Blended Learning

Creative Online Tools
Glogster- multimedia posters
Storybird- art-inspired stories
Blabberize- animate images
Read, Write, Think- Venn Diagrams
Gliffy-flowcharts and diagrams
Pixton- Create online comic strips
Animoto- online video making tool
Fakebook-Create profiles
Photovisi- photo collages
Wordle-create a word collage
Lino-virtual bulletin board

Sentence Starters

·  Rebecca’s comment made me think about…

·  Although Rio made a strong point that ______I think

·  I respectfully disagree with Zach’s assertion that ______because

·  Thank you, Manuel, for sharing…

·  Great point, Zahara! Have you considered…?

·  Carmen, your posting reminded me of…

·  Marcella, do you agree or disagree with …?

·  Like Amaya, I also connected ______to ______

·  Even though Dalia’s point is valid, I tend to…

·  Building on Lawrence’s statement that…

·  I really appreciate Cyrus’ insight into…

·  In contrast to Michelle’s point…

·  Robin, how would you define…?

·  I had not thought about Leigh’s point that…

·  Bradley highlighted some key ideas when he said…

·  Nadya’s observation that ______reflects…

·  Given what you know about______. Darius, what are your thoughts on ______?

·  I had thought about Leigh’s point that…

Say Something Substantial

·  Present a new question to broaden, refine, or redirect the conversation

·  Discuss a personal experience (memory, interaction, class, book, etc.)

·  Provide another point of view.

·  Ask peers for clarification from peers if you don’t clearly understand.

·  Make connections between the discussions taking place and information learned in other classes and subjects.

·  Share resources that will add to the conversation.

·  Summarize the main idea in your own words to ensure you understand the concept.

·  Comment thoughtfully and respectfully on the ideas, experiences, and questions presented by your peers.

Exit Strategies

·  Propose a new idea for feedback.

·  Did anyone reach a different conclusion based on the reading?

·  I am confused about______. Does anyone have any ideas or insights that might help me understand?

·  Ask you peers to make a connection between the topic and another piece of literature, a movie, or something they have personally experienced.

·  Answering this question made me wonder______?

·  It seems most of the class believes______. Has anyone considered______?

·  Pose a follow-up question to the group to expand the conversation or shift it in a new direction.

·  Encourage your peers to ask questions about the points you made if anything was confusing or unclear.

·  I had a hard time articulating my ideas. Does anyone have a question about my posting or the ideas I communicated in my posting?

Source: Catlin R.Tucker, Blended Learning