Final Review Guide

World History


Be able to define the following Key Terms:

Primary source


Cultural diffusion



Mandate of Heaven

Divine Right


Scientific Revolution

Civil service






Nation State


Columbian Exchange


Coup d’etat


Rule of Law



Bessemer process

Factory system


Sphere of influence


Monroe Doctrine








Civil liberties








Cold War

Iron Curtain

Containment policy

Arms race

Domino theory

Covert action


Developed countries

Third world

Developing country


Coup d’etat




Martial law


Be able to identify and answer these Key Ideas:

Chapter 1

What does it mean when a source is biased?

What does a historian do to start his work?

Identify the 5 themes of history from examples.

Cultural Interaction

Economic Structures

Political Structures

Social Structures

Human-Environment Interaction

How long has technology affected the environment?

Chapter 3

Be able to compare and contrast the Islam, Judaism, and Christian religions

Islam / Judaism / Christianity

What is the Qur’an?

Identify some characteristics of the Hindu belief System.

Chapter 10

What political changes were occurring in Europe in the 1400 and 1500’s and how did they occur?

Chapter 11

What is Shari’a law?

Chapter 12

Identify the major artists of the Renaissance era. What were their most famous works of art?

Identify the heliocentric and geocentric theories. What were they? Who created each theory?

What was Adam Smith’s “The Wealth of Nations”?

How did the Renaissance affect scientific thought?

What is the thought process behind the invention of the scientific method?

What are Martin Luther’s critiques of the Roman Catholic Church?

Chapter 13

Identify the following events. What happened? Who was involved? What were the causes and effects? Etc.

The crusades

The Great Fire (Chapter 12)

The Reformation (Chapter 12)

The Black Death (Chapter 12)

Why was trade important between Asians and Europeans? What did each side want?

What is the Joint-Stock company form of business?

Why did astronomy peak the interest of navigators?

What was the Columbian Exchange?

What is the most prominent way religion playeda role in European exploration?

Causes and impacts of Slavery were:

What was the impact of the Black Death on the population and economy of Europe?

Chapter 14

What major event paved the way for the French Revolution?

Why did the Industrial Revolution began in England?

How did the Scientific Revolution influence the Enlightenment?

Chapter 15

What was the historical significance of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense?

List the members of the estates during the French Revolution.

First Estate

Second Estate

Third Estate

What was the impact of the French Revolution across Europe? What did it encourage?

Regarding the Declaration of Independence:

1.  What influenced its writing?

2.  What does it say governments’ purpose was?

What are the components of the American Government under the Constitution?

American Vs. French revolutions (compare similarities and differences)

American / French
During the revolution

Chapter 16

Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Britain?

What invention impacted the expansion of steel the most?

How did the Industrial Revolution affect the social classes?

What is socialism? Why did socialism come about?

How were social structures affected by industrialization?

Chapter 17

What was the relationship between imperialist powers like in the late 1800’s?

What was the result of the Spanish-American War?

Explain the Scramble for Africa and it’s influence on economics and government.

What region of the world became nationalistic due to American imperialism?

How did the following cause Imperialism?

·  Industrialization

·  Politics

·  Religion

·  Social Darwinism

How and when did the British gain full control over India?

Why did European powers want influence in China?

Chapter 18

What is “sphere of influence”?

What European nation was gaining military strength at a rapid rate?

Chapter 19

Who were the members of the Triple Entente? Triple Alliance? Allied Powers? Central Powers? (WWI)

What was the Schlieffen Plan?

What were some of the new technologies during WWI and how did they affect the outcome of the war?

Why did the US start as neutral at the beginning of WWI?

What was the outcome of the Treaty of Versailles? (WWI)

Why did the U.S. reject membership of the League of Nations?

How did the League of Nations deal with the Ottoman Empire after WWI?

Chapter 20

Who was the last Czar to Rule Russia?

Who were a part of Russia’s main moderate political party?

What led to Civil War in Russia?

What was Lenin’s New Economic Policy?

How did Russians feel about WWI?

Chapter 22

Why/How did the Ottoman Empire come to an end?

What is a mandate and who was put in charge of them?

What did the Balfour Declaration say and which two countries did it pertain to?

Chapter 23

What is Fascism?

Where was Fascism created?

Fascist Leaders / Where were they from? / What were their beliefs on how to improve their country? / How did they take power? Election...force...etc. / How did people feel about them?

Explain the impact of the outcome of World War I on the rise of fascism, communism, and dictatorships.

Why did Germans view the Weimar Republic as illegitimate?

Why did Hitler want to establish the Third Reich?

What was the Great Purge?

What was Stalin’s 5 Year Plan, what did it do?

Chapter 24

Who were the members of the Allies during WWII? Axis?

What happened during the Munich Conference?

What happened during the Atlantic Charter?

What caused the U.S. to enter WWII?

What is appeasement?

What is a Blitzkrieg?

Which European country was the last holdout against Germany’s complete domination of Europe?

How did the Allied forces liberate France?

Why was the Battle of the Bulge an important battle during WWII?

What were the Nuremberg Trials?

Why did the Japanese surrender?

How many people do historians estimate were killed during WWII?

Chapter 26

Explain the causes of the Cold War and the underlying issues leading to the stressful relationship between the United States and Soviet Union.

What is the Berlin Airlift?

What is the purpose of the United Nations?

What is the Iron Curtain?

The purpose, members, and impact of the Marshall Plan? Warsaw Pact?

Korean War

Those involved? Cause? Effect? Outcome?

Explain the decline of the Soviet Union.

Impact of the destruction of the Berlin Wall?

Chapter 27

Explain the third world dilemma.

Explain the relationship between the Soviet Union and Cuba.

Vietnam War?

Those involved? Cause? Effect? Outcome?

Outline South Africa’s struggle for Democracy.

Explain Nelson Mandela’s role as a symbol for peace in South Africa.

Chapter 28

How have emerging nations fared in their quest for political stability, economic growth and democracy?

Chapter 29

Why is the Middle East a flashpoint in world affairs?

Chapter 30

What are the key issues facing the world in the 21st century?