Dear Student:

Thank you for your expressed interest in joining my research group to work at UF in pursuit of your Ph.D. degree at ______University in China. I am pleased to know of your interest in working with my group to further your scholarly pursuits. By copy of this letter, I offer you conditional acceptance into our research program in the Department of ______. Full acceptance into the program will be formalized once we have received a letter from the China Scholarship Council stating that you have been awarded the CSC scholarship in the amount of at least $1500/month for the duration of your stay at UF.

Attached, please find a joint-supervision research plan, prepared jointly by your home university advisor (Professor ______) and myself. You will need this joint-supervision plan as part of your application package to be submitted to CSC. My understanding is that you request that we commit to hosting you for ______months. The duration of your stay with us will be officially confirmed in my letter of formal acceptance, which will follow receipt of the scholarship award letter from CSC stating their commitment of funds to support you.

Once your status with our research group is officially confirmed, I assure you that we will provide you with a suitable research environment as well as access to needed facilities and resources required to complete the joint-supervision research that is planned. Please note that you will be expected to cover all other expenses connected with your stay with us, including housing costs, health insurance, international travel, local transportation, and meals. Since you will not be enrolled as a degree-seeking student, there will be no tuition charges for the period of your visit here. While youare not permitted to enroll in classes for credit during your stay at UF, you may enroll in classes for non-credit or leisure purposes only. Please note that you will need approval from your host professor and course teaching professor to attend such a class. You will, of course, be welcome to attend seminars and talks on campus as well as make use of library resources and other scholarly venues pertinent to your research needs. I also confirm that your English is adequate to participate in research and attending seminars.

Finally, for purposes of establishing your formal status here, you will enter the United States as a visiting scholar on a J-visa. The UF International Center will issue the paperwork you need to apply for a visa in a timely fashion, so that you can travel here in time for the beginning of your research.

We are looking forward to your arrival and welcoming you to Gainesville,
