Louisiana Engineering SocietyBaton Rouge Chapter

President’s Address

By: Dan Rosenquist, P.E.

Welcome to the 2008-2009 year with the Baton Rouge LES Chapter. The chapter is off to a fast start with the August Luncheon, the Meet & Greet with the Metro Council Candidates and Hurricane Gustav. Although the Chapter had no involvement in planning the latter event, all our membership sure participated in it. The LES Baton Rouge Chapter Board hopes everyone weathered the storm with only superficial damage and is on the way to regaining normalcy. We would also like to give our appreciation to those engineers that were able to apply their engineering knowledge to the planning, assessment or the recovery of Baton Rouge and Louisiana. We also would like to encourage the engineering community to learn from this storm and take an active role in developing strategies to that could better ensure the public welfare in future storms.

The board would like to express its great appreciation of the Chapter Past President, Robbie Lear, P.E., LSI. His relentless service to the society led to a very successful year and has left a foundation which will continue to benefit the society for years to come. Additionally, as a testament to his character, Robbie has pledged his support to the board and the society for the upcoming year which is really going above and beyond what is expected. Thanks!

This years Baton Rouge Chapter board members include President Elect -Geoff Wilson, P.E., Vice President-Jim Ferguson, P.E., Secretary-Treasurer-Robert Isemann, P.E., Directors -Mickey Robertson, P.E.andCatherine Flarity, E.I.,andYounger Member Committee Chair- Michael Somme, E.I..

On behalf of the Chapter Board, I would like to express our commitment to deliver the goals set out within the LES Mission Statements included further in this newsletter. The board is at your service and is excited to deliver a rewarding and eventful year for the LES membership.

Upcoming Year

In the past, the boards have done an excellent job of creating and delivering a schedule of events that lives up to the LES Mission Statement. It is the goal of this board to continue to deliver these events in the consistent manner that you all have become accustomed to. Additionally, we will strive to bring new ideas in an effort to encourage greater participation and to grow the membership. As a member of this society, your ideas and comments are always welcomed in helping us achieve this goal.

Our upcoming events include the September Luncheon, (see details this sheet), the October 23rd Luncheon and the November 6th Ethics-LSU/Southern Student Function. We look forward to seeing you at these events.

(Continued on next page)
President’s Address (Continued)

Recognition of Engineering Achievements

Nominations are officially open for the LES Baton Rouge Chapter awards. The board will select the winners on October 2nd at the Executive Meeting and those winners will represent our Chapter at the LES statewide level. The board is asking for your help to identify those members that you feel meet the descriptions shown further in the newsletter. Please forward all nomination of Baton Rouge Chapter members to me at or 225-266-6064.

Encouragement for Future P.E.’s

The PE Test is scheduled for October 24-25th. I encourage our Professional Engineer Members who serve as co-workers, mentors or supervisors to those that are taking the exam to take a personal interest and express your support and encouragement. Your efforts will be a service to the profession and will be appreciated by those who are attempting to join the Professional Engineering Community.

Again, the board is looking forward and excited to deliver a rewarding and eventful year for the LES membership. If you have any questions, comments, ideas, or you would like to play a greater role in the serving the society this upcoming year, feel free to contact me at or 225-266-6064.

WelcomeNew Members

The following individuals are new members of LES. If you see these individuals, please welcome them to the Society.

Pavy L. Robert, III, P.E. – URS Corporation

John J. Dore, E.I. – Shell

Joy K. Johnson, E.I.

Kevin M. Stacey, E.I. – Dow

Travis Ryan Estess, E.I. – Tatum Engineering, Inc.Randall D. Withers, P.E.

Jesse D. Grifka, E.I. – Keystone EngineeringAllen A.J. Beatty, E.I.

James E. Thomas, E.I.Brett C. Liuzza, E.I. – Forte & Tablada, Inc.

Matthew J. Stephens, E.I.Benjamin L. Lenard, E.I. – Forte & Tablada, Inc.

Hugh P. Edwards, E.I.Mitchell R. Serpas, E.I.

Stephen C. Page, P.E.Robert Nuss, E.I.

Ashley N. Dyess, E.I. – URS CorporationLisa D. Smith – Aquaterra Engineering, Inc.

Brad J. Joffrion, P.E.Frederick D. Gatz, E.I. – C-K Associates, Inc.

Gabriel D. Broussard, E.I.Clinton P. Smith, P.E.

Taylor Matthew Gravois, P.E. – CSRS, Inc.Ryan G. Nesbit, P.E. – Fox-Nesbit Engineering, LLC

Jesse D. Noel, E.I.Brad C. Guillot, E.I.

New Younger Member Committee Chair

This year the board is pleased to have a dedicated person to handle the duties of acting as a liaison to our local colleges and young engineers. Michael Somme, E.I., MSM will be handling the duties of coordinating the aforementioned student function and coming up with other creative ideas to involve our younger members. Please contact Michael at with ideas or requests for involvement.

Future City Competition Kicking Off

The start of school marks the start of the Future City Competition. Schools around the state will begin signing up to participate in this year’s competition. The State Competition will be held on January 21, 2009 in Alexandria, LA. Engineering mentors will be needed to make this LES-backed program a success. Please visit the Future City Competition website at for competition information. Feel free to call Catherine Flarity at 225-298-0800 or email at for additional information about becoming involved in the Future City Competition.

Baton Rouge MathCounts Set for

February 13, 2009 – Save The Date

The LES Baton Rouge Chapter will be hosting the Baton Rouge Regional MathCounts competition on February 13, 2009. The competition will be held at the TTECCenter next to LTRC on the LSU Campus. LES volunteers are needed to serve as graders and proctors for the competition. For those who have never witnessed the competition, I encourage you to attend. These 7th and 8th graders put on an impressive display of math prowess. Please contact Gavin Gautreau, P.E. at (225) 767-9110 or if you would like to volunteer for the competition.

Newsletter / Website Ads For Sale

The Baton Rouge Chapter is offering advertisement in both the monthly Newsletter and Chapter Website for $100 per administrative year. Renewals will be sent to current advertisers this month. Anyone wishing to place an ad in the newsletter and website can contact Geoff Wilson at r (225) 298-0800.

Upcoming CPD Opportunities

The Louisiana Professional Engineering and Surveying Board have posted on their website a list of CPD opportunities within the next few months. Click your browsers to to see what’s coming up. Remember, your membership in LES counts as 1 PDH per biennial renewal period!!!

  • 8 Hour Life Safety Code Seminar Sponsored by LES

September 26, 2008,CypressBend Resort, 2000 Cypress Bend Parkway, Many, LA

$180 Registration Fee for LES Members / $232 for Non-Members (Includes Lunch)

Visit for registration information

Nominations Open for 2009 LES Statewide Honors and Awards

The Baton Rouge Chapter is accepting nominations for the 2009 LES Statewide Honors and Awards. If you would like to nominate someone for one of these awards, please contact Dan Rosenquist at r 225-266-6064 or Geoff Wilson at . The awards include the following:

A.B. PattersonMedal for an Engineer in Management

The Engineer In Management Award, the A. B. Paterson Medal will be awarded as conditions warrant, but not more often than annually, for Distinguished Service in Management by an Engineer. Achievements in management rather than engineering or scientific attainments shall be the primary criterion for the selection of the recipient. The desire of the Society is not only to recognize the recipient, but to encourage and inspire other engineers to take a greater effort in the field of Business Management.

Andrew M. Lockett Medal for Civic Activities

The Andrew M. Lockett Medal will be awarded as conditions warrant, but not more often than annually, for Distinguished Service by an Engineer, in the interest of the Public, without compensation for those services. The character and scope of the services rendered are the predominant criteria, rather than strictly engineering or scientific attainments. The desire of the Society is not only to recognize the recipient but to encourage and inspire other engineers to take a greater part in the civic well being of their communities, parishes and the State of Louisiana.

Charles M. Kerr Public Relations Award

The Public Relations Award, the Charles M. Kerr Plaque will be awarded as conditions warrant, but not more often than annually, for Distinguished Service by an Engineer in Promotion of the Public Relations Program for the Engineering Profession in Louisiana. The character and scope of the contributions to the Society’s overall public relations program internally and/or externally is the predominant criteria, rather than strictly engineering accomplishments. Officers of the Society and members of L.E.S. Public Relations Committee are not eligible for the award. The desire of the Society is not only to recognize the recipient but to encourage and inspire other engineers to take a greater part in the Society’s public relations program in their communities, parishes, and the State of Louisiana.

F. Hugh CoughlinYoung Engineer Award

The F. Hugh Coughlin Young Engineer Award, Louisiana Engineer Key and Certificate will be awarded as conditions warrant, but not more often than annually, to an engineer not over thirty-five (35) years of age who has demonstrated to a high degree capabilities in his chosen field of engineering, thereby indicating potential for further advancement and leadership as a professional engineer. The desire of the Society is not only to recognize the recipient but to encourage and inspire young engineers with a desire to reach greater heights of professional achievement and service.

James M. Todd Technological Accomplishment Medal

The James M. Todd Medal will be awarded as conditions warrant, but not more often than annually, for Distinguished Service by an Engineer for Technological Advancement or Discoveries as contributions to the advancement of Engineering. The purpose of honoring Engineers with this award is to encourage and inspire other engineers to reach even greater heights of professional achievement.

Leo M. OdomAward for Services to the Profession

The Leo M. Odom Award will be awarded as conditions warrant, but not more often than annually, for Distinguished Service to the Engineering Profession in Louisiana. The purpose of honoring Engineers with this award is to encourage and inspire other engineers to take a greater part in the advancement of the profession in its service to mankind.

16th Annual LSU / Southern Student Function

A Call For Sponsors

The LES Baton Rouge Chapter will be hosting our 16th annual LSU-Southern Student / Faculty Jambalaya Dinner on Thursday, November 6, 2008 in the South Courtyard of the LSU Patrick F. Taylor Hall (Formerly CEBA Building). The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. with jambalaya and soft drinks being served. This meeting is an opportunity to explain to students about LES and what LES does for the engineering profession. It also gives students the opportunity to meet engineers and potential employers in a casual setting in order to discuss our great profession.

The Chapter is currently seeking sponsors for this event. This event will serve as our fund raising effort for the William A. Wintz, Jr. Scholarship Program. The amount and number of scholarships depends on your contributions to the program. Sponsor’s names will be posted on a board at the function and posted in the November LES newsletter and LES website. The three grades of sponsorship are as follows:

Platinum$250.00 and up

Gold$100.00 and up

Silverup to $100.00

This event has proven to be very successful in the past and this year hopes to be no exception. We are expecting between 200-300 students for this event. We also will be holding a 1 hour Ethics PDH meeting prior to the function and expect a large professional turn-out. If you would like to be a sponsor for this event, please make a check payable to LES Education Fund and mail to LES c/o Geoff Wilson at 10305 Airline Highway, Baton Rouge, Louisiana70816.

If you or any of your staff plan to attend the event, the faculty parking lot adjacent to Patrick F. Taylor Hall will be reserved for attendees. If you have any questions, please contact Michael Somme at (225) 769-0546. The LES Board and Members looks forward to seeing you at the function.

LES Baton Rouge Chapter

2008-2009 Officers

September 2008 NewsletterPage 1

Louisiana Engineering SocietyBaton Rouge Chapter


Dan Rosenquist, P.E.


President Elect

Geoff Wilson, P.E.


Vice President

Jim Ferguson, P.E., M.B.A.


Secretary / Treasurer

Robert Isemann, P.E.


1st Director

Mickey Robertson, P.E., P.L.S.


2nd Director

Catherine Flarity, E.I.


September 2008 NewsletterPage 1

Louisiana Engineering SocietyBaton Rouge Chapter

Visit us on the web

September 2008 NewsletterPage 1