Queens’ College

1968 50thReunion Dinner

Saturday 17th March 2018

Please send your response:

 By completing this form and returning it by post to: The Alumni & Development Office, Queens' College, Cambridge CB3 9ET

 By returning your form by email:

 By telephoning: +44 (0)1223 761422 (Monday – Friday, 9.00am – 4:30pm)

Please ensure that your response form arrives with us on or before Friday 23rd February 2018
Due to limited capacity in the Old Hall, places for this event will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Please tick:

 I/we would like to attend the 1968 50th Reunion Dinner

Title ______Name ______Year of Matriculation ______

Address ______

______Post code ______

Email I ______Telephone ______

Dietary & mobility requirements ______

Guest name ______

Guest dietary & mobility requirements ______

Should they attend, I/we would like to be seated near (includes Fellows)II:



Members who matriculated in 1968 attend this event at no cost.

The cost for your guest is £55.00

Due to security reasons, we kindly ask that you do not transmit card payment details by email.

Please send these details either by post or by phoning the office.

Card details will be destroyed following the transaction and a receipt will be sent if requested.

Refunds on cancellations are only available up to five working days before the event.

I enclose a cheque payable to Queens’ College Cambridge for £ ______
Please charge my VISA Credit/ Visa Debit / MasterCard / Switch / Delta / Maestro for £ ______
Card number: ______
Expiry date: ______/ Security code (last three digits on reverse of card): ______



Parking in College is only available for those with limited mobility. Please indicate below if you would like to request permission to park in College on Saturday, 17th March 2018.

Parking required 

For alternative parking, there are a number of car parks in and around Cambridge, including the Grand Arcade car park on Corn Exchange Street and Park Street car park. More information about parking in Cambridge can be found online at

Any updates?

Please provide us with any news or changes to details so that we can keep your record up to date.



As this event is being held during term time, unfortunately accommodation in College is not available. Please refer to the College website for alternative suggestions

Terms of booking

I All further event correspondence, including confirmation of your response and the pre-event information, will be made via email unless otherwise requested below.

I would like postal correspondence 

II We will try to arrange a seating plan to meet at least one of your requests, although we hope you understand this is not always possible.

*** Please tick the box below if you do not wish your name to be included on any attendee lists for this event (including any that may be sent by email prior to the event) ***


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch:


Tel: +44 (0)1223 761422

Your response

Please ensure that your response form arrives with us on or before Friday 23rd February 2018

The Alumni & Development Office, Queens' College, Cambridge, CB3 9ET

Queens’ College is a UK Registered Charity: 1137495

All data is securely held in the College’s Alumni and Development Office and will be treated confidentially and with sensitivity for the benefit of Queens’ College and its Members. Selected data is available to the University, and occasionally to Alumni volunteers and agents contracted by the College for specific Alumni-related projects. Data is used for a full range of Alumni activities, including the sending of College publications, the promotion of benefits and services to Members, the notification of Members’ events and the raising of funds for Queens’. Under the terms of the 1998 Data Protection Act you have the right to object to the use of your data for any of these purposes.