SNC 1D ~ Unit Test ~ Electricity

Multiple Choice: Read each of the following questions carefully. Choose the appropriate letter response and write that letter in the appropriate space on the sheet provided. Do NOT write on this sheet.

Which of the following particles has a positive charge?
Which of the following increases the resistance of a wire?
a)increasing the length
b)increasing the cross sectional area
c)decreasing the temperature
If you have a circuit that contains 2 lights and one of the lights burns out but does not affect the other light, what type of circuit is it?
SIX 1.5 V dry cells connected in parallel will produce a total voltage of
a)1.5 V
b)3.0 V
c)6.0 V
d)9.0 V
e)18 V
Which of the following statements describes the current in a series circuit? The current is
a) the same at every point
b) increasing throughout the circuit
c) largest through the load
d) largest at the positive terminal of the load
e) largest at the negative terminal of the load
The electric current flowing through a solid metal conductor consists of moving
a) atoms
b) electrons
c) ions
d) neutrons
e) protons
An object becomes positively charged when it:
a)gains protons
b)loses electrons
c)gains electrons
d)loses protons
A negatively charged object is attracted to:
a)a negatively charged object
b)a neutral object
c)a positively charge object
d)both a) and b)
e)both b) and c)
Current is a measure of
a)the resistance to the movement of charge past a point
b)the energy used to move a charge past a point
c)the amount of charge that moves in a certain time past a point
d)the speed that the charge moves past a point
SIX 1.5 V dry cells connected in series will produce a total voltage of
a)1.5 V
b)3.0 V
c)8.0 V
d)9.0 V
e)18.0 V

True or False: Read each question carefully and determine whether it is true or false. Label the correct choice True (T) or False (F) in the appropriate space on the sheet provided. Do NOT write on this sheet.

1. / Like charges attract and unlike charges repel.
2. / The load of a circuit converts electrical energy to other forms of energy.
3. / Hydro-electric power plants convert the kinetic energy of moving water into electrical energy.
4. / A large drawback to nuclear energy is the long-term storage of the radioactive waste.
5. / The flow of electrons is limited in both insulators and resistors.
6. / You are discussing two different things when using the terms “voltage” and “potential difference”.
7. / Protons and electrons can move to produce charged objects.
9. / You can charge an object without touching it.
10. / An object that is negatively charged has an excess of electrons on its surface.

SNC1D Unit Test – Electricity

Date:______Name: ______

KNOWLEDGE / 37 points
Multiple Choice / 10 points / True or False / 10 points
1. / 6.
2. / 7.
3. / 8.
4. / 9.
5. / 10.
/ 1. / 6.
2. / 7.
3. / 8.
4. / 9.
5. / 10.

Short Answer (17 points)

1.What are the four basic parts of any circuit: (4 points)


2. Charging an object by rubbing is called charging by ______. Charging by touching it is called charging by ______

while charging without rubbing or touching it is called charging by ______. (3points)

3. Object “X” is negatively charged. “X” repels object “Y”. However, “X” attracts object “Z”. Based on this information, object “Y” must be

______in charge and object “Z” must be either ______or ______in charge.(3 points)

4. When batteries, or cells, are connected in parallel, the ______increases while the ______stays the same. (2 points)

5. The mazes of wires found in most homes form ______(series/parallel) circuits. (1 point)

6. When electrons move through a wire continuously in one direction, they form an/a ______(alternating/direct) current. ( 1 point)
7. The build up of electric charge on an object is known as ______electricity. (1 point)

8. Materials that allow charge to move freely through them are called ______. (1 point)

9. A device used to measure the current in an electric circuit is an ______. (1 point)

Inquiry / 20 points

1.Complete the following diagrams by drawing in the charges to show how a pith ball is affected in each case. For each diagram, indicate what type of interaction (attracted/repelled) will occur between the pith ball and the object: (8points)

(a)Approach a neutral pith ball with a(b)Touch the same pith ball with the negative

negative ebonite rod.Ebonite rod. (Show moving charges)

INTERACTION:______INTERACTION (after touching):______

(c)Approach the same pith ball with a(d)Approach the same pith ball with a

negative ebonite rod.positive acetate strip.


2. Draw a schematic circuit diagram which shows:(4 points)

  • a three cell battery
  • two light bulbs in parallel
  • two switches (one which turns off only one bulb and another which turns off both)

3.For the following circuit diagram, identify the reading on the indicated meters. Assume the loads are identical:

(a) (3 points)Meter Reading = ______

Meter Reading = ______


Reading =______Meter Reading = 2 A

(b)Explain why the meter readings are what you stated in (a) above. Be sure to explain for both types of meters: (2 points)

4. Your evil science teacher (that’s me!) shows you a charged object, but refuses to tell you how it is charged (HA! HA! HA!). Explain one method you could use to determine the type of charge on the object. (3 points)

Application & Communication / 24 points

Answer the following showing all of your steps and always including units.

Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
Showing all steps and correct units. / Limited / Moderately / Considerably / Thoroughly

1.Using the chart on the right, complete the questions below:The Electrostatic Series

(2 points)

[Weak hold on electrons +ve)]

(a)If you rubbed glass and silk, what will the charge beacetate

on the:glass




Explain what material electrons are moving from andsilk

what material they are moving to:cotton

(strong hold on electrons –ve)

2. Calculate the resistance of a conductor if the potential difference across it is 12 V and the current through it is 0.54 A. (5 points)

3. A light bulb has a resistance of 72 . What current flows through the bulb when it is connected to a 120 V source? (5 points)

4. What is the potential difference across a load with a resistance of 500 Ω that has a current of 1.4 A flowing through it?(5 points)

5. An electric clothes dryer used 4400 W to dry two loads of laundry. Electricty costs 5.6 cents/kW-h. If it cost 75 cents to use the dryer, for approximately how many hours did the dryer operate? (4 points)

6. Your neighbour’s microwave oven uses 1500 J of electrical energy to produce 900 J of radiant energy. Calculate the percent efficiency of their microwave oven. (3 points)