North Salem Middle/High School
Science 8
Mrs. Valenti and Mrs. Frohman
Classroom Materials:
Text- Prentice Hall: Science Explorer by Brooks Simmons
A total of four (4) textbookswill be utilized in class
Review Book- NY Grade 8 Intermediate Level Science Test: A Review Book by Petlinski(to be used in class-distributed by teacher)
Section in three ring binder or notebook for notes
sturdy, two pocket folder (Mead 5Star folder)
loose leaf papergraph paper
pen, pencilcolored pencils
metric ruler (for home use)
Major Topics of Study (think “Catastrophe Science”):
General Topics- observation and measurement of the environment, mapping, Earth motions, models of Earth
Atmosphere related- weather, atmospheric energy, water cycle
Lithosphere related- erosion, deposition, minerals, rocks, crustal change
Geologic History
Environmental Change
Course Requirements:
Folders/Binders- The sturdy pocket folder or binder contains note packets,reference tables, class work, diagrams, worksheets, and homework. Quizzes, tests and labs are kept in a folder in the classroom as a working portfolio. You may not keep or bring home labs, quizzes or tests (these will be kept in your working portfolio until June and returned to you prior to the end of the school year). Work will be returned to students on a bi or tri-weekly basis. Parents may request tests, quizzes or labs to be sent home at any time. Please contact Mrs. Valenti or Mrs. Frohman via email to make arrangements.
Tests- Tests are given at the end of each topic to evaluate knowledge of facts and concepts covered in class, lab, and homework. They are modeled after the ILS 8 Exam
Quizzes- Quizzes are given to cover short periods of work, usually at the end of a chapter or to assess a small, but challenging area of study.
Homework- Homework is assigned virtually every night and may include reading the text or current event articles, completing questions related to reading, finishing classroom assignments, lab questions, and review questions designed to reinforce topics covered in class. Please note that homework is usually NOT assigned on Fridays or prior to holidays.
Laboratory Work-You are assessed on knowledge and skill gained in the laboratory setting. Mrs. Valenti and Mrs. Frohman will distribute labs.
Special Projects- Lab reports, Solar System and a Geologic History project will be completed this year. Blogging assignments will be given throughout the school year. Students will also be expected to observe stars, the moon phases, and collect weather data during the school year.
Intermediate Level Science Exam- This exam is given in the late spring. The format of the exam includes multiple choice questions, constructed response questions, and laboratory performance tasks. Questions will be content and skills based and may require you to graph data, complete a data table, draw and label diagrams, design an experiment, make calculations, or write short or extended responses.
Grade Determination:
50% Tests/Projects
25% Quizzes
20% Labs
5% Homework
Extra Help:
Mrs. Valenti is availableTuesday and Wednesday for extra help from 2:15 to 2:55 p.m.
(Tear off and return below…Thanks!)
Science 8
Mrs. Melissa Valenti and Mrs. Jennifer Frohman
Please read and sign below. Return to Mrs. Valenti by Thursday, September 7, 2010. Email Mrs. Valenti or Mrs. Frohman with any questions or concerns.
I have read and gone over the above information with my parent(s) and/or guardian. I understand this is 8th Grade LevelScience class that prepares me for High School level courses. My best work and effort is required to be successful. I understand that the completion and thorough comprehension of all lab, class and home work is required for me to be a success in this class and on my ILS 8 exam in the spring.
Student Name (print)Student Signature and Date
Parent/Guardian Name (print)Parent/Guardian Signature and Date