Design & Technology Homework Policy

Homework is an important element of each of the courses offered by the Design & Technology Department. It is used to reinforce what students are learning in class and aid in developing responsibility for their own learning.

The amount of homework students receive will vary depending on stage, course and particular topic being studied. In addition, students should be aware that their teacher may expect tasks not completed in class to be completed at home where appropriate. As such there are no rigid rules as regards to the frequency and duration of homework with teachers using professional judgement to set this.

However, a general guide to homework requirements is outlined below.


Students complete 3 main practical/design projects in S1 and 2 in S2 and will normally receive 2 pieces of set homework for each. This will cover a range of the skills, tools and materials covered as well as an evaluation of the unit and how they have done. In addition, several Graphics homework tasks will also be issued through the session.


Students studying Graphic Communication, Design & Manufacture and Technological Studies in S3/4 should expect regular homework every 1 -2 weeks, ranging from ½ hr to 1 hr in duration. There is also an expectation that students will do additional work on design and graphics folios at home.


Students studying Higher and Int 2 Graphic Communication, Product Design and Technological Studies should expect to be working 1 ½ to 2 hours per week at home including set tasks and completion of project/folio/class work. Time is very tight in these courses and additional work in students’ own time is essential.

All students are fully expected to use the homework diaries they have been supplied with to record all homework and note the learning intentions from their lessons.

On most occasions, students will be given a week to complete formal homework tasks. If there are any problems that a student has, or foresees, in completing a homework task then the class teacher should be spoken with prior to the due date.

The expectation of the Design & Technology department is that all homework will be submitted on time. Failure to produce homework will initially involve a verbal warning and an opportunity to submit the following day prior to a text message being sent to parents to stating the non-completion of homework. Continued non-completion will result in the Principal Teacher contacting home and a referral to the student’s Head of House.

Supported Study is open to all S3-S6 students in Design & Technology on Tuesdays after school form 3.35 – 4.45pm. Additional sessions will also be available through the year in the run up to Prelim exams and coursework submissions.