Objective: Round whole numbers through millions
Pre-teach Vocabulary: Make a list of words such as almost, about, up to, nearly, under, over, roughly, close to; that are frequently used in sentences with rounded numbers. Use each word in a sentence with rounded numbers (real-life applications).
Rounding with a number line:
*Write 6, 479 on the board and draw a blank number line
*Label the closest hundreds 6, 400 and 6, 500
*Locate halfway between 6,400 and 6,500 and label it
*Locate 6,479 on the number line. Is it closer to 6,400 or 6,500?
*Because 6,479 is closer to 6,500 it rounds up to 6,500
Key Questioning: Why is it important to know the number that is halfway between the numbers you are using to round? (Review: If the number is less than halfway it stays the same. If the number is halfway or more, one is added to the rounding digit.)
Practice with other numbers in the hundreds and thousands using the number. Share other strategies students have, for example this may work best for visual learners. Share on different strategies for logical learners. The video tutorials also present and help reinforce other rounding strategies. Have the student play Round to the Nearest Ten or Nearest Hundred game with a partner. After students have a better understanding start to work with rounding numbers within larger numbers. For example round 47,689 to the nearest hundred.
Internet Support:
K-5 Common Core Math Supplemental Resources
4.NBT3 Use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place.
Rounding Game (Possible Activities:Round to the Nearest Ten , Round to the Nearest Hundred)
Rounding to 10, 100
K-5 Math Teaching Resources: Common Core focused
Object:Use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place
Materials: number cards 0-9, round to nearest ten or hundred game board
Players: 2
Playing: Place deck of cards face down. Each player takes a turn drawing how many cards to fill the place value and place on the game board in the order he or she draws. Then the player reads the sentence on the bottom to determine where their number is rounded. (This is the most important part) The player with the largest number rounded takes all four cards. Directions are also on the game board.
Skill Variation: Draw numbers larger than the place value you intended to round to.
Video Tutorials:
Scholastic Study Jams:Rounding
Video tutorials on Math and Science concepts ranging from step by step instructions, karaoke songs, and testing yourself
Kahn Academy: Rounding numbers within a larger number
Video tutorials providing a wide variety of mathematic concepts, it can take some time to search for lower elementary concepts. Also has a student self tutoring level where they can earn badges after videos and demonstrating mastery of concepts.
You Tube:Rounding Rap
Video tutorials providing songs for place value, rounding, and learning multiplication facts. Be careful of advertisements or side videos.