrest Masters,Assoc. Dean for Research and Facilities, College of Engineering, University of Florida
Dr.Miguel Garcia-GaribayDean, Division of Physical Sciences, UCLA (letter)
9:00 AMSTC's response to the critical feedback
10:00 AMPanelists preparethe site visit report, with a working lunch
4:00 PMEnd of the site visit