Argument & Advertisement Part Two: Create-A-Commercial

Your challenge:

  1. With a group of 4-6 people, you will video record or perform three different commercials/advertisements for a product of your choice (just ONE product with Mr. B.’s approval).
  1. This product can be something already in existence, or it can be something your group made up.
  1. Each commercial should have a focus that appeals primarily to ethos (1), logos (2), and pathos (3). Keep each commercial between 30-90 seconds.
  1. Every member of the group needs to participate in at least one commercial. Every member does not need to be featured in all three.
  1. Use of props, music, costumes, etc. is recommended and encouraged.
  1. As a group, complete the rationale documents for each commercial/advertisement BEFORE presenting commercials/advertisements to the class. This and the commercials themselves are due on ______.
  1. Individually, complete the reflection document AFTER you’ve performed/showed your videos to the class. (Due ______).
  1. Individually, complete group member ratings (This data will help determine individual grades). (Due ______).


Commercial/Advertisement Assignment Rationale

*to be completed as a group

Group Members: ______

Product Name: ______

Claim: ______

Support: ______

Warrant: ______


Intended Audience: ______

Purpose of advertisement: ______

Type of persuasive appeal-explain how appeal was achieved (5-6 sentences):



Intended Audience: ______

Purpose of advertisement: ______

Type of persuasive appeal-explain how appeal was achieved (5-6 sentences):



Intended Audience: ______

Purpose of advertisement: ______

Type of persuasive appeal-explain how appeal was achieved (5-6 sentences):


Name ______

Individual Reflection

In 8-10 sentences, explain what appeal was most successful in terms of trying to sell your chosen product. Be specific in your explanation. *You can also include why the other appeals were not as successful.



5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 0-1
Ethos / Appeal is evident in commercial. Strong clarity and effective use of persuasive tactics throughout entire commercial. / Appeal is mostly evident in commercial. Effective use of persuasive tactics throughout majority of commercial. / Appeal is somewhat evident in commercial. Both effective and vague use of persuasive tactics throughout commercial. / Appeal is barely evident in commercial. Unclear and vague use of persuasive tactics throughout commercial. / No evident appeal.
Logos / ‘’ / ‘’ / ‘’ / ‘’ / ‘’
Pathos / ‘’ / ‘’ / ‘’ / ‘’ / ‘’
Group Rationale / Strong reasoning and detailed explanation. Rationale reveals why & how you planned & executed your commercial. / Mostly strong reasoning and detailed explanation. Rationale reveals why & how you planned & executed your commercial. / Somewhat strong reasoning and detailed explanation. Rationale reveals why & how you planned & executed your commercial. / Weak reasoning and detailed explanation. Rationale barely reveals why & how you planned & executed your commercial. / No rationale. Rationale is incoherent.
Individual Reflection / Strong reasoning and detailed explanation. / Mostly strong reasoning and detailed explanation. / Somewhat strong reasoning and detailed explanation. / Weak reasoning and detailed explanation. / No reflection. Reflection is incoherent.
Creativity/ Enthusiasm/
Effort / Group goes above and beyond with music, costumes, and/or props, etc. All members are actively involved. / Group makes proficient use of music, costumes, and/or props, etc. Members are mostly involved. / Group makes basic use of music, costumes, and/or props. Limited group enthusiasm and involvement. / Limited or weak use of music, costumes, and/or props. Very limited enthusiasm and involvement. / No effort. No enthusiasm. No creativity.