1. Boat Slip Assignments are indicated on the posted diagram.
  2. Slip Assignments or reassignments to best utilize the Club facilities are made by the Boats & Docks Committee, which has sole discretion in these matters.
  3. Assignments are made based on the Member’s numerical order on the assignment list (date of present slip assignment or date of listing); and a determination by the Boats & Docks Committee as to whether an available slip will accommodate the next boat on the list in accordance with the posted Boat Slip Rules.
  4. The Boats & Docks Committee will be guided by the following priorities in assigning slips:

A.) Member currently assigned a slip and requiring a larger or smaller slip.

B.) Members on the waiting list awaiting assignment for two or more years.

C.) Other Members on currently on the waiting list.

  1. Members having been assigned a slip the previous season shall have right of first refusal to be assigned the same slip for the following season, provided the same boat is to be accommodated. Such right of refusal shall be executed at the Annual Meeting and requires a $100 deposit by January 15th of the upcoming season.
  2. Members desiring to place their name on the list for a slip shall contact the Vice Commodore in writing (e-mail is acceptable) and indicate the type/length over all/beam/draft of the boat. Incomplete information will delay the listing.


  1. These rules are to prevent damage to Members’ boats and the Club property.
  2. Slips may be occupied from April 1st to December 1st. Water and electric will shut off November 1st.
  3. A boat will be moored in a slip only when there is a minimum of 12 inches clearance between the sides for bow/stern of the boat (and overhanging attachments) and the Club dock /or pilings when the opposite mooring lines are taut.
  4. If the length over all (LOA) of the boat exceeds length of the slip, spring lines shall be attached to limit the fore and aft movement of the boat in the slip. These lines shall be in addition to standard mooring lines, and shall be of at least equal size/strength/material. A minimum clearance of 12 inches when the lines are taut is required.
  5. Mooring lines shall be of suitable size and strength (diameter) for the size of the boat. Minimum size shall be one-half inch Manila or 3/8 inch synthetic (Nylon or Dacron). Polypropylene or “plastic” mooring lines are not permitted.
  6. Mooring lines shall be securely fastened to pilings with an appropriate hitch. Lines attached to free-standing pilings shall be attached at the lowest point possible to eliminate undue strain. Mooring lines shall not be fastened to rings, cleats, or other devices on the dock or pilings.
  7. Snubbing devices in the mooring lines to absorb shock and relieve strain under stress may be used; however, the minimum 12 inch clearance shall be required should such devices fail.
  8. Fastenings on the boats to which mooring lines are attached must be bolted through the deck or hull with a backing plate.
  9. Mooring lines shall be fitted with chafing gear to prevent wear against pilings, dock edges, and chocks on the boat.
  10. Mooring lines shall be rigged for “worst case” i.e. extreme tide, wind, swell, and storm. This will prevent loss of moorings when Members are not available for periodic (or constant) watching in storm conditions.
  11. The Bots & Dock Committee under the direction of the Vice Commodore, is empowered to take whatever action they deem necessary to eliminate a hazard to the dock, other boats, Club property, persons, etc. due to unsafe moorings, failed mooring fastenings, improper mooring, or neglect. The Boats & Docks Committee will attempt to contact the Member concerned before taking action.
  12. A Member temporarily vacating an assigned slip during the season shall obtain the permission of the Boats & Docks Committee before permitting another Member to use the slip. Intention to permanently vacate a slip shall be sent to the Boats & Docks Committee in writing.
  13. Water hoses shall be recoiled on their reels when Members are finished using the hose.

To maintain a slip at the PBYC you must:

  1. Be a member of the PBYC in good standing
  2. Have had your name registered on the Slip Waiting List
  3. Have your slip rental fees paid in full on or before April 1st of the season in which you are renting
  4. Provide the Vice Commodore a copy of the insurance certificate for your boat prior to it going into slip
  5. Have your boat properly registered in YOUR NAME and current year sticker affixed to the boat before going into the slip
  6. Use appropriately weighted lines (3/8 rope minimum) to secure your boat
  7. Keep your boat in good working order, well- maintained and see it does not present any obvious harm to other boats or people
  8. Your boat must be kept clean and never unsightly
  9. Keep your boat in the slip. Failure to have your boat in the slip for more than one season will forfeit your right to the slip, making it available to the next member on the waiting list
  10. You MAY NOT rent your slip to anyone
  11. You MAY NOT allow any boat other than yours to utilize the slip during the season for a period of more than four consecutive days and said boat must be registered and insured
  12. You MAY NOT assign your slip to any member interested in a slip
  13. All hoses must be recoiled at dock after being used
  14. Contracted work done to your boat while in a slip or on Club property must be done by an insured contactor

Approved by House Committee - March 9, 1984

Revised and approved by the Boats & Docks Committee- November 11, 2008


  1. Fee for yard storage as of January 1, 2009 will $10 per foot.
  1. All member boats must be in their assigned spaces.
  1. Only member boats are permitted to be stored in the boat yard.
  1. All boats requiring state registration must have an up-to-date registration sticker on its bow and must carry boat insurance. Members must present a copy of current proof of boat insurance to the Vice Commodore by March 1st of the current year.
  1. All boat trailers must have a license with a current tag and be street legal per Pine Beach Borough ordinance. Dollies are excluded.
  1. Due to increased member requests for storage space, only sea-worthy boats may be stored in the PBYC yard. No derelicts, boats for quick turnover sale, cars, pickup trucks, RV’s, motorcycles, or boats awaiting long-term restoration, up to one month, are acceptable. Exceptions to this rule must be presented to, and approved by, the Executive Board.
  1. All storage spaces must be cleaned up by members when boats are launched or moved. All wood and cement blocks are to be neatly stacked at the rear of the shed in the storage yard to allow for easier grass cutting. If the steward has to clean a member’s space, there will be a $25.00 cleaning charged.
  1. No paint spraying is allowed on the docks or in the boat yard. All bottom boat bottom preparation (scraping, sanding, painting, etc.) must be done with ground covering tarps covering the entire work area. All chips and dust must be properly disposed of.
  1. No batteries are to be left on the ground in the yard. All dead batteries must be properly disposed of by the member. No paint cans or brushes are to be left in the yard; they are “toxic.”
  1. All plastic tarps and boat wrap must be removed from the yard after boats are launched. The Club should not have to pay for its removal.
  1. A chart showing all storage spaces with member’s names will be maintained in the Club and online.
  1. All fees for boat storage shall be set by the Executive Board. The fees charged will be used to offset taxes due on the land and other operational expenses of the PBYC.
  1. A maximum of two boats per member can be stored during a one year period unless approved by the Boats & Docks Committee.
  1. Boats in yard are limited to 27 feet. Anything larger cannot be safely turned and parked.

Approved by House Committee - March 9, 1984

Revised and approved by the Boats & Docks Committee- November 11, 2008


  1. Fee for beach storage as of January 1, 2009 is $30 per boat. That includes all kayaks, dinghies, prams, canoes, sunfish, row boats, lasers, etc. stored on the beach. Boats used by Jr. Sailors in the Jr. Sailing program are excluded.
  1. All fees must be paid in full prior to bringing your boat to the beach.
  1. All boats stored on the beach must have a current numbered PBYC sticker affixed to the right rear portion of the boat. The numbered sticker and the owner’s name will be recorded for emergency calls.
  1. All racks will be numbered and the member’s boat sticker must correspond with the rack sticker. For example, a kayak with sticker #11 is to be placed on rack slot #11. This insures that we have documented records of who paid and who is the boat owner.
  1. Racks are available on a first come basis. All rack assignment changes must be recorded to insure that the Club maintains accurate records.
  1. No carpet is to be placed on rack trails. Only use vinyl, a 3 foot rubber hose, or a non water-absorbing product. Carpet retains moisture and causes the rack board to rot. All carpet type materials will be removed.
  1. All boats stored on the beach should be secured by a lock and cable system, as boats have been stolen from the beach in the past. Also for added safety, we advise members to tie down their small boats to prevent them from being blown away by the wind.
  1. The PBYC will assume Allboats stored on the beach or on racks without a current sticker are not owned by a member and therefore will be removed by the town and placed in the town storage yard.
  1. All kayaks, dinghies, prams, canoes, sunfish, row boats, lasers, and other such boats stored on the beach area must be removed from the beach by December 1st and can be returned after April 1st. This is a Pine Beach rule and also allows the Club the time to safely work on the beach to restore or replace defective storage racks.

There is no charge for a member to launch a boat on the ramp next to the Club. However, non-Club members may use this ramp only if they have a current Pine Beach boat launch sticker affixed to their trailer. Please adhere to these rules so that we can run a clean and well-maintained boat yard and beach.

Approved by House Committee - March 9, 1984

Revised and approved by the Boats & Docks Committee- November 11, 2008