2017-2018 SCHOOL YEAR

Penalties and Recommendations to Category 1 Activities: Football, Volleyball, Cross Country, Soccer, Dance Team, Cheer Team, Wrestling, Basketball, Softball, Baseball, Track, Golf and Clay Target.

All penalties will apply to students in grades 7-12. Violations will start accumulating in grade 7. Also these rules will be enforced the entire year rather than only during the school year. Three attempts will be made to contact parents before questioning the student athlete about a potential violation.


  1. Reference MSHSL Bylaw 205

Twelve (12) months of the year, a student shall not at any time, regardless of the quantity: (1) use or consume, have in possession a beverage containing alcohol; (2) use or consume, have in possessiontobacco; or (3) use or consume, have in possession, buy, sell, or give away any other controlled substance or drug paraphernalia, (4) use or consume, have in possession, buy, sell or give away products containing or products used to deliver nicotine, tobacco products and other chemicals. “Tobacco products” means: any product containing, made, or derived from tobacco that is intended for human consumption, whether chewed, smoked, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled, snorted, sniffed, or ingested by any other means, or any component, part or accessory of a tobacco product, (5) use or consume, have in possession, buy, sell or give away any substance or product where the intent of such use of the substance or product is to induce intoxication, excitement, stupefaction of the central nervous system, except under the direction and supervision of a medical doctor. Such substance or products shall include, but are not limited to, synthetic drugs, gasoline, glue, aerosol devices, bath salts, and any substances addressed by Minnesota or Federal Law.

  1. The bylaw applies continuously from the first signing of the student Eligibility Brochure.
  1. It is not a violation for a student to be in possession of a controlled substance specifically prescribed for the student’s own use by her/his doctor.

B. Penalty

1.First Violation: After confirmation of the first violation, the student shall lose eligibility for the next two (2) consecutive interscholastic contests or two (2) weeks of a season in which the student is a participant, whichever is greater. No exception is permitted for a student who becomes a participant in a treatment program.

2.Second Violation: After confirmation of the second violation, the student shall lose eligibility for the next six (6) consecutive interscholastic contests in which the student is a participant or three (3) weeks, whichever is greater. No exception is permitted to a student who becomes a participant in a treatment program.

After confirmation of his/her second violation he/she will not be eligible to letter or receive individual awards for the sport in which the violation took place or served.

3.Third or Subsequent Violations: After confirmation of the third or subsequent violations, the student shall lose eligibility for the next twelve (12) consecutive interscholastic contests in which the student is a participant or four (4) weeks, whichever is greater.

If after the third or subsequent violations, the student has been assessed to be chemically dependent and the student on her/his own volition becomes a participant in a chemical dependency program or treatment program, then the student may be certified for reinstatement in MSHSL activities after a minimum period of six (6) weeks. Such certification must be issued by the director or a counselor of a chemical dependency treatment center.

After confirmation of his/her third or subsequent violation he/she will not be eligible to letter or receive individual awards for the sport in which the violation took place or served.

  1. Consecutive Penalties: Penalties are progressive and consecutive.
  1. DENIAL DISQUALIFICATION: A student shall be disqualified from all inter-scholastic athletics for nine (9) additional weeks beyond the student’s original period of ineligibility when the student denies violation of the rule, is allowed to participate and then is subsequently found guilty of the violation.


A student must be a student in good standing, and able to be placed in the game, meet or contest except for the penalty being served. (Students who are not in good standing due to suspension, expulsion, injury, illness, family vacations, etc. are not able to be placed in a game, meet or contest and are therefore not able to count those contests toward the penalty).


A. Suspicion of violation:

Sources: Coach, Parent, Administrator, District Employee, Law enforcement, Community Member

B. Investigation of suspected violation:

Anytime a student/athlete is being interviewed about an alleged incident, it should be done with 2 adults participating. Combinations preferred - High School Principal, Activities Director, Head Coach, Guidance Counselor, and Superintendent.

Three attempts must be made to contact the parent prior to questioning the student/athlete.

Intimidation techniques should not be used in the questioning process.

C.Conclusion/Action Plan:

Once the investigation process is complete, the interviewers will determine guilt or innocence.

The decision of the interview team will be communicated:

1. Orally to the student/athlete and parent.

2. In writing to parent, coach, and superintendent


ASSOCIATION: In addition to the rules stated above, Tracy Area Public Schools will also administer the following rules and penalties.

RULE: A participant in any and all activities, as mentioned or inferred above, shall not be present where an alcoholic beverage is available for minor or student consumption and/or is being consumed by minors and/or students, (e.g. “keg party,” “open bottle” situation, or the like); or where illegal drugs are available and/or being used. (Wedding receptions and/or parties at which the student is accompanied by his or her parent or legal guardian are excluded from this rule; however, the prohibition against use, consumption and possession of alcohol, tobacco or drugs and/or drug paraphernalia continue to apply.)

Every association violation will result in a suspension from the next category I activity and the next category II activity.


The individual calling in the report will be asked to make a written statement of the violation they are reporting. If the individual making the report does not sign a written report no investigation will take place.


A.A Student/participant should display the type of attitude, cooperation, loyalty, and honesty that would be a credit to the individual and to the school program. Actions on the part of a student/participant that are deemed unsatisfactory will be subject to discipline according to the following guidelines.

B.The action listed below is followed by a number of numbers indicating the possible consequences of such an action.

1.Administrative action resulting in suspension, in school or out of school. (1,2)

2.Willful damage or stealing of school property. (1,2,3,4,5,6)

3.Skipping school. (2,3)

4.Student/participant not in attendance for 1/2 school day without previous arrangements. (2)

5.Student/participant violates regulations concerning curfew, practice, dress, conduct, etc., as prescribed by the head coach. (1,2,3,4,5,6)

6.Association with groups or individuals displaying any conduct which is to be considered as detrimental to the welfare of Tracy Area High School and the extra-curricular programs. This regulation will apply to incidents during the school year and during the summer. (1,2,3,4,5,6)

7.Trouble with the law, such as stealing, damage to property, fighting etc. (1,2,3,4,5,6)


1.Reprimand-incident reported to parents

2.No participation in practice or interscholastic event that day(s)

3.Suspension from one interscholastic contest

4.Suspension from two interscholastic contests

5.Suspension from participation for remainder of season

6.Loss of awards


Penalties for Category II Activities (Band, Choir, Plays, Speech, One-Act Play, & Knowledge Bowl and any other activity that falls under category II of the MSHSL) must be served separately from category one activities. A student shall not be suspended from activities where their grade may be affected. FFA, FLA, Student Council, National Honor Society and Peer Counselors operate according to their constitutions.

1st Offense - 1 event, 2nd Offense - 3 events, 3rd Offense - 6 events


A Preseason Sports Meeting is held the week before the Fall Sports Teams are able to start practices in August. Winter and Spring Coaches will schedule meetings for their respective sports prior to the start of their season.


All athletes in grades 9-12 must pay an$85.00 participation fee before they will be allowed to participate in any contests. Athletes in grades 7 & 8 must pay $60.00 per sport before participating. Participation fee for Speech is $50.00 and $40.00 for Knowledge Bowl, One Act Play, School Play, $25.00 for Junior High Knowledge Bowl. Band instrument rental varies with the type of instrument and must be paid at the beginning of the school year.

If you participate in three sports your third sport is free. If you participate in three fine arts activities your third fine arts activity is free. If you receive free lunches your participation fee will be reduced to half upon your request and verification in the district office. If you receive reduced lunches you must pay the full fee.

By paying a participation fee you have paid for the right to practice with the team. Your fee does not give you the right to participate in a contest. You must earn the privilege to participate in a contest.


Any student who intends to participate in high school interscholastic athletics must have on file in the in the Activities Office, a record of a physical examination performed within the previous three (3) years. A health questionnaire shall be completed annually and could indicate the need for a physical examination prior to participation. The signature of the parent or guardian approving participation is required.


Immunizations: In order to be legally enrolled in a Minnesota school, all students must present proof that they have met the immunization requirements for Minnesota students. Students who do not meet the immunization requirements are not allowed to stay enrolled in school. TAHS also reserves the right to with hold student athletes from participation until immunization records are complete.


In order to participate in events and/or practices, or other school sponsored activities, students MUST be in school for 4 periods the day of the event. Pre-arranged excused absences are permissible.


Loyalty to TracyAreaHigh School means more than making a lot of noise at an athletic contest. It does mean that, but it also means conducting yourself in such a way at all times so as to bring only honor and credit to your school and community. Whether right or wrong, nevertheless, it is true that most people judge your school, your community and your home by the way you act in public. That includes the way you conduct yourself in the classroom, in the corridors, in the study halls, in the auditorium, in the lunchroom, and at athletic contests - both home and away – as well as your conduct on the streets and at public gatherings. One or two careless students can hurt the reputation of all. Every student should be on guard at all times so the school may always gain prestige and honor. Let us be conscious of these at all times. Be courteous and considerate of new students and guests. Make them feel that we are happy to have them here. Conduct yourself at all times so that visitors to our building will see only that which they can praise.

School Board approved July 17,2017