Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 6th July 2016
Present were Wendy Heron, Eve Edwards, Janet Cooper, Carolyn Pashby, Mike Calvert,Bryan Haddon.
Apologises from Simon Morris, Christie Goymer
The minutes forthe Junemeeting were considered and approved. (A request was made by Bryan Haddon for copies of the minutes for last six meeting – this was agreed)
Correspondence- Dyfed Alarms quotation for a twice yearly inspection of the Fire Alarms was accepted, Western Powers letter regarding work as noted, email re. Green Growth Wales project was deferred to a later date.
Finance– EE presented the financial report for June. Mr. Robert Bowenhas agreed to remain as auditor for the forthcoming year.
Dave King Memorial - The King family have expressed a wish for a memorial to be put in the playing fields. HCA are considering a large picnic bench with the funds collected from friends, residents and companies. BH is to approach the HCC to ascertain their intentions. EEis to seek the views and hopefully, permission of the PF trustees, to site the bench in the playing field. .
HCC - After a formal letter was sent requesting a “Grant Application” form, we were notified that further information was required, this was later rescinded. The appropriate form was later delivered by hand to HCA. It will now be considered by the HCA.
Lottery Grant–WH informed the meeting that part of the grant had now been spent on various agreed items. The disposal of the old table tennis tables was agreed. WH is going to look into new kitchen equipment and consult with hall cleaner regarding a new vacuum cleaner...
Future Events –Fete & Show – EE has had the raffle tickets printed and is now distributing them around the village. Local firms have been approached for suitable prizes. Volunteers are needed to help set up the site on Friday evening and Saturday morning. HCA agreed to PF request for the loan of round tables and crockery. This and the hall would F.O.C.
Hall Issues – Hall bookings are holding steady. A request for the removal of the old potter’s wheel made to MP is still to be resolved. It is to be removed from site by the end of July. This to be progressed.
Update on Septic Tank Issue - We are still awaiting results from CCC. Mr Chris Flattery regarding the dye tests. In the meantime, it appears that additional complaints have been made to CCC regarding possible leaking sewage.
Bookings & Hire Charges – Bookings are sound and improving. Our hire charges for the hall are to be reviewed. WH, CP & CG agreed to undertake this.
A.O.B – It was agreed that a summary of our minutes and agendas would be posted in the notice board outside the village hall. The AGM minutes will also be posted.
This meeting closed 9.06pm. Our next meeting is scheduled for 7.30pm on Wednesday 7th September2016 in the Village Hall