Project Name : Enhancing Livelihoods of Women in Agriculture in Pottangi &

Semiliguda Blocks of Koraput district in Odisha

PIA Name:Life Academy of Vocational Studies (LAVS)

Project Duration: 2013 - 2016

Project Area: Pottangi & Semiliguda Block, Koraput district

Breakthrough Practices:

Practice of low cost technology & cropping strategy leads to enhanced participation. productivity & profitability.

Women farmers of tribal community have realized that productivity of different crops increase significantly not only due to improved investment of inputs but also adoption of package of practices that addresses plant health, nutrition and protection. So far as cropping strategy is concerned, major thrust has been given on crop diversification, inter-cropping and sequential cropping. Motivation has been built to grow non-paddy crops in the rain-fed upland. Crops like coarse cereals(Jawar, Ragi & Minor millets), pulses, oil seeds(Niger), Vegetables, Tuber crops are promoted instead of paddy crops. Based on training and exposure, besides paddy, women farmers areenthusiastically adopting non paddy crops in program villages.

Similarly, inter cropping systems like pigeon pea+ragi(2:4), maize+cowpea(2:2), yam+maize(1:2) and maize+ runner bean(2:2) have been promoted for giving higher income in the non-irrigated highlands instead of mixing 4-5 crops and going for mixed cropping by the farmers traditionally.In this cropping strategy, 16 acres upland covering 58 women farmers were taken up during rabi season.

In sequential cropping, two or more crops are promoted in succession one after another. Under rain-fed system, field pea/black gram/mustard/chickpea is promoted after paddy in medium and low land for increasing income at household level. The second crops under rain-fed situation are harvested successfully availing residual moisture and few showers of rain.Women farmers are getting additional income from these crops. 86 trainedwomen farmers took up 2nd crop in an area of 118 acres during last Rabi season.

In terms of practice of low cost technology, the farmers in the MKSP villages have followed and adopted ploughing across the slope, summer ploughing, seed treatment, timely sowing & planting, application of organic manures, preparation of neem seed extract solution & its application against pest, use of bio-pesticides as low cost technologies. Farmers have made seed replacement by growing certified /quality seeds. Mulching in ginger in an area of 34 acres by 28 farmers, seed treatment in an area of 32 acres and line transplanting of paddy in an area of 74 acres covering 204 farmers have been initiated in the last kharif.

Case Study: 1

Profile of Mahila Kisan:

Name / Manjula Pangi
Age / 36
Caste / ST
Village / Panasguda
G.P / Sambai
Block / Pottangi
District / Koraput
Name of SHG/PG / Maa Saraswati PG
Occupation / Agriculture
Present Income / Rs.30,000
Food Security / 9 months in a year

Existing Resource Details:

Land owned / 2 acre
Leased land / 0
Type of land / Midium-1acr,Low -1 acre
Land under cultivation / Veg-1 acre, Paddy-1 acre
Source of Irrigation / Rain-fed
Access to other sources / 0

Area of land intervened:

Half acre for Ginger, 0.25 acre for vegetable(cabbage) and one acre for line transplanting paddy

Pre-intervention scenario:

Prior to intervention, land was used for traditional paddy cultivation in the low land and millet in medium land. Cultivation was primarily meant for sustenance only. The yield was poor as there was no attention to application of proven technologies and sustainable practices. She was not aware about adopting suitable new crops for better earnings.

Description of intervention and process undertaken:

She was identified and profiled as Mahila Kisanunder MKSP. Soon she learnt producers group as well as the sustainable agriculture practices. As a Mahila kisan member of a Producers Group, she participated and received training on crop planning, soil health management, sustainable agricultural practices, seed treatment and organic ways of vegetable cultivation and low cost package of practices. The CRPs and PRPs also extended handholding support in building her confidence in doing agriculture in a more planned and scientific way.

Trainings attended(type, no & days):

1.Crop Planning- 1 day, 2. Sustainable agriculture-1 day, 3. Soil & land development- 1 day

Adoption of technical protocol(what practices under technical protocol were planned and adopted)

Land preparation right from summer ploughing,raised nursery bed preparation, seed treatment, line transplanting, spacing, periodical weeding and manuring were followed as improved practices.

Post intervention scenario/Outcomes(change in production, productivity & income) :

Due to adoption of the improved package of practices, low cost inputs and diversion of crops, the cost of production and risk of crop damage reduced in comparison to the earlier experience. This resulted in more yield and more profit. The details are presented below-:

Cost Benefit Analysis:

No / Crop Name / Ginger / Cabbage / Total
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
A / Cultivated area / 0.5 acre / 0.25 acre / 0.75
B / Seed Varieties / Suprava / Pride of India / -
C / Cost of Land preparation / Rs.2000 / Rs.1000 / Rs.3000
D / Cost of seed / Rs.24000(@Rs.8000*3 Qtl / Rs.200 / Rs.24200
E / Cost towards irrigation / 0 / 0 / 0
F / Cost of fertilizer / Rs.1500 / Rs.1000 / Rs.2500
G / Cost of pesticides / Rs.500 / Rs.300 / Rs.800
H / Total labour cost / Rs.3000 / Rs.1500 / Rs.4500
I / Cost of implements used / 0 / 0 / 0
J / Transportation cost / Rs.250 / 0 / Rs.250
K / Other cost / 0 / 0 / 0
L / Cost of Production (sum of A to K) / Rs.31250 / Rs.4000 / Rs.35250
M / Cost of marketing including transport / Rs.1000 / Rs.500 / Rs.1500
N / Total Cost of production (Add. L+M) / Rs.32250 / Rs.4500 / Rs.36750
O / Total yield (in KG) / 1800 Kg / 750 Kg / -
P / Household consumption (in Kg) / 10 Kg / 20 Kg / -
Q / Surplus for sale (O-P) / 1790 Kg / 730 Kg / -
R / Sale price per Kg / Rs.60 / Rs.10 / -
S / Total Income (Q*R) / Rs.107400 / Rs.7300 / Rs.114700
T / Net Income (S-N) / Rs.75150 / Rs.2800 / Rs.77950

Plan Ahead:

Encouraged with the positive change in terms of yield and profitability, she has planned to scale up cultivation area to another 1 acre on lease basis for vegetable cultivation.

Case Study: 2

Profile of Mahila Kisan:

Name / Laxmi Khilla
Age / 33
Caste / SC
Village / Deopattangi
G.P / Deopottangi
Block / Pottangi
District / Koraput
Name of SHG / Kiaphulla SHG
Name of PG / Deomali PG
Occupation / Agriculture
Present Income / Rs.75,000 PA
Food Security Level / Round the Year

Area of land intervened:

1acre of own land and 3.5 acre of leased land were intervened for paddy and vegetable cultivation during last Kharif and Rabi.

Pre-intervention scenario:

Existing one acre of own land was used for paddy crop only in kharif. After receiving training and guidance under MKSP she realised the value of crop diversification and mixed cropping for better yield and earning prospects. She ventured into cash crop and preferred Gingerand Potato cultivation as she used to work earlier as wage worker in the Ginger field. In the first phase she started ginger crops in a half acre leased land and then extended to 3 acres.

Description of intervention and process undertaken:

With the identification of village and SHG members engaged in agriculture for MKSP intervention support, Laxmi Khilla was selected by the community members not only as a Mahila Kisan but also as Community Resource Person to lead other SHG members towards farm based livelihood initiative with the support of MKSP. She was determined to improve her earning by adopting new knowledge and skills and more remunerative agriculture operations. To overcome constraint of not having sufficient land, she preferred to take additional land on lease. She was concerned about the increased economic burden of investment and hence decided to choose crops that could give her assured returns. She was facilitated to procure quality seeds and reduce dependence on chemical fertilizer and pesticides. She was also made aware about the processing and storage skills so that she could get best bargain for the produce.

Trainings attended (type, no & days):

1. Crop Planning- 1 day

2. Sustainable agriculture practices-1 day

3. Exposure visit- 1 day

Adoption of technical protocol(what practices under technical protocol were planned and adopted) :

Land preparation right from soil testing, summer ploughing ,raised nursery bed preparation, seed treatment, line transplanting, spacing, periodical weeding and manuring were followed by her as improved practices.

Post intervention scenario/Outcomes(change in production, productivity & income)

Knowledge about technical protocol with regard to various agricultural operation in vegetable and crop cultivation enhanced her skill and interest to undertake agriculture as a sustainable livelihood option. Application of acquired skills and adoption of good practices with the hand holding support of MKSP field functionaries as well as the trained para Professionals led to increased yield and profit. As a result of increased income, she feels proud to be Mahila Kisan.

Cost Benefit Analysi:

Sl.No / Crop Name / Potato / Ginger / Total
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
A / Cultivated area / 0.5 acre / 1 acre / 3.5
B / Seed Varieties / Kufri Jyoti / Suprava / -
C / Cost of Land preparation / Rs.1200 / Rs.1200 / Rs.2400
D / Cost of seed /Seed rate / Rs.4500 / Rs.48000 / Rs.52500
E / Cost towards irrigation / 0 / 0 / 0
F / Cost of fertilizer & compost / Rs.1500 / Rs.3000 / Rs.4500
G / Cost of bio-pesticides / 0 / Rs.400 / Rs.400
H / Total labour cost / Rs.2000 / Rs.3000 / Rs.5000
I / Cost of implements used / 0 / Rs.670 / Rs.670
J / Transportation cost / Rs.250 / Rs.400 / Rs.650
K / Other cost / 0 / 0 / 0
L / Cost of Production (sum of A to K) / Rs.9450 / Rs.56670 / Rs.66120
M / Cost of marketing including transport / Rs.1000 / Rs.1000 / Rs.2000
N / Total Cost of production (Add. L+M) / Rs.10450 / Rs.57670 / Rs.68120
O / Total yield (in KG) / 1800 Kg / 2700 Kg / -
P / Household consumption (in Kg) / 200 Kg / 20 Kg / -
Q / Surplus for sale (O-P) / 1600 Kg / 2680 Kg / -
R / Sale price per Kg / Rs.15 / Rs.60 / -
S / Total Income (Q*R) / Rs.24000 / Rs160800 / Rs.184800
T / Net Income (S-N) / Rs.13550 / Rs.103130 / Rs.116680

Plan Ahead:

She plans to continue the cultivation of Ginger crop, preferably upscale it by covering 3 to 4 acres of land in a year or two. Her success has a big promise for others. As CRP member, she is hopeful to extend similar benefits to more number of Mahila Kisans. The stable high market price of Ginger in the local and outside regions is another major boosting factor for farmers with limited land holding. She has also reaped benefits from use of organic manure and improved agricultural practices shunning the use of chemicals and looks for inter cropping next year in order to add further economic values to her effort.