Second European Conference on Positive Psychology

Grand Hotel Majestic


Monday, July 5

14.00-18.00 / Registration
16.00-16.45 / Keynote: Csikszentmihalyi
16.45-17.15 / Coffee break
17.15-19.15 / Plenary Round table: Individual Development
19.30 / Welcome reception

Tuesday, July 6

8.30-17.00 / Registration
8.30-9.15 / Keynote / Leontiev
9.15-10.45 / Parallel sessions / Values / Adolescents’ Relations / Education
10.45-11.15 / Coffee break
11.15-12.00 / Keynote / Staudinger
12.00-13.00 / Poster session
14.00-16.00 / Parallel sessions / WB society & culture / Symp. Work I / Health
16.00-16.30 / Coffee break
16.30-18.00 / Parallel sessions / Coaching / Family / Workshop Meditation
18.00-18.45 / Keynote / Huppert

Wednesday, July 7

8.30-17.00 / Registration
8.30-9.15 / Keynote / Delle Fave
9.15-10.45 / Parallel sessions / Soc. engagement / Symp. Flow & learning across cultures / Symp. Behavioral Medicine
10.45-11.15 / Coffee break
11.15-12.00 / Keynote / Veenhoven
12.00-13.00 / Poster session
14.00-16.00 / Parallel sessions / Round Table: WB Therapies / Work Efficacy / Theories & Methods
16.00-16.30 / Coffee break
16.30-18.00 / Parallel sessions / Symp. Work II / Symp. Spirituality / Parenthood
18.00-18.45 / Keynote / Fredrickson

Thursday, July 8

8.30 - 10.30 / Parallel sessions / Individual & group work / Learning
10.30-11.00 / Coffee break
11.00-11.45 / Keynote / Seligman
11.45-12.15 / Conclusions

Monday, July 5

14.00-18.00 / Registration


16.00-16.45 / KEYNOTE: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
The makes good work in business possible
16.45-17.15 / Coffee Break
17.15-19.15 / ROUND TABLE: INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT (Chair Jane Henry)
Jane Henry: The Relationship between Personal Development Challenge, Personality Type and the Perceived Effectiveness of Different Interventions
Irit Ben-Avi: The Context Emotional Dependency Scale: reliability, structure and initial validity
Randy Larsen: Emotional Intelligence and Mood Regulation in the Month Following the September 11, 2001 Attacks in the United States
Boby Ho-hong Ching: Age Differences in Emotional Experience and Emotion Regulation: The Chinese Experience
Anat Bardi: Change in Well-Being during a life transition: Interactive effects of Extraversion and Maladaptive Traits
Daiva Daukantaite: Do girl's Optimistic Evaluations of the Future Predict Their Subjective Well-Being After 35 Years
Orit Taubmann Ben-Ari: Meaning in Life and Personal Growth - A Terror Management Perspective
19.30 / Welcome reception

Tuesday, July 6

8.30-17.00 / Registration


8.30-9.15 / KEYNOTE: Dmitry Leontiev
Meaningful living and the function of art
9.15-10.45 /
Thematic session: VALUES
Ragna B. Gardasdottir: The Impact of Materialistic Values, Income and Money-Motives on Subjective Well-Being: A comparison between UK and Iceland
Judita Jankovic: Materialistic Value Components and Subjective Well-Being
Ljiljana Kaliterna: What Makes Croats Happy? - Predictors of Happiness in Representative Sample
Keiko Otake: Happy People are More Kind Than Less Happy People
10.45-11.15 / Coffee Break
11.15-12.00 / KEYNOTE: Ursula M. Staudinger
Personality Development and Personality Growth: Are they the Same Thing?
12.00-13.00 / POSTER SESSION (list of posters reported below)
14.00-16.00 / Thematic session: WELL-BEING, SOCIETY AND CULTURE
Marie P. Wissing: Psychological Well-Being: Identifying a G-factor in Various Cultural Contexts
Satoshi Shimai: Character Strengths in American and Japanese Young Adults
Suet Yan Tam: Relationships Between Social Support and Psychological Health of Female Migrant Domestic Workers in Hong Kong
Chrizanne van Eeden: The Psycho-social Well-Being of a Group of South African gay men
Elaine Duncan: Positive Emotional Experiences in Scottish and Italian Young Adults: Initial Findings, Scientific Issues and the Way Forward
Dannii Yuen-lan Yeung: Influence of Time Perspective on Chinese Men's and Women's Social Network and Psychological Well-Being
16.00-16.30 / Coffee break
16.30-18.00 / Thematic session: COACHING
Travis J. Kemp: Executive and Leadership Coaching: A unique application of Positive Psychology to Individual Development
Sandra Foster: Applying Positive Psychology Perspectives and Practices to Individual Business Coaching: Promises and Possibilities
Anne Scoular: Toward a Positive Psychology of Executive Coaching
Kit Lam: Managerial Coaching: Behaviors, the Measure and Antecedents
Michelle K. Pizer: The Positive Impact of High Quality LMX on Career-Related hope
18.00-18.45 / KEYNOTE: Felicia Huppert
Positive Ageing

Tuesday, July 6


9.15-10.45 /
Elvira Cicognani: Social Well-Being in Adolescence
Joel M. Hektner: Developing a Plan to Strengthen Positive Peer Culture Among Native American Adolescents
Michael J. Horvath: Adolescents Who Value People: Why Are Relationships Important to Them?
Guna Svence: Using G.Kelly's Repertory Grid Technique for Determining the Schoolchild's Personality's Positive Feeling of Self in School Perceptive Communication
14.00-16.00 / Symposium: THE DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSMISSION OF GOOD WORK: THE SEARCH FOR MEANING AND MASTERY (Convenor: William Damon, Discussant: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)
William Damon: Good work and leadership in American business and higher education
Hans H. Knoop: Good work and successful leaders in education, media and business: a positive-psychology view of Leadership
Jenni Menon: Authentic humility in philanthropists: a positive-psychology view of good giving
Kendall Cotton Bronk & Anne Colby: Educating professionals for mastery, passion and professionalism
Jeanne Nakamura: The transmission of good work in science: mentoring and optimal development
16.00-16.30 / Coffee break
16.30-18.00 / Thematic session: FAMILY AND DEVELOPMENT
Elsabè Botha: Childhood Relationships and Adult Psychological Well-Being in African Women
Taru Feldt: The Role of the family Conditions, Occupational Education and Stable Career Line in the Development of sense of Coherence
Anna Laura Comunian: Resilience, Parents' Warmth and Children's Moral Judgement Development Cross-Cultural Differences and Similarities
Elena Kaliteyeskaya: Meaning, Adjustment, and Self-Determination in Adolescence

Tuesday, July 6


9.15-10.45 /
Thematic session: EDUCATION
Helena Marujo: Educating for Optimism: Creating Positive Educational Cultures in a Pessimistic Country
Toni Noble: A school Curriculum Prevention Program To Develop Resilient Thinking And Behaviour In Students and Teachers
Nash Popovic: Personal Synthesis Programme - Bringing Psychology to Education
Irena Corko: The Effect of Promised Reward on the Creativity of the Product
14.00-16.00 / Thematic session: WELL-BEING, BIOLOGY AND HEALTH
Joanna McGrath: Post-traumatic Growth in Acquired Brain Injury: A Small Scale Study
Meena Sehgal: Hope, Resilience and Coping Among Asthmatic Adolescents
Andrew Steptoe: Psychobiological Correlate of Happiness
Andreas Burzik: On The Neuropsychology of Flow – Though Provoking Studies from Sport and Music Psychology, Neurofeedback and Trance Research
Elzabè Peters: Psychological Well-Being and Neuropsychological Correlates
Montserrat A. Gomez: Optimistic/Pessimistic Explanatory style. Anger Experience and Health Outcomes
16.00-16.30 / Coffee break

Wednesday, July 7

8.30-17.00 / Registration


8.30-9.15 / KEYNOTE: Antonella Delle Fave
Action, Interactions, and Thought: quality of experience and opportunities for development
9.15-10.45 /
Thematic session: SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT
Nic Marks: Positive Politics - Political Policy Implications of Well-Being
Serdar Degirmencioglu: Young people and action: Processes and benefits of active participation
Laurie Hollis Walker: Personality dimensions in the nature-human relationship
Maria Ojala: A positive reappraisal of adolescents' worries about environmental risks: the relations between worry, subjective well-being, values and existential dimensions
10.45-11.15 / Coffee Break
11.15-12.00 / KEYNOTE: Ruut Veenhoven
Is life getting better? Livability of modern society
12.00-13.00 / POSTER SESSION (list of posters reported below)
George Vaillant: Positive Mental Health
Chris Mace: Long-term Impacts of Mindfulness Practice on Wellbeing
M.Elena Magrin: The Power of Meaning: a Salutogenic Model of Intervention
Stephen Joseph: Positive Therapy: where Positive Psychology and Psychotherapy Meet
Christina Seryanni: Exploring the Relationship between Positive Affect & the Development of the Therapeutic Alliance
Gian Franco Goldwurm: Subjective Well-Being Training to Increase Happiness
Gordon Spence: Evidence-Based Life Coaching: Positive Psychology In Action
16.00-16.30 / Coffee break
16.30-18.00 / Symposium: TOWARDS A TRULY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY (Convenors: Wilmar B. Schaufeli & Marisa Salanova)
Wilmar Schaufeli: From burnout to engagement
Jari Hakanen: Sense of coherence – a stable individual salutary resource
Marisa Salanova: The positive spiral of Efficacy beliefs
Arnold Bakker: Flow at work
Ian Rothman: Resilience in organizations
18.00-18.45 / KEYNOTE: Barbara L. Fredrickson
The Role of Positive Emotions in Positive Psychology

Wednesday, July 7


9.15-10.45 /
Kiyoshi Asakawa: The relationship between flow and psychological well-being in Japanese college students
Teresa Freire: Optimal experiences in Portuguese adolescents: the role of the school context
Marta Bassi: School curriculum and opportunities for development: a comparative study on optimal experience among Italian adolescents
Giovanni B. Moneta: Academic ability as a moderator of the flow model of intrinsic motivation in Chinese college students
14.00-16.00 / Thematic session: EFFICACY AND EFFECTIVENESS IN WORK
Llorens Gumbau: Positive Spiral of Task Resources, Efficacy beliefs and Task Engagement: an experimental and longitudinal study
J.H. Buitendach: The Relationship Between Job Insecurity and Psychological strengths of Services Workers in Parastatal
Jari Hakanen: Do Job Resources Mitigate the Effect of Job Demands on Work Engagement?
Despoina Xanthopulou: The Measurement of Work Engagement: A Comparison of Greece and The Netherlands
Sanet Coetzee: Sense of Coherence, Self-efficacy, Locus of Control and the Effectiveness of Members of Self-managing Work Teams in South Africa
Angel Barrasa: Flow of Knowledge in Work Groups: Implications for Effective Teamwork
Karina Mostert: Work engagement in nursing support staff in South Africa
16.00-16.30 / Coffee break
16.30-18.00 / Symposium: SPIRITUALITY AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF WELL-BEING (Convenors: Jane Henry and Krishna Mohan, Discussant: Kiran Kumar)
Kiran Kumar: The role of spirituality in attaining well-being: an Indian approach
Dirk van Direndonck: What makes for the best life? Spirituality as a basic psychological need
Krishna Mohan: Spirituality and well-being: research, perspectives and implications for Positive Psychology
Maurits G.T. Kwee & Marja K. Taams: Bringing Buddhist psychology and Positive Psychology in the quest for well-being

Wednesday, July 7


9.15-10.45 /
Efrain A. Gonzalez: Introduction and interface between Positive Psychology and Psychoanalytic Theory
Margaret M. Mustelier: Comparisons of Positive Psychology and Psychoanalytic theory
Linnette Calle-Castillo: Contributions to Positive Psychology and Psychoanalytic Behavioral Therapy in a behavioral medicine setting
Tiziana Zanchi: Overview and discussion
14.00-16.00 / Thematic session: THEORIES AND METHODS
James Pawelski: Positive Psychology, European Philosophy, and the Genealogy of Habit
David Schuldberg: Complicato ma non troppo: A small nonlinear model and the good life
Hilde E. Nafstad: Ideological shifts in society and assumptions in psychology: A challenge for Positive Psychology
Falko Rheinberg: Motivational Competence and Flow-Experience
Yogesh Mohan: Spiritual Well-Being: an empirical exploration with spiritual perspectives
Ilona Boniwell: Use of Time and Well-Being: Methodological Issues
16.00-16.30 / Coffee break
16.30-18.00 / Thematic session: PARENTHOOD
Evangelia Demerouti: Spillover and Crossover of Exhaustion and Life Satisfaction among Dual-earner Couples
John Haworth: Gender, Parenthood and the changing European Workplace: young adults negotiating the work-family boundary
Liora Findler: A Longitudinal Examination of Mothers' Positive Growth Following the Birth of Twins
Maria F. Perloiro: Optimism, Pessimism, Marital Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction in Portuguese Families

Thursday, July 8

8.30-9.30 / Registration


8.30-10.30 /
Debra Panipucci: Positive Disobedience: When Norms Prescribe the Exclusion of Dissimilar Others
Daiga Kamerade: Does Teleworking Contribute to the Likelihood of Community Participation or Social Isolation?
Leslie Sekerka: Moral Courage in the Workplace: Self-regulation as the Cornerstone to Virtuous Action
Arie Shirom: Conceptualizing Vigor: On the Antecedents and Consequences of Vigor as a Positive Affect at Work
Grayna Bartkowiak: Subjective and objective determinants of professional success in the representatives of certain freelance jobs in Poland and in France
Douglas May: The flourishing of the Human Spirit at Work: Toward an Understanding of the Determinants and Outcomes of Experienced Meaningfulness (Private) at Work
10.30-11.00 / Coffee break
11.00-11.45 / KEYNOTE: Martin E.P. Seligman
Positive Psychology & Positive Interventions
11.45-12.15 / Conclusions

Thursday, July 8


8.30-10.30 /
Thematic session: LEARNING
Sarala Devi: Impact of Achievement Motivation on Personality and Academic Among Students
Charles Martin-krumm: Explanatory Style and Effects of Perceived Ability on Performances during Physical Education Classes
Laura Gariboldi: Intrinsic Motivation and Psychological Selection in the Transition to University
E.Breso Esteve: Facilitators and Efficacy Beliefs as Antecedents of Engagement among University students: A Cross-Cultural Study
Andrea Gaggioli: Optimal Experience in Virtual Environments. Implications for learning
Timo Saari: Using mind-Based Technologies to Facilitate Positive Emotion and Mood with Media Content


Tuesday, July 6 - 12.00-13.00

Anne Maekikangas / Optimism and Life Satisfaction: Development and Interaction from Early Adulthood to Middle-Age
G.Vittorio Caprara & Patrizia Steca / Self Efficacy Beliefs as Personal Determinants of Subjective Well-Being Across Ages
John Copelton / Subjective Well-Being and Self-Determination Behaviour in Older People
Elena B. Peres / Toward Social Integration From Self-regulatory Mechanism
Ivana Makuca Moranduzzo / Positive Effects of Family Interactions on Self-Esteem in Early Adolescence
Marei Salama-Younes / Factorial Validation and Development of an Experimental Version of "CASQ" The Scale of Measurement of the Explanatory Mode for children from 8 to 12 years
Marei Salama-Younes / Psychometric Properties of an Experimental Version of "CASQ" The Scale of Measurement of the Explanatory Mode for children from 8 to 12 years
Marina Nekic / Personal Control of Development in Relation With Self-Esteem and Some Erikson's Components of Personality
Manuela Lombardi / The Perceived Value of Studying Across Cultures: The Learning Experience of Italian and Nepalese Adolescents
Jana Jelinkova / Effect of Life Values on Perceptions of Responsible and Irresponsible Action in Adolescents
Chrizanne van Eeden / Hope, Self-Concept and Coping Strategies of a Group of Late Middle Childhood Children in South Africa
Patrizia Steca / Longitudinal Pathways of Psychosocial Adjustment and Maladjustment
Sarmite Voitkane / First Study Year Female Students in Transition to University: Psychological Well-Being, Self-Esteem, Assertiveness and Social Support
Sushama Swarup / Migration and Optimal Experience: stability and change
Judita Jankovic / Value and Subjective Well-Being
Federica Borgini / Modernization and the Quality of Experience: the Walser of the Gressoney Valley
Thao Le / Stressful Life Experiences and Cultural Values as a Context for Practical and Transcendent Wisdom
Iris M. Thomas / The Values Questionnaire
Marisa Muzio / Flow and Peak Performance: a Research on High Level Italian Athletes Using Flow State Scale
Marisa Muzio / Flow and Peak Performance: from Theoretical Models to Operative Spin-offs. The Case of Italian Golf Federation
Julia Mutafova / Peculiarities of Empathy in Athletes
Zshivka Zsheliaskova-Koynova / Characteristics of Peak Performance State (qualitative research)
Pascale Behr / A French Translation of the Flow Scale-2
Pascale Behr / Investigation of Flow in French Sport Setting
Zshivka. Zsheliaskova-Koynova & Kiril Naskov / Application of Solution-Focused Approach in Psychological Consulting of Athletes in Bulgaria and Macedonia
Agnieszka Czerw / Relationship Between Optimism and Creative Thinking - Experimental research
David Rawlings / Schizotypy in the Normal Population: Comparing Preferences for Paintings and Jokes with Preferences for 'Real Life' Visual and Humorous Stimuli
Nicola Holt / Creativity, Altered State of Consciousness and Ego strength
Jim Henry / Many pathways to Creativity
John Haworth / Embodied Mind, Creativity and Well-Being
Majda Rijavec / Extrinsic vs Intrinsic Life Goals, Psychological Needs and Well-being Poster Presentation
Alicia Arenas Moreno & Elena Briones Perez / Self-Regulatory Processes for a Effective Performance
Ozge Gurel & Anthony Ahrens / The Role of the Relational-Interdependent Self-Construal in the Link Between Motivational Goals and Affects
Stefan Hoefer & Lena Ring / Relationship of Psychological and Subjective Well-Being With Individual Quality of Life
Elena Antonelli & Simona Orlandi / Gender and Subjective Well-Being: a Study with University Student

Wednesday, July 7 – 12.00 – 13.00