January 2007 / Volume 1, Number 1
In This Issue
·  President’s Corner
·  February Luncheon
·  Highlights
·  Membership Drive
·  Upcoming Events
Save the Date!
Membership luncheons
Location: MCRD Bay View Club
13 February
12 April
14 June(Picnic)
16 August
11 October
Important Links
National ASMC organization
http://www.asmccertification.com/ ASMC CDFM information
San Diego Accounting Day 15 May 2007
Discussion of issues that affect anyone working within the defense financial management community
Contact Us
Anthony Embrey

Exec Vice President:
Sherry Major

Admin Vice President:
Karen Dalton

Debbie Wignall

Nanette Gutierrez

National Chapter Rep:
Pam Herman

Newsletter Editor:
Michael Oquist

Asst Newsletter Editor:
Jennifer Merk

Tina Malabanan

Information Technology:
Edgar DeGuzman

CDFM Coordinator:
Tom Stone

619-990-3515 /

President’s Corner

Happy New Year to everyone! As we are almost six weeks into the year I hope everyone is having continued success achieving their resolutions. One of my personal goals in 2007 is to become a Certified Defense Financial Manager. I recently completed the Enhanced Defense Financial Manager Training course (EDFMTC) which includes a wealth of information and excellent facilitation and review of key Financial subject matter. Now I need to devote time to study and take the exams—wish me luck! Additional information and web links for CDFM are provided in this issue. Let’s do it!
Your executive board and I have met several times already to discuss ways to energize our membership to attend luncheons and provide a resource for continuing education (CPEs) by providing interesting and timely topics and speakers in addition to networking opportunities. We have set goals to improve our communication, encourage members to achieve CDFM status and increase our membership.
Our annual membership drive is ON and information is included in this issue. We have also set tentative dates for future membership luncheons at the ever popular site of our December luncheon-MCRD Bay View Club. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us and bring a friend.
If you have questions, concerns or ideas please contact me or any of your board members. Until next time, Cheers!

February Membership Luncheon -13 February

/ “Keeping Your Heart Healthy”
Our guest speaker is NMCSD Cardiologist, Daniel F. Seidensticker, MD, LCDR, MC, USN. Please plan to join us February 13th at the MCRD Bay View Club, at 1130am for a discussion which is sure to be near and dear to our hearts!
Deadline for reservations: Friday, 9 February, 2007Contact your Command rep or call Sherry Major at 532-4837 or send e-mail to

December’s Luncheon
Over 80 members and guests attended the ASMC Toys-for-Tots luncheon December 5th at Marine Corps Recruit Depot.
Among the special guests were Marine Corps personnel from the Marines Expeditionary Group who accepted the gifts and several NBC television 7/39 personnel, including Whitney Southwick, Station Meteorologist.
The luncheon included a successful raffle, thanks to generous gift donations.
October’s Luncheon
Congratulations to our 2006 - 2007 officers installed during the October luncheon held at the Anchors Catering & Conference Center: Tony Embrey (President), Sherry Major (Executive Vice President), Karen Dalton (Administrative Vice President), Debbie Wignall (Secretary), Pam Herman (National Chapter Representative), and Nanette Gutierrez (Treasurer).
Our guest speaker, Captain Tom Carney, Commanding Officer of the USS Mobile Bay, provided insight into shipboard life during periods of deployment, and reminded us of the many challenges our deployed sailors’ face.
Membership Drive
From now until the April 07 luncheon, the SD Chapter will conduct a streamlined, fast-paced membership drive. Take this opportunity to get your co-workers to sign up as a new member, take credit as the recruiter, and win a prize! 1st Prize, $50; 2nd Prize, $25
To be counted, all applications must be mailed to the following address:
San Diego Chapter of ASMC
5156 Avenida Playa Cancun
San Diego, CA 92124
We regret that applications sent to the National address will not be counted in the contest.
Winners will be announced at the June Membership Appreciation Luncheon.
Certified Defense Financial Management (CDFM) Certification
The Certified Defense Financial Manager examination covers a broad spectrum of financial management in twelve core competencies. The American Society of Military Comptrollers, with the assistance of the Department of Defense, has created a variety of ways to prepare for the exam. Interested individuals may enroll in the Enhanced Defense Financial Management Training course or use the Self Study Guide. See web link in this issue.

Upcoming Events
PDI 2007 – 29 May-1 June Kansas City, Missouri
The Professional Development Institute
The PDI program objective is to enhance skills and abilities that personnel in the financial and resource management community must possess to meet the challenges of working in the 21st century. The PDI focus is on education and training, with more than 20 hours of educational sessions and speakers, and the ability to earn up to 26 CPE. These sessions will provide updates to emerging issues and help you transform today for tomorrow’s success. Explore trends, develop tactics to tackle your organization’s challenges, learn how to master the impossible, and create new ways to think about the future.
Accounting Day 2007 – 16 May 2007 The purpose of Accounting Day is to promote the accounting/finance profession, to provide an opportunity for networking with peers from a cross-section of global organizations, and to provide quality continuing education. Topics and Location:
Accounting and Auditing
Tax and Other Technical
Professional Development
Fraud /
Town & Country Convention Center
Hotel Circle North, San Diego, California
Obtain Seven (7) hours of Continuing Professional Education - (7 hours of A&A, Fraud and Other)
Volunteer Opportunity
Volunteer work in the community is an important part of earning and maintaining our 5 Star Chapter status. For volunteer options and information, please contact your command’s representative or ask at the next ASMC luncheon.
Take Note!
We have a new format for our newsletter with this issue. Please feel free to call or send me an e-mail if you are interested in being a reporter, submitting newsworthy information to our newsletter or suggestions. We would like to spotlight at least one member in each of our newsletters. Know someone we should consider? Retiring members, those with interesting hobbies or achievements? Take a minute to send in a short paragraph with your nomination and include contact information so we can call you with questions.
Newsletter Editor: Michael Oquist,