Please send a copy of your residency program’s annual review to the Associate Dean/DIO and to the Director of Graduate Medical Education. Use the attached template. You should also maintain minutes of departmental meetings through which your program conducts its annual program review. Send copies of the minutes with your Annual Program Review.


Annual Meetingto Review the Program

Date of the meeting:

Attendees: (at a minimum, program director and representative faculty and at least one resident)

Faculty (named)

Residents (named)

Evaluation Sources used in the review:

(check all data this group reviewed as part of their annual review of the residency; the italicized data must have been reviewed as part of this process; in addition, many programs find it useful to review additional data such as that listed below)

Essential Data Which Must Be Reviewed / Additional data which may be useful in the review
  • Written comments from the faculty about the program
  • Evidence of patient safety

  • Confidential written evaluations (rotations, conferences) from residents
  • Evidence of patient satisfaction (such as patient and visitor reports)

  • Confidential written evaluations from residents regarding faculty (teaching abilities, commitment to the program, clinical knowledge, and scholarly activities)
  • Performance of current Resident as documented by their evaluations

  • Most recent Institutional Internal Review
  • RRC Program Requirements
(date of version used )
  • Most recent ACGME RRC Review
  • Adequacy of clinical experience (e.g. number of procedures, as designated by RRC or board)

  • Program graduate performance on (Board/comparable certification examination)
  • Adequacy of required continuity experiences

  • Program duty hours monitoring data
  • Availability of qualified applicants

  • Documentation of how the program ensures each resident develops a personal program of learning to foster continued professional growth (& life long learning skills) with guidance from teaching staff)
  • Evaluation of the quality of non- UTCOM Chattanooga rotations/assignments

  • Results from summarized program evaluations completed by residents in New Innovations

  • Evidence residents are participating in research/scholarly activities

  • Program policies: duty hours, supervision, leave (consistent with institution and RRC)

  • Resident performance on in-service examination

  • Alumni questionnaire

  • Patient and visitor relations comments on residents

  • Resident compliance with hospital and institutional requirements ECMS mandated elements (e.g. ACLS, HIPAA, Invision, Institutional Core Curriculumsessions, Malpractice Seminars, etc.)

  • Information from your specialty society

  • Other ______

  • Other ______

Goals and objectives:

Review of goals and objectives for each major assignment/year of training.

How do you judge how effectively these goals and objectives are achieved?

Board Performance

Does your program lead to board or certificate eligibility? No Yes

If yes, graduates in the last 3 year passed their board examination on the first try, of residents who completed the program

What is the national average in your specialty of board passage rates? %

Competency and Other Assessments

What types of assessments/evaluations do you use to evaluate the training program?

Continuous Educational Improvement

Have you identified any deficiencies (in rotations, curriculum, didactics, faculty, trainees) ?

No Yes

If yes, what is the explicit plan of action to address?

If no, what are planned program enhancements?
Describe at least one example this year of how you have used program assessment to improve your training program?

Adequacy of Resources

Does the program have adequate resources? (e.g. faculty? Physical space, clinical volume)

Yes  No 

If no, describe the plans to obtain necessary resources?

What % effort does program director spend on this program? %

Does your RRC mandate a % effort of your program director? Yes No

If yes, what %

Do faculty spend sufficient time teaching? Yes No

Are faculty interested, motivated and “rewarded” for teaching? Yes No

Is there adequate scholarship? Yes No

Based on this review, identify at least one thing your program will do differently this year (and how you will evaluate its success)

***This document contains confidential peer review information to be used in the assessment of the quality of the delivery of healthcare. This document and the information in it, are confidential and should not be distributed outside the relevant review committees.