
According to the thinking of the time, which war was waged “to make the world safe for democracy”?

A. World War I

B. The Spanish Civil War

C. World War II

D. The Vietnam War

JUSTIFICATION: This was a slogan used by President Wilson to “sell” USA’s entry into WWI


What was the goal of President Wilson’s Fourteen Points?

A. To impose punitive measures on aggressor nations

B. To provide a plan for a just and lasting peace

C. To distribute colonial possessions equitably

D. To implement a comprehensive reparations plan

JUSTIFICATION: Wilson was trying to propose an agreement that would foster world peace and discussion rather than war. It fails


What was the main consequence of the Senate’s refusal to ratify the Treaty of Versailles?

A. Civil liberties were curtailed during the Red Scare.

B. The League of Nations was greatly weakened.

C. American troops in France and Germany were demoralized.

D. Congress passed the Sedition Act to silence public opposition.



Prior to United States entry into World War I, what factor most challenged its neutrality?

A. Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare

B. Mexico’s support of the Central Powers

C. Russia’s withdrawal of troops after the Bolshevik Revolution

D. Great Britain’s blockade of European ports

JUSTIFICATION: Americans were sending war supplies to Europe on merchant vessels that were in danger from German UBOATS





Which person would have most likely supported the Confederate cause during the Civil War?

A. A New York carpetbagger

B. A Virginia abolitionist

C. An Alabama cotton farmer

D. An Ohio Copperhead

JUSTIFICATION: An Alabama cotton farmer would be using slave labor to work in his fields and would support the Confederate cause


Who likely made this statement?

“I wear bobbed hair and powder my nose. I wear fringed skirts and bright-colored sweaters, scarves, waists with Peter Pan collars, and low-heeled shoes. I adore dancing! I spend much time in automobiles. I attend hops, proms, ballgames, crew races, and other affairs at men’s colleges.”

A. A post−World War II suburbanite

B. A Roaring Twenties flapper

C. A Depression-era homemaker

D. A Gilded Age feminist

JUSTIFICATION: The 20’s brought a new sense of independence for women.


Historian Frederick Lewis Allen wrote this description of what historical circumstance?

It was an era of lawless and disorderly defense of law and order, of unconstitutional defense of the Constitution, of suspicion and civil conflict—in a very literal sense, a reign of terror.

A. Increased homeland security after the 9/11


B. The Red Scare and the Palmer raids

C. The American conquest of the Philippines

D. Violent labor strikes at Coeur d’Alene and

Homestead Steel

JUSITIFICATION: American officials “bended the rules” when it came to arresting suspected communists
