Date: / January 2002
Course Number: / MGT 361
Course Title: / Organizational Behavior
Instructor(s): / Sherman
Typical Textbook: / McShane & VonGlinow, Organizational Behavior
Catalog Description: / Behavioral-science and social-systems approach to behavior of people at work in organizations. Behavioral decision-making, organizational theory, communication process, work motivation, groups, leadership, organizational climate, organizational development and other aspects of human behavior in organizations.
Prerequisites: / MGT 301
Course Objectives: / ·  To understand factors influencing individual performance.
·  To develop basic team management skills.
·  To understand processes affecting team performance.
·  To show the importance of participative management and other techniques for helping groups perform effectively.


Subject Matter: (based on 28 sessions, 80 minutes each)

Item / Topic / Sessions
1. / Introduction / 1
2. / Research in organizational behavior / 1
3. / Personality and perception / 2
4. / Learning and reinforcement / 2
5. / Problem solving / 1
6. / Interpersonal communication / 2
7. / Exam #1 / 1
8. / Career planning and development / 2
9. / Group dynamics / 2
10. / Job design / 2
11. / Motivation / 2
12. / Exam #2 / 1
13. / Leadership / 2
14. / Power and politics / 1
15. / Managing conflict / 2
16. / Work stress / 1
17. / Planned organizational change / 1
18. / Organizational development methods / 2
19. / Final exam
Library Usage: / See course file for course bibliography. A research paper of 20-25 pages on an assigned topic.
Ethics: / Discussion of ethical versus unethical leadership behavior and political behavior in organizations.
Diversity: / Diverse issues are discussed in the section on group dynamics and managing teams.
Environment: / No coverage in MGT 361.
Global Issues: / Discussion of cultural differences in management, e.g., Japan vs. US.
Technology: / Effects of technology on job design and organizational development methods such as gusiness process reengineering.