Life of Pi Essay Topics
- In chapter 23, Pi sparks a lively debate when all three of his spiritual advisers try to claim him. At the heart of this confrontation is Pi’s insistence that he cannot accept an exclusively Hindu, Christian, Muslim faith; he can only be content with all three. What is Pi seeking that can be solely attained by this apparent contradiction? Is there something common to all religions? Are they “all the same”? If not, how are they different? Is there a difference between faith and belief?
- In chapter eight, Pi describes the idea of anthropomorphism. He says that human beings look at an animal and see a mirror. He comments that one of man’s greatest flaws is our “…obsession with putting ourselves at the center of everything…”(31). Analyze Martel’s use of anthropomorphism in the novel. How do Pi’s experiences looking at animals as a window to human behavior give him the tools to survive on the lifeboat?
- Compare and contrast Martel’s description of Richard Parker to William Blake’s description of the tiger in his poem “The Tyger.” Using evidence from both pieces, discuss how their choices of language allow the reader to understand the emotional and physical aspects of fear. Pay close attention to each writer’s use of devices such as imagery, diction, and detail.
- Analyze Pi’s survival using Freud’s theory of the Id, Ego, and Superego. What allows him to strike a balance between his basic instincts and his deeply rooted morality? How is Pi able to maintain his humanity under such strenuous circumstances? Does he employ any defense mechanisms that enable him to get through his experience?
Essay Format Requirements
- A complete and thorough discussion of the selected topic consisting of an introduction, a strong thesis statement that encompasses the entire prompt, several supporting paragraphs which clearly display textual evidence that supports the paragraph as well as the thesis, and a conclusion which does not REPEAT the thesis, but reaffirms the main point of the essay. Plot summary or overuse of quotations will not advance your argument.
- Third person viewpoint with formal, academic language.
- Minimum length - three pages as per Wiley Fold Rule.
- MLA format for spacing, heading, headers, pagination, and works cited.
- Times New Roman font only, 12 point.
- In-text documentation from Life of Pi is required. No other source material is necessary. However, if used, all electronic sources must be PRE-APPROVED by Mrs. Wiley prior to the rough draft. Material from sites ending in .COM will NOT be approved. Focus on .ORG and .EDU sites if you must use outside material.
- Criticism material from print sources may be used without prior approval; however, study notes such as Cliff’s Notes or Spark Notes are not permitted as sources.
- Papers with unapproved source materials will not be accepted and will be considered late until they conform to the above expectations.
- Plagiarism of any sort will result in a zero for the assignment and disciplinary action from the office. If you are in doubt at all, please ask for help. It is critical that you understand the concept of plagiarism. Students are dismissed from college for plagiarism offenses.
- Submission of final essay to prior to midnight of the due date.