Garner Police Athletic / Activities League
Minutes of the Board of Directors for December 5, 2013
In attendance:Nancy Anderson, Mitch Brewer, Amaka Flynn, Buddy Gupton, Claude Jenkins, Chuck Killian, Jann Layman, Sgt. Mike McIver, Rob Smith, and Chief Brandon Zuidema.
The meeting was called to order at 6:15 by Vice President Nancy Anderson.
The following business was discussed:
1)November board meeting minutes were presented for review. No discussion. Motion by Amaka, second by Mitch, and approved unanimously.
2)Claude presented the November Treasurer’s Report for review and discussion. He verified that we have put $10,000 in the capital fund this year; it will show up in the details of next month’s report. Discussion was held as to how much detail to present in the monthly report; it was decided to focus on the first pages of the report with just summary information. There was also discussion as to our Belk income for the year; there should be one remaining payment made. Motion by Mitch, second by Buddy, and approved unanimously.
3)Program reports:
- Avery St. – no report (Lt. Clayton had to leave prior to the meeting beginning).
- EGMMS – Sgt. McIver reported that the group has 15 active members; they had a Thanksgiving feast prior to the holiday and went ice skating at the Garner Ice House in November. They are continuing to have a mix of “work and play”, with play time occasionally interrupted due to tutoring following reports of disciplinary issues in school.
- Explorer Post/Cadets –Per Investigator Amy Miller, they will have four cadets participating in the Christmas parade. The cadets participated in a recent Special Olympics North Carolina “Cops on Top” fundraiser and are meeting with a representative from the U.S. Marshal’s Office in December and they will be participating in the Shop with a Cop program on December 14 and 15.
- Garner Magnet High School – will begin this spring during 2nd semester at the school.
- NGMMS Girls Club – Per Investigator Christina Pappas: “My PAAL will be going to the Laurels of Forest Glen nursing home on 12/18 to spread cheer to residents who don't get many visitors through the year. We will pair up and do an activity together, like bingo or a sing-a-long. We may be putting together small gift baskets for them, so I may be asking for the bank card. They wrote letters of appreciation to their teachers to "give thanks" during the Thanksgiving holiday.”
- Vandora Springs Elementary –per Lieutenant Joey Binns: “We only met twice in November due to the holidays and an assembly they had at the school. For both those meetings, the "theme" was "begin with the end in mind". We did several activities and games that focused on that including some puzzle games, a river crossing game, and some open discussion on goal setting. We also had a chance to do some outside dodge ball on the playground. One of the 8 kids I work with is moving to SC so I'm waiting on the teachers to add one more student to the program.
This month (November), we will be looking at:"Putting First Things First - I spend my time on things that are most important. This means I say no to things I should not do. I set priorities, make a schedule, and follow my plan. I am organized" - These follow the Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective Kids. We will probably have some type of pizza party before they get out for the Christmas holidays as well.”
4)Committee Reports:
- No Finance Committee report.
- No Fundraising Committee report.
- Program Committee:
- We are still working with Garner’s Community of Hope to become partners in an after-school program; additional meetings are forthcoming.
- We are also working on the second back-to-school bash and hope to again partner with GUMC and to involve Community of Hope as well.
5)Old Business:
- Sgt. McIver reported that he had spent $999.66 of the $1,000 he was authorized for giveaways. He purchased coffee mugs, magnets, and pencils.
- Sgt. McIver reported that the new Garner PAAL website (same web addresses) is now up and running; this is a free site through National PAL. Our only remaining costs related to our web presence is an annual domain name fee of $47.00.
- Sgt. McIver reported that he has set up a PAAL Pay Pal account for online donations and has also ordered a Pay Pal credit card swipe device.
- PAAL has purchased nine (9) $25.00 gift cards from Wal-Mart using remaining back-to-school bash funds and they will be distributed to needy families at the holidays.
- We will be participating in the Garner Christmas parade use Chief Zuidema’s truck with Tim driving and kids riding or walking. Anyone wanting to participate needs to be at the Main St. police station by 12:45 on Saturday the 7th. Sgt. McIver will get candy to be given out during the parade.
6)New business:
- Mrs. Neesy Green, with Vantage South bank, has applied to join the board of directors. Her application was reviewed and she was approved unanimously for the board. Chief Zuidema will notify Neesy.
- Rob Smith expressed an interest in becoming a full board member rather than just serving as the Parks and Rec liaison. He has been promoted to Assistant Director and will have Jack Baldwin attend as the new PRCR liaison to the PAAL board.
- Chief Zuidema requested permission to pursue the establishment of a PAAL group at Timber Drive Elementary similar to the program being operated at Vandora Springs Elementary. Sgt. McIver then expressed interest in a similar program for Aversboro Rd. Elementary. Board gave permission to pursue programs at both schools.
The next meeting of the Board of Directors for the Garner PAAL Board will be held on Thursday, January 9at 6:00 p.m. at the Main St. Police Station.