Inspection Team:Building/Room No.: / Supervisor: / Inspection Date:
NB: Boxes to be ticked as items are sighted ()or not present (), or otherwise NA indicates the item is not applicable to this location.
No. / Question / //NA / Corrective Actions / Responsible Person / Target Completion Date1 / Management
1.1 / Are the X-ray machines registered with Safety and Health?
1.2 / Are the X-ray machines locations in accord with the registration?
1.3 / Are the relevant research group leaders and other personnel licensed?
1.4 / Are documented procedures for use of the X-ray machines displayed visibly on the wall?
1.5 / Are staff given appropriate X-ray safety training before first starting work and are records of training kept?
1.6 / Are staff inducted for X-ray work and are records of inductions kept?
1.7 / Do all staff know who the SRSO is and are they aware that they are required to report to the DRSO any instances of known or suspected unsafe practices or incidents/accidents?
2 / Personal Monitoring
2.1 / Are TLD badges issued to and worn by all users of partially enclosed and unenclosed units?
2.2 / Are TLDs stored outside the room with X-ray equipment?
2.3 / Are results from personal monitoring kept and made available to staff?
3 / Designated Areas and Labelling
3.1 / Is there labelling on relevant entry doors?
3.2 / Are there working ‘X-ray on’ lights outside all doors of the room?
3.3 / Is ionising equipment contained in appropriate enclosures?
3.4 / Are visible (and audible) signals provided inside and outside enclosures to provide warning before and during irradiation?
3.5 / Is X-ray and other radiation producing equipment in a room solely dedicated to this equipment?
4 / Shielding, Equipment and Interlocks
4.1 / Do enclosures have interlocks preventing staff from being within the confines of the enclosure while beam is on?
4.2 / Does the design of the room housing radiation producing equipment include structural shielding requirements?
4.3 / Are beam stops in place?
4.4 / Is X-ray key switch required to activate X-ray beam?
4.5 / Are windows into the room covered?
4.6 / Are safe work practices adopted to make appropriate use of controls, e.g. shielding, distance and time?
4.7 / Are "fail-safe" mechanisms provided to prevent generation of X-rays when:
a) the shutter is open without analysing components & beam stops in position;
b) the housing is removed from the X-ray tube or the X-ray tube is removed from the housing;
c) an enclosure is detached from the housing, and the beam stop is removed?
4.8 / For diagnostic X-rays are lead aprons or mobile shields available and used?
5 / Radiation Monitoring
5.1 / Is appropriate monitoring equipment available?
5.2 / Have monitors been calibrated in the last 12 months?
5.3 / Are radiation surveys carried out (monthly for partially enclosed XRA units, 3 monthly for fully enclosed XRA units)?
5.4 / Are radiation survey records up to date?
Other Comments :
Inspected by (print name) / Signature / Date
The University of Western Australia / Ionising Radiation Inspection Checklist / Page 1 of 2
Created: January 2009 / Last Review: /
Next Review:
Hardcopies of this document are considered uncontrolled please refer to UWA Safety and Health website for latest version