P.O. BOX 13727, SALEM, OR 97309


September 17, 2017

Meeting called to order at 6:00by Jeff Pinkerton

Present:Duane Bedell, Nick Beleiciks, Julie Bevens, Mike Bevens, Wendy Biggs,Amanda Buntjer,Angie Hatch, Tim Halfman, John Parpart, Leslie Parpart, Jeff Pinkerton

Absent: Debbie Bedell, Doug Perret

Guests: Angie Rue, Hunter Rue

Treasure report:

May through August report was given including up to date checking, budget and operating income

Meeting Minutes:

Motion to approve Maymeeting minutes made by Amanda and seconded by Mike. Motion approved unanimously.

Committee Reports:

  1. Fields and Grounds (Tim): Since we are currently in the red, he won’t ask for monies that he was considering. Adult league is playing Sundays thru October.
  2. Concessions (John): None Given
  3. Fundraiser (Julie): None Given
  4. Player Agent (Amanda):
  5. Fall ball is up and running. There is a total of 5 players to collect fees and Amanda and Mike are in contact with those families.
  6. No major Ranger uniforms were returned at the end of the 2017 season. These were in their first year of rotation. Jeff is going to call and ask the manager if they were collected or if players still have jerseys.

Old Business:

  1. Fall Ball Managers (Jeff):
  2. Ratify email vote to approve Mike Bevens for major fall ball and Kevin Smith for junior fall ball. 7 for, 0 against, 2 abstain for Mike, 8 for, 0 against, 1 abstain for Kevin. Leslie motioned to approve, Tim seconded. Motion approved unanimously.
  3. District Conference October 21:
  4. Scottish Rite Temple; round table discussions and networking.
  5. Tentative cost is $10 which essentially pays for food provided.
  6. There will be a vendor’s fair there as well. Equipment, fundraiser, and apparel vendors will be in attendance. Board members in charge of securing those services are encouraged to at least come for the vendor’s fair for information.
  7. State Conference December 1-3:
  8. Bend Oregon
  9. Cost is unknown at this time. Room is on own. Will send out information as soon as possible.
  10. Parrish Little League Board Retreat November 17, 18, 19: More details at a later date.

New Business:

  1. Fund Raiser cards for upcoming season (Mike):
  2. Discussion on whether to do the cards, bring back the meat sticks for the fundraiser. If we are to do the cards, it must start now in order to have at registration.
  3. Jeff motioned to do the cards and Amanda seconded. Additional discussion and Jeff amended his motion to do the cards providing they are the same cost/profit margin as last year and Amanda seconded. Motion approved unanimously.
  4. Mike asked for board members to send him businesses that we would like to see contacted to offer a deal on the card.
  5. Concession stand card use (Angie R.):
  6. Angie asked about the concession stand accepting debit/credit cards at the stand. This is something that has been looked into, but logistics have been difficult (cost, who to run, what to run it on, internet access etc).
  7. Angie H. will look into it again and report findings at a later board meeting.
  8. Other sources of money/goods:
  9. Leslie let the board know of a $3500 grant that was submitted September 15 to work on fences and bleachers (wood). It’s a grant that becomes available every year.
  10. Angie R. brought up asking Lowe’s and Home Depot for donation of hard materials (they don’t necessarily give money, but more inclined to donate hard goods)
  11. Julie is looking into a Siletz Tribe grant. She has secured one in the past for her son’s baseball team. Discussion included past history about casino money (if the word ‘casino’ is used in thanking for support, we don’t apply).

Wendy motioned to adjourn and Mikeseconded 6:45 PM. Motion approved unanimously.

Annual meeting election results are on next page.

September 17, 2017

Annual Meeting called to order at 6:47 by Jeff Pinkerton

Voting Members Present:Duane Bedell, Nick Beleiciks, Julie Bevens, Mike Bevens, Wendy Biggs,Amanda Buntjer,Angie Hatch, Tim Halfman, John Parpart, Leslie Parpart, Jeff Pinkerton

Voting Members Absent: Debbie Bedell, Doug Perret

Current President,Jeff Pinkerton, opened the floor for nominations for the 2017-2018 Season.

The following were nominated:

President: Mike Bevens

Vice President: Jeff Pinkerton

Secretary: Leslie Parpart

Treasurer: Angie Hatch

Player Agent: Amanda Buntjer

Safety Officer: John Parpart

Information Officer: Wendy Biggs

Umpire in Chief:

Coaching Coordinator: Tim Halfman

Equipment Manager: Angie Rue and Hunter Rue

Sponsorship: Julie Bevens

Fundraiser: Julie Bevens

Division Coordinators:

Tball and AA: Wendy Biggs

AAA and Majors: Duane Bedell

Juniors: Tim Halfman

Fields and Grounds Chairperson: Tim Halfman

Concessions: John Parpart


Wendy motioned to approve, Julie seconded. Motion passed by all in attendance.

New board follows fiscal year calendar, taking office October 1, 2017 thru September 20, 2017.

Presidential appointments (constitution allows for 2).

Motion to adjourn at 7:15 PM by Wendy and seconded by Mike. Motion passed unanimously.

Next meeting will be October 15at 6 PM.

Respectfully submitted,Potential meeting dates:

Leslie ParpartNov. 19

Secretary Parrish Little LeagueDec. 17

Jan 28

Feb 11

March 18

April 15

May 20

June 10

Sept. 16 Annual Meeting