St Mary Church – Ottawa SS Group’s name : St. Mary and St. Mark Grade : 2

Preparation date / June 4 , 2012 / Service date / June 10, 2012
Lesson’s title / Why should I change – Mahragan lesson # 2 Review
General purpose / (--) Love / (--) Obedience / (--) Humility
Specific purpose / To review lesson 2 of the Mahragan curriculum ( Saul of Tarsus) St. Paul.
To teach the kids true repentance is to say sorry and stop doing the sin and desire this from our hearts.
Verses of the lesson / “Lord what do You want me to do” Acts 9:6
“He is the Son of God.”
Acts 9:20
References / 1)  The Holy Bible.
Illustration tool / Skit/ create a video
Psalm of the week /

Review the past 2 verses and help memorize them

Memorization: Psalm 130

Personal meditation / In the way ofrighteousnessthere is life; along that path is immortality. Proverbs 12:28
Jesus Christ died for me on the cross paying for my sins. Through repentance I have the ability to tell God that although I am not worthy I am sorry for my sins. I need to have the desire from my heart to remove the desire of sin from my heart and soul. I need to pray to God all the time to protect me and help me walk in the way of His righteousness. Before making any decision I ask God , “Lord what do You want me to do” Acts 9:6. When I follow your Word God nothing can hurt me and nothing scares me because I know that when I have you on my side you will always protect your children.
Introduction / Start with a prayer.
*** Check the spiritual notebooks
-  Check if kids did the pages in the mahragan book
-  Crossword puzzles from last week
-  Memorization of Psalm 130 follow up
Lesson / This is a review class and we will read a skit and act it out. We will videotape it in class.
Kid 3 : Did you study for the spelling test today ?
Kid 4: Yes! I spent all yesterday night studying even though I wanted to go outside and play.
Kid 1: I didn’t have time to study because I was playing outside.
[The kids begin the test Kid 1 gets stuck and starts cheating on the test by pulling out a paper with all the words.]
Another kid 2 sitting beside Kid 1 sees Kid 1.
Kid 1 tells kid 2 to cheat too.
Kid 1: The teacher can’t see us because we are sitting far in the back of the classroom.
Kid 2: No, I can’t cheat.
Kid 1: Why? Don’t worry I always cheat! The teacher will never catch us.
Kid 2: No, I can’t cheat because my Lord Jesus Christ taught me it is wrong to cheat.
Teacher: Pencils down. Time to hand in the tests!
Teacher collects all the tests.
Kid 1: Wait! Mrs. Teacher, You cant mark my test!
Teacher: What do you mean?
Kid 1: I didn’t study for this test like all the other students and I cheated so it is not fair to everyone else.
Teacher: This reminds me of a story I took in Sunday school a long time ago.
Kid 5: Who was in the story?
Teacher: It was the story of St. Paul.
Kid 4: Oh yes his name was Saul in the beginning!
Kid 3: Saul was very mean to the Christians.
Kid 6: He thought they were against God.
Kid 7: He persecuted the Christians.
Kid 2: One time he went to Damascus to arrest the Christians and bring them to Jerusalem to be punished.
Kid 5: What happened on the trip!?
Kid 3: Something really strange happened
Kid 4: There was a strong light from heaven
Kid 6: Then he fell off his horse and heard a voice saying
Kid 2: Saul, Saul why are you persecuting Me
Teacher: That’s right! And Saul replied “Who are you Lord”
Kid 1: It was our Lord Jesus Christ!
Kid 5: And then what happened!?
Kid 2: Saul became blind from the light and Jesus told Saul to go to the city.
Kid 3: A man named Ananias was one of Jesus’s apostles and he prayed for Saul and the scales on his eyes fell off and he could see again!
Teacher: God helped Saul by showing him how to love and serve Him. St. Paul helped many people become Christians and believe in Jesus Christ.
Kid 1: I am sorry for cheating everyone please forgive me. I will never cheat again.
Teacher: Because you said the truth you will have another chance to study for the test and write it after school tomorrow.
Teacher leaves
Kid 1: Thanks [to kid 2]
Kid 2: For what?
Kid 1: You reminded me that Jesus died for me on the cross and I am the Kings son. I want to make Him proud and not do anything wrong.
Concluding Prayer: Inspired by Pope Shenouda [sermon about repentance]
Kid 1: Come back to God
Kid 2: Pray to God.
Kid 3: I need you God.
Kid 4: I want to come back to you God.
Kid 5: I am nothing without you God.
Kid 6: Please God give me strength for I am weak without you.
Kid 7:And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehendit.
Kid 8: Help us see the light of the world and share your love with everyone.
Conclusion / Even if no one sees if we are doing something wrong. God does and God sees everything. God knows our intentions.
If we do something wrong its never too late to tell God sorry from our hearts. We can change just like St.Paul.
But St.Paul didn’t just see God and be Christian he also felt God was so awesome and beautiful. He felt so happy to be with God that he wanted to tell everyone in the world about God! Because we have tasted how sweet and good life is with God in our lives we have to show each others what it is to be Christian.
Lesson application / Be more friendly and kind and loving in school.
*** Do 3 nice things for 3 different people , write it in your mahragan books
And next week we will discuss what we all did together.
Homework / Spiritual notebook: Prayer
·  Memorization of Psalm 130
Weekly report / # of kids : / Atten. : / Commun.
Personal notes / Confes. Date : / Commun. ( ) / # of visited kids :
Bible ( ) / Spiritual book :
Notes of servant’s servant