I. History of Afghanistan

A. Unified and became a country in 1747

B. Buffer between British and Russian Empires until independence from Britain in 1919

C. Periods of democracy and rule by the Shah until a coup occurred in 1973

D. Communists took over in 1978

E. Soviet Union Invaded in 1979

1. US Supported the Mujahedin who fought against the communists

2. Osama Bin Laden arrived to fight alongside the mujahedeen against the communists

3. USSR withdrew in 1989

F. Taliban took control in 1996

1. Attacked ethnic minorities – Hazari

2. Implemented Sharia Law – strict Islamic rule, limited rights for women

a. women could not go to school, vote, and had to wear burqas

3. Allowed Al-Qaida to operate within borders

4. Poor human rights records

5. Opposed by Northern Alliance – group against everything Taliban stands for

6. Sheltered Osama Bin Laden who had arrived during war against Soviets

G. Osama Bin Laden (Born 1957 Saudi Arabia)

1. One of upwards of 26 children of 11 wives by wealthy Saudi businessman

a. Bin Laden and Al Qaeda had attacked and subsequently been ousted from Saudi Arabia, Kenya, and Yemen. Eventually moved operations to Afghanistan

b. Bin Laden sought to take over Saudi Arabia and Enforce Sharia Law

c. Staged 9/11 attacks against because of US support of Israel and current government in Saudi Arabia

H. Post 9/11

1. United States demanded that the Taliban hand over Osama Bin Laden

2. Taliban refused and US led International Coalition invaded Afghanistan on October 7, 2001

3. Northern alliance worked with US to end Taliban Rule

4. By November capital city of Kabul was liberated

a. Women were liberated and democracy has slowly took hold

5. US now controls major cities. Northern tribal areas are still largely influenced by Taliban

6. Afghanistan has their own democratic government, which is often accused of corruption

7. 2,469 US troops have died in Afghanistan US began withdrawing troops during Obama administration and continues to stage down US military presence

8. US began withdrawing troops during Obama administration and continues to stage down US military presence

9. The illegal poppy trade is still a problem and the US is working to provide other economic opportunities