Illinois Counselors for Social Justice (ICSJ)

President’s Report

November, 2013

The Illinois Counselors for Social Justice (ICSJ) division has made arrangements to sponsor Larry McGhee, a Counselor at Triton College and ICSJ member, for the ICA Leadership Development Academy (LDA) November 2013 Conference.

The ICSJ website has been updated after several years of no changes. Members are welcome to submit their ideas for further update.

I have corresponded with the ACA (national level) branch president of Counselors for Social Justice (CSJ), Selma Yznaga She suggested inquiring of our members what they want in return for their membership dues, which I have done in one of my letters as president to the ICSJ membership.

As the Director of Counseling Services with the Center for Spiritual Health at Morgan Park Baptist Church, and also as ICSJ President, I attended a community luncheon on September 20, 2013 given for those in various faith ministries by Ward 19 Alderman, Matt O’Shea. I discussed with the alderman the need for greater racial integration at the local high school, Morgan Park High.

Again in these roles, I was a panel discussion presenter at a Community Mental Health Forum on the south side of Chicago, on October 10, 2013, held at Beverly Unitarian Church, co-sponsored by Morgan Park Baptist Church. I presented materials on helping middle school students with bully prevention, and talked about the relationship between childhood bullying and the unfairness, oppression and bullying that commonly takes place in many adult American workplaces. Other problems discussed at the forum included assuring quality mental health care for those in need, particularly the stigmatized, the poor and the socially isolated.

ICSJ has a booth at the ICA 2013 conference, and is holding its annual meeting at the ICA 2013 conference on Friday, November 8th.

Respectfully Submitted,

Beth Aldworth, LCPC, Type 73 certified

ICSJ 2013-14 President

Director of Counseling Services at

The Center for Spiritual Health

(A faith-based counseling initiative with

Morgan Park Baptist Church)