
Identify the religious tradition described in each statement below.

a. Taoism / b. Buddhism / c. Confucianism

1.  Balance and simplicity is key to the natural flow of things.

2.  Once the goal of Nirvana is reached, suffering is ended.

3.  Follow the noble eight-fold path.

4.  Obedience toward elders.

5.  Life is suffering.

6.  Tao Te Ching teaches that power and material wealth are unimportant.

7.  Founder is Confucius.

8.  Siddhartha Gautama

9.  Don’t mess with nature.

10. More a system of ethics than a religion.

Choose the best answer to each multiple choice question.

11. The capital city of China is

a.  Shanghai

b.  Beijing

c.  Tokyo

d.  Hong Kong

12. The official language/dialect in China is

a.  Chinese

b.  Cantonese

c.  Mandarin

d.  Sanskrit

13. All of the following are minority nationalities in China except:

a.  Han

b.  Tibetan

c.  Manchu

d.  Mongol

14. The walled, protected area within the city of Beijing that once housed the Emperor is known as

a.  The Great Palace

b.  The Red Palace

c.  The Forbidden Palace

d.  The Forbidden City

15. The name of China is taken from which of the following important leaders?

a.  Chiang Kai-Shek

b.  Chin Shi Huangdi

c.  Confucius

d.  Tao Te Ching

16. Many Chinese rulers of the past have been granted authority to rule according to the

a.  Law

b.  Dynasty system

c.  Mandate of Heaven

d.  Teachings of Confucius

17. A series of rulers all members of the same family is called

a.  Monarchy

b.  Filial Piety

c.  Mandate of Heaven

d.  Dynasty

18. Chinese farmers optimized their use of mountainous land through the use of this ingenious technique:

a.  Terrace Farming

b.  Irrigation

c.  Tractor Farming

d.  Filial Piety

19. Mao Zedong is to Chiang Kai-Shek is to ______.

a.  Nationalists …..Communists

b.  Confucians ….. Taoists

c.  Communists ….. Nationalists

d.  Taoists ….. Confucians

20. What is the Kuomintang (KMT)?

a.  Nationalist army

b.  Nationalist ruler

c.  Communist army

d.  Communist ruler

21. What is the 6,000 mile trek that the Communists took across China to avoid attack by the Nationalists known as?

a.  Great Walk

b.  Opium War

c.  Retreat

d.  Long March

22. Whose ideas were stressed (sometimes by brutal force) throughout China during the Cultural Revolution?

a.  Chiang Kai-Shek

b.  Chin Shi Huangdi

c.  Sun Yat-Sen

d.  Mao Zedong

23. What student “army” was used by leaders of the Cultural Revolution to further its goals?

a.  Red Army

b.  Kuomintang

c.  Red Guard

d.  Boxer Rebellion

24. When the Nationalists were driven out of China, where did they go?

a.  Taiwan

b.  Hong Kong

c.  Laos

d.  Australia

25. During the late 1800s and early 1900s, what cultural influence caused unrest in China economically and politically?

a.  Japan

b.  The Arab world

c.  The “West”

d.  Africa

26. Women in China traditionally

a.  Are dominated by men

b.  Never achieve economic independence

c.  Are sometimes physically mutilated through foot-binding

d.  All of the above