CONTRACT NO. 2017-01
BID FOR: Replacing the Ross Road Culvert
Located approximately 2.9km South of Shaw Road and 0.4km East on Ross Road
BID CLOSE: --- 4:30 PM, WEDNESDAY, May 24th, 2017.
11331 HIGHWAY11
P0W 1N0
The Township of Morley reserves the right to reject any and all tenders and the lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.
CONTRACT NO. 2015-02
Bids will be received by: The Township of Morley
Until: 4:30pm, Local Time, Wednesday, May 24, 2017.
Type of Work Required: - Supply Culvert 1400mm diameter x 2.8 gauge x 21 metres in length
- Supply all pit run gravel for backfill
- Supply 5/8 type B crushed gravel for road surface
- Supply 256 feet of guard rail with terminal ends (may use 8” x 8” treated wood posts)
- Supply all guardrail mounting hardware
- Supply a minimum of 120 cubic yards of shot rip rap for inlet and outlet ends of culvert (60 cu yards each end)
Bids will be opened at 7:30 pm., Local Time, Wednesday, May 24th, 2017 at the Township of Morley Municipal Office, 11331 Highway 11, Stratton, Ontario.
Teresa Desserre
Township of Morley
11331 Highway 11
PO Box 40
Stratton, Ontario
P0W 1N0
1. Background
The Township of Morley requires the services of a qualified contractor to replace and stabilize the Ross Road Culvert and to perform other related work as may be specified in the Contract Documents.
2. Bid Invitation
The Township of Morley will be accepting bids from potential contractors for the following repairs to the Ross Road:
- Supply and Install Culvert 1400mm diameter x 2.8 gauge x 21 metres in length
- Supply and placement of all pit run gravel for backfill
- Supply and placement of 5/8 type B crushed gravel for road surface
- Supply and Install 256 feet of guard rail with terminal ends (may use 8” x 8” treated wood posts) and all guard rail mounting hardware necessary.
- Supply and placement of a minimum of 120 cubic yards of shot rip rap for inlet and outlet ends of culvert (60 cu yards each end)
A description of the work and specifications of the materials required are in the specification section of this bid package (hereinafter “the work”). This bid package consists of the following sections:
a) Information and Instructions to Potential Suppliers and Bidders;
b) Bid Form;
c) General Specifications;
d) Sample Contract Form
3. Bid is Required
Potential suppliers may participate in this procurement process by submitting a bid in accordance with the instructions herein. Proposals and/or quotations will not be accepted.
4. Timing
Bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes and shall be clearly marked with the project or contract title, the bid number, the supplier’s company name and address to the Township of Morley at 11331 Highway 11, Stratton, Ontario, P0W 1N0. The use of the mail for delivery of a bid will be at the risk of the bidder. Bids must be received no later than 4:30 p.m., Local Time on Wednesday, May 24, 2017.
On Wednesday, May 24th, 2017 commencing at 7:30 p.m., Local Time, the envelopes will be opened and the bids will be read and recorded publicly at the above mentioned address. Bids will then be checked and analyzed.
5. Inquiries
All inquiries concerning the bid process shall be made to:
Attention: Teresa Desserre, The Township of Morley, 807-483-5455
6. Site Inspection
(a) Prior to bidding, potential suppliers are encouraged to visit the site and determine all conditions, difficulties and limitations that may be encountered and affect the performance of the work.
(b) Tenderers are invited to attend on - site visitation with the Public Works Superintendent to be held on Monday, May 22, 2017 at 10:30 a.m.
(c) Failure to follow Item 6 (a) and 6 (b) does not relieve the successful bidder of its responsibilities to carry out the work in accordance with the contract documents at the awarded bid price.
7. Timing of Work
Completion of work not later than July 15th, 2017.
8. Permits
The successful bidder shall apply for, obtain and pay for all necessary permits and licences required for the execution of the work. Bidders shall include the costs of any such permits and licences in their bid prices.
9. Notices, Laws and Rules
The successful bidder shall give all necessary notices and pay all fees required by law and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations relating to the work and to the preservations of the public health. Bidders shall include all such fees and costs in their bid prices. The successful bidder shall be responsible for the safety of all workmen and equipment under his control on the project in accordance with all applicable safety legislation passed by Federal, Provincial and local authorities governing construction safety.
10. Occupational Health and Safety
For the purposes of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the successful bidder is considered to be the “Constructor” as defined in the Act.
It is specifically drawn to the attention of potential suppliers that the Occupational Health and Safety Act provides in addition to other things that,
“A Constructor shall ensure, on a project undertaken by the constructor that,
(a) the measures and procedures prescribed by this Act and the regulations are carried out on the project;
(b) every employer and every worker performing work on the project complies with this Act and the regulations; and
The health and safety of workers on the project is protected.”
11. Project Information
Potential suppliers are required to make inquiries as detailed in Item 6 herein. Bidders shall not, at any time, complain about a lack of drawings or other information.
Bidders are required to declare in their bids that before bidding they visited the work site and examined the specifications and ascertained the extent and nature of all conditions affecting the performance of the Work including location of all concealed services that may have to be protected, removed or relocated.
Bidders are required to declare in their bids that before they examined the Information and Instructions to Potential Suppliers and Bidders, Specifications, the Plans and all other Contract Documents thoroughly. Bidders shall be deemed to be fully aware of the contents of these documents. The submission of a bid is a warranty and undertaking that the bidder has made a complete investigation as to the conditions to be encountered in performing the work.
12. Materials
With respect to the supply component, all materials shall be new and delivered complete and ready for installation. In order to ensure compliance with the specifications, bidders are required to include with their bids a fully completed Proposed Equipment and Products List. Where The Township of Morley has filled in a product in the materials list, the successful bidder is required to supply and install the specified product.
13. Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
Potential suppliers are advised that all written communications received by The Township of Morley as part of this procurement are subject to the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
14. Withdrawal of Bids
A bidder who has already submitted a bid may submit a further revised bid at any time up to the official closing time. The last bid received shall supersede and invalidate all bids previously submitted by that bidder for this procurement.
A bidder may withdraw his bid at any time up to the official closing time by submitting a letter bearing his signature and seal as in his bid to The Township of Morley, 11331 Highway 11, Stratton, Ontario, P0W 1No. Such a submission must be received in sufficient time to be marked before 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 24th, 2017. The bidder shall show his name and the project and bid numbers on the envelope containing such letter. No email or telephone calls will be considered.
15. Bid Form
Bids are required to be submitted on the Bid Form included in this bid package, together with any further forms or sheets which potential suppliers are instructed elsewhere herein, or in any addendum hereto, to include with their bids. Bidders may retain the rest of the bid documents issued to them.
16. Legibility and Unauthorized Revisions or Additions to Forms
All entries in the Bid Form shall be in ink or by typewriter. Entries or changes made in pencil shall, unless otherwise decided by The Township of Morley, be invalid or informal. Bids which are incomplete, conditional, illegible or obscure, or that contain additions not called for, reservations, qualifications, erasures, alterations (unless properly and clearly made and initialed by the Potential bidders signing officer) or irregularities of any kind, may be rejected as informal.
17. Schedule of Prices and Other Information
(a) Bidders shall give their total bid prices and shall fill in the blanks for itemized amounts and unit prices in the Schedule of Prices. Prices shall include all work required by the Contract Documents.
(b) Bidders shall include in their bid prices all costs of all materials, products, equipment, personnel, supplies, clean up, protection, co-ordination, supervision, profit, overhead, inspections, permits, licences, notices and fees required to complete the work.
© If a potential bidder has omitted to enter a price for an item set out in the Bid Form, he shall, unless he has specifically stated otherwise in his bid, be deemed to have allowed elsewhere in the Bid Form for the cost of carrying out the said item of work and no increase shall be made in the total Bid Price on account of such omission.
(d) Harmonized Sales Tax (H.S.T.)
Bid prices shall EXCLUDE H.S.T. The Township of Morley will add H.S.T to the prices in the Schedule of Prices at the time it evaluates any bid received.
(e) Bidders are required to include their H.S.T registration number in the Schedule of Prices.
18. Other Requirements
(i) Bidders are required to include with their bids a fully completed Proposed Product List as Schedule “A”
(ii) Bidders are required to attach to their bid as Schedule “B”, a statement of current insurance coverage
(iii) Bidders are required to show their commitment to the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations for Construction Projects – Section 26 Fall Protection as Schedule “C”
19. Bid Deposit
(A) A certified cheque, money order, bank draft, or irrevocable letter of credit made payable to the TOWNSHIP OF MORLEY equal to, or greater than, 10% of the total tender amount must be enclosed in the same envelope as the tender.
20. Opening of Bids
After opening of the bids, bids shall be checked for completeness and compliance with the bid requirements. The Township of Morley will also correct any mathematical errors.
21. Right to Accept or Reject Bids
The lowest or any bid will not necessarily be accepted. The Township of Morley has the right to reject any and all bids for any reason whatsoever. The Township of Morley shall not be responsible for, and bidders and/or potential suppliers shall not be entitled to, reimbursement for any liabilities, costs, expenses, loss, economic loss, damages or consequential damages incurred, sustained or suffered including loss of profit, by any bidders and/or potential suppliers prior or subsequent to or by reason of the acceptance or non-acceptance of a bid. Bids are subject to the formal acceptance by The Township of Morley and a formal contract being prepared and executed. The Township of Morley reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive formalities as the interests of The Township of Morley may require without stating reasons therefore.
22. Evaluation Criteria
The Township of Morley will, as part of the evaluation of bids, evaluate the qualifications and work performance of bidders. In the event that The Township of Morley, in its sole discretion, requires additional information to evaluate a bid, the bidder shall forthwith provide such information to The Township of Morley. If a bidder fails to provide the requested information with the timeline specified by The Township of Morley, The Township of Morley may, in its sole discretion, reject the bid.
Bids will be evaluated on the basis of the Lump Sum Price. The provisional items in the Bid Form shall not form part of the bid evaluation, except for determining whether or not the Lump Sum Price is unbalanced.
Bids that contain prices that appear to be so unbalance, as likely to affect adversely the interest of The Township of Morley may be rejected.
The Township of Morley reserves the right to waive formalities at its discretion.
There shall be no obligation on The Township of Morley to advise any bidder of the reasons as to why any bid is rejected or to justify the rejection of any bid.
23. Award of Bid
The lowest of any bid will not necessarily be accepted. It is anticipated that The Township of Morley will determine whether or not to accept a bid on or about Wednesday, May 24th, 2017 at 8:00 p.m. The Successful bidder will be notified on Thursday, May 25th, 2017.