Hildenborough CE Primary School

Impact statement for the use of the PE and Sport Premium


ALL pupils leaving Hildenborough will bephysically literate, with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport


To achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport against 5 key indicators:

  1. The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles
  2. The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
  3. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
  4. Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
  5. Increased participation in competitive sport

Academic Year:
2015/2016 / Total fund allocated:
PE and Sport Premium Key Outcome Indicator / Actions to Achieve / Planned Funding / Actual Funding / Evidence / Actual Impact (following Review) on pupils / Sustainability/
Next Steps
1. the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles /
  • New equipment for lunchtime activities, curriculum use and for our Sensory circuits intervention
  • Training and equipment for Year 6 Games Captains and School Sports Organising Crew to lead a range of lunchtime games and activities
  • Providing clubs, run by West Kent School Sports Partnership, to prepare children for upcoming inter and intra school events
  • Varied and numerous after school clubs to give children many opportunities to try new sports and develop skills
  • Change4Life at lunchtimes for children unwilling to be outside and active
  • Paid coach for lunchtime activities
/ £200
£3000 for membership to West Kent School Sports Partnership / £228
£2900 for membership to West Kent School Sports Partnership
£670 / Resource audit
Pupil voice
Club timetable
Lunchtime monitoring observations
Participation figures / Children have become more aware of the importance of PE within a healthy lifestyle.
Lunchtime activities have helped behaviour stay good and have structured play to develop skills
Range of after school clubs has increased. These improved children’s confidence, perseverance and their ability to work together. / Basic movement skills for EYFS
Daily mile or equivalent for all children
2. the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement /
  • Kelly Holmes visit and fundraiser
  • All sports events reported via newsletter, website and local paper
  • Gold day celebrations including staff v children netball match
  • Awards ceremonies and certificates
  • Sports organising crew and games captains trained
  • New football kit
  • New tracksuit tops and polo shirts for older children going to competitions
  • Trophies for Olympic values and medals
  • Paying HLTA and PE lead to come in and organise
£500 / £800
£500 / Website
Local paper
Pupil voice
PE board / Our PE specialist has led our inter-house competition this year, designing a system which can be used in following years. The inter-house competition has covered several different sports allowing100% of children to participate throughout the year.
/ Visiting speakers
3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport /
  • Review the long term plan in light of the new national curriculum to ensure there is variety of sports and coherent progression both across year groups and key stages. Introduce high quality schemes of work to ensure a coherent skills progression.
  • Specialist PE teaching for all Year groups, with staff working alongside
  • High quality coaching for teachers to enable continued improvement in the quality of teaching and learning across the school
  • Access to expert advice on Safe practise
£4,100 / £3,697 / Ong term plan
Coach evaluations
Teacher self-evaluations / All staff feel more confident, knowledgeable and skilled
Learning walks show that Quality of teaching and learning has improved from 72% good or better to 100% / Training MMS and TAs through outside coaches who then lead and support spots crew in structuring lunchtime activities
4. broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils /
  • Bikeability for all Year 6 pupils
  • Hockey at Tonbridge School
  • Varied and numerous after school clubs to give children many opportunities to try new sports and develop skills including Change4Life festival
/ See WKSSP / Clubs and events timetable / New clubs have increased participation from 54% to 66% (75% excluding Y1). Girls participation is higher than boys at 69% (77% excluding Y1). / Hold sports day at Tonbridge School
5. increased participation in competitive sport /
  • Entry into local festivals and tournaments as well as national school games competitions. New competitions entered this year – gymnastics
  • Support in achieving Gold kitemark for P.E​ – evaluating strengths and weaknesses
  • Inter house competitions
/ £185 for extra events
See WKSSP / £60 road race, £30 swim gala / Clubs and events timetable
Gold Award documentation
Photos / Children joining external clubs –TWHC
Number of teams we have entered has increased with one team going on to represent West kent at the kent school games
Three attended trials for West Kent football with one being selected.
32% of KS1 participated in inter school events.
54% of KS2 participated in inter school events. Girls participation is higher at both KS1 and KS2. / G and T club – hockey academy
Stronger links with external clubs
Target specific children/groups who are not participating as much as they could
Representatives from clubs to come in and talk
Make links with other schools for matches in a variety of sports. Focus on girls sport in particular.
Increase percentage participation, particularly KS1
Total / £8885 / £8885

Completed by:David HemsleyDate:July 2015Review date:June 2016

Academic Year:
2016/2017 / Total fund allocated:
PE and Sport Premium Key Outcome Indicator / Actions to Achieve / Planned Funding / Actual Funding / Evidence / Actual Impact (following Review) on pupils / Sustainability/
Next Steps
1. the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles /
  • By end of year increase participation in school clubs:
  • Disadvantaged from 75% to 100%
  • KS1 from 35% to 50%
  • KS2 from 84% to 95%
  • Training and equipment for Year 6 Games Captains and School Sports Organising Crew to lead a range of lunchtime games and activities
  • Dance club and cross country club, run by West Kent School Sports Partnership, to prepare children for upcoming inter and intra school events
/ £2900 for membership to West Kent School Sports Partnership / Club registers
Club timetable
Participation figures
Lunchtime observations
Resource audit
  • New equipment for lunchtime activities, curriculum use and for our Sensory circuits intervention
/ £200
  • Paid coach for lunchtime activities
/ £700
  • Football coach to train team and coach during matches
/ £600
  • Change4Life at lunchtimes for children unwilling to be outside and active
/ £170
  • Daily mile, initially just for pupils in Years 5 and 6 and then across the whole school by end of year. Certificates for participation and improved times
/ £30
2. the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement /
  • Sports organising crew and games captains trained to lead lunchtime activities and help with internal external festivals
/ See WKSSP / Lunchtime observations
PE folder
Local paper
PE board
  • Paying HLTA and PE lead to come in and organise
/ £500
  • Sports Day at Tonbridge School
/ £300
  • Kelly Holmes visit and fundraiser
  • All sports events reported via newsletter, website and local paper
  • Gold day celebrations including staff v children netball match
  • Awards ceremonies and certificates
/ £100 for awards + see HLTA costs
3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport /
  • Review the long term plan to ensure there is variety of sports and coherent progression both across year groups and key stages. Maintain high quality schemes of work to ensure a coherent skills progression.
  • High quality coaching for teachers to enable continued improvement in the quality of teaching and learning across the school
  • Access to expert advice on Safe practise
/ See WKSSP / Ong term plan
Coach evaluations
Teacher self-evaluations
Lesson observations
  • Specialist PE teaching for all Year groups, with staff working alongside and to train lunchtime staff to effectively lead activities
/ £3,235
4. broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils /
  • Bikeability for all Year 6 pupils
/ See WKSSP / Clubs and events timetable
Bikeability pass rate
  • Hockey academy at Tonbridge School
/ £200
  • Varied and numerous after school clubs to give children many opportunities to try new sports and develop skills including Change4Life festival
/ £100
  • Sports Day to be held at Tonbridge School, giving children opportunities to compete in an increased range of sports with high quality resources
/ As in Obj 2
5. increased participation in competitive sport /
  • By end of year increase participation in inter school events:
  • Disadvantaged from 75% to 100
  • KS1 from 32% to 60%
  • KS2 from 54% to 75%
  • Entry into national school games competitions.
  • Support in achieving Gold kitemark for P.E​ – evaluating strengths and weaknesses
/ See WKSSP / Clubs and events timetable
Gold Award documentation
Participation figures
  • Inter house competitions
/ See HLTA costs
  • Entry into local festivals and tournaments as well as matches against other schools, targeting groups with low participation
/ £100
Total / £8885

Completed by:David HemsleyDate: July 2016Review date: July 2017