Minutes of CLDMS Quality Improvement Sub-Group

7 May, 2014

Optima Building, Glasgow

Present: Robert Hynd (South Lanarkshire) (Vice Chair), Sue Briggs (Aberdeenshire), Jeannie Holles (Argyll & Bute), Ross Wood (West Dunbartonshire), Ken Gibson (Glasgow Life), Stewart Wright (North Lanarkshire),Karen McGowan (Midlothian),Lynn Newton (Fife), Fiona Gray (Aberdeen), Peter Taylor (CLDMS),Ann Kivlin, Karen Geekie (Education Scotland)

Apologies: Maggie Paterson (Inverclyde),DominiqueCarlisle-Kitz (East Renfrewshire), Oonagh McGarry (Scottish Borders),Nicola McAndrew + Gerard McCormick (East Dunbartonshire), Fiona McLean (Stirling),Susan Wilson (CLD Standards Council)

  1. Minutes of meetings

The minutes of the meetingsof 4 February and 14 March were agreed.

It was agreed that a rota of volunteers from the Subgroup would take minutes of future meetings.

  1. Matters Arising from Subgroup meeting

ADES: Maggie had met Maria Walker. A joint event, perhaps in August, and a workshop at the CLDMS conference, both on joint planning for improvement, were proposed. Sue Briggs would discuss further with Maria locally.

Post 16 data sharing: Dominique and Ken had recently attended the National Reference Group. Ken reported:

-The Group had asked whether CLD providers are linked to ‘local regional groups’. No-one attending was aware of these.

-A response on the range and type of information expected from CLD providers had been promised

-Scottish Government had promised to take action on any comments on fields in the database which were inappropriate to CLD

-It had been emphasised that data sharing is now a statutory requirement for all.

Statistics and Stories: Sue reported on the ‘Delving Deeper’ project run by Aberdeen University, Aberdeenshire Council and the WEA. Sessions were oversubscribed. She suggested that Training for Trainers might be provided to aid the sustainability of the work. Ann Kivlin would discuss with the HMIs whether this might be appropriate for Associate Assessors.

Liaison with HMIs: A joint event for HMIs and CLDMS reps was planned for 23 June. Peter would clarify who should be invited. Education Scotland was asking for views on priorities for discussion. It was agreed that the top priorities were:

  • lessons from the new Learning Community Inspection model
  • possible thematic approach to inspections based around the two overarching questions
  • expectations of benchmarking.

However, given the limited time available on 23 June, it was felt that discussion of benchmarkingthere was unlikely to be sufficient to completely fulfil the support request which Kevin Mullarkey had submitted to Education Scotland on behalf of the Subgroup.

  1. CLDMS Development Plan

The group considered items in the Plan for which it has lead responsibility:

“Contribute to the national overview of the implementation of the Guidance/Regulations through evaluation and scrutiny; identify issues to be resolved”: it was agreed to include exchange of experience on implementation of Guidance/Regulations as a standing item on future agendas.

Other priorities should also be reviewed regularly, with different themes at each meeting.

It was noted that the Senior Phase Benchmarking Tool should now be referred to as ‘Insight’.

It was noted that the progress in discussions with ADES meant that joint work should be possible in 2014, not 2015.

“Assist in developing improved indicators for the impact of CLD work” Peter would check on any progress by the Improvement Service etc.

“Play active role in other reviews e.g. HGIOC&S”: Karen Geekie would get an update for the group.

“Support and encourage local authority involvement in recruiting and supporting Associate Assessors”: it was noted that applicants from smaller authorities had experienced difficulty in demonstrating the required ‘senior management experience’. It was noted that Education Scotland plans to survey AAs about their experiences.

  1. Resources for self-evaluation

The remaining funds held by Stirling were being transferred to CLDMS, and migration of the toolkit to the i-Develop server was underway. The group would continue to add items to fill identified gaps and develop the resource as a peer evaluated portal and guide to resources. Discussion was needed with HMIs to clarify their views.

Peter’s list of self-evaluation resources previously featured in CDAS bulletins was noted.

  1. AOCB

Experiences of access to and the usefulness of GLOW were discussed. Many of these were rather negative. However West Dunbartonshire had made recent progress in establishing GLOW Learning Communities.

Jeanie Holles and Hazel Lindsay were looking into the possibility of standalone CLD plans being presented as primarily online documents.

Next meeting: Monday 18 August, 10.30 am, Optima

